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Friday Fun Thread for October 27, 2023

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This is what I've been doing for years, starting back when Google Music became a thing, because subscription to that also came with a subscription to YouTube Red (a terrible name for their premium service, given the existence of RedTube - though still preferable to calling it YouTube One like every single brand in existence has been doing the last decade). Once Google Music got shuttered I just kept the YouTube Red subscription at the same price.

Of course, this makes me the sucker who got baited into a service I didn't initially want and stuck with it just out of laziness and inertia. I rationalize it that $10/mo is worth it for the hours I must save not watching ads on YT, to say nothing of the disruption and annoyance, but that rationalization is going to be harder for others depending on their circumstances, I admit.

Paying a small fee for a service you use a lot doesn't sound like being a sucker.

It can be when you're accustomed to not paying, and you see plenty of others not paying. If free riding is an option, why not take it? In this case, it's partly the extra convenience and the little warm and fuzzy feeling I get from doing things above board, but, again, that seems just like rationalizations that I'm telling myself so I don't feel too much like a sucker.

In this case, it's partly the extra convenience and the little warm and fuzzy feeling I get from doing things above board, but, again, that seems just like rationalizations that I'm telling myself so I don't feel too much like a sucker.

It's rationalisations all the way down!

Seriously though, what do you use for music now, you don't use YouTube music? It sucks so much, but I haven't found another music streaming service that will let me upload several thousand tracks to it (and I assume youtube wouldn't let me these days either.)

I decided to just embrace streaming and use YT music now. It's good enough for my needs, since I'm not the type of person to listen to music much, and the few times I feel like putting something on, just a YT recommended playlist does the job well enough. I've also actually come around to not hating discoverability - i.e. YT recommending music to me that I hadn't listened to before.

Am I a sucker for not stealing from my local grocery store or not paying for PT? I'm sure I could get away with both with little to no negative consequences.

Ignoring the discussion about IP, you're not copying here. You're literally stealing.

Ad blocking on a streaming site seems less like stealing to me than what the "you wouldn't steal a car" campaign was targeting. In the streaming ad-block case, you're just finding clever ways around certain aspects of the APIs/functionality that they're already putting forth. In the downloading movie case, those movies were never supposed to be put up for distribution on the pirating sites to begin with.

Just like I find a clever way past not paying for my dinner at the restaurant by going to the bathroom and climbing out the window.

I think you know the obvious differences there. You seem like someone who just likes to argue for the sake of arguing, which makes you not worth arguing with.

Edit: Ah, when I clicked the post button for this reply, it notified me that you blocked me. Why? I can't say, I've had no bad faith until now. Class act!

Yeah the number of people who just expect to never pay for anything and think it's some kind of moral statement on their part... Fundamentally unserious. Pay, watch ads, don't use their product. Three very easy choices.