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Friday Fun Thread for March 29, 2024

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I find this concept fascinating, the setting is cool, and what I've seen of the gameplay looks deliciously complex. As someone who works in R&D it's strangely satisfying to see equipment designed by random rolls.

If it were $20, I'd totally try it. Or even if they'd chosen to make it look less ugly than Xenonauts. I don't normally care about visuals, but wow.

Ah well. Back to another HOI4 run.

You're doing yourself a disservice if you keep playing HOI4 and don't even try some of the Endless games. They're not pretending to be realistic, but they IMO are at least as deep as HOI4, though ofc the complexity is presented differently.

Oh, I had a good time with ES2 back when it came out, mostly for multiplayer. Some of my friends swore by EL instead, though I never really joined in to that. Great presentations and theme. I still use Cravers as shorthand for any militarist bug-aliens in other games.

I like EL more, because combat in ES2 is really simplified in that it's about finding out whether enemy is shield or kinetic heavy, refitting your fleet at the last moment and then pasting them.

EL2 has actually fairly interesting combat.

Not defending HoI here - any game is ruined by the PDX DLC treatment, IMO - but the endless games are overrated trash. Visually over and mechanically under-designed, they're the darling of games journalists who play for ten minutes before giving them a glowing review, but a waste of time for anyone who tries to explore any depth.

mechanically under-designed

Endless Legend 2 is basically SMACx, mechanics- wise, although it has more tradeoffs in that researching any technology increase research costs of other technology, so getting all the techs is quite a challenge.

So .. under-designed? How?

I'll agree that it's insufficiently racist and something like the population system from aow would've been preferable, but apart from that it's as good as it's ever been outside of those games written by people who feel they should've been staff officers.

Damn, tell us how you really feel.

I’m not attacking your credibility—anybody who plays Shadow Empire is clearly looking for something Endless * doesn’t offer—but there’s more to games than depth.

Absolutely true, and anyone looking for visual spectacle will be better served by Endless than by HOI or SE. But @No_one above specifically cited Endless as examples of deep games, which is a point I strongly disagree with.

Endless Space is kinda .. simple, especially combat wise, but Endless Legend is definitely not 'shallow' in the slightest. Sure it looks simple, however..