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Notes -
The actual educating kids on their life to a halfway house is in fact very expensive- teaching Downies basic skills for taking care of themselves/severe autists not to strip naked because their tags are bothering them/etc is something which requires lots of expensive specialists.
Most IEP’s are not that. Sure, parents are notorious for faking a ADHD diagnoses for extra time(and we should probably crack down on this), but I suspect school admins love putting kids on IEP’s because they get more money. School admins are not averse to fraud and have as their primary overarching goal spending as much taxpayer money as possible, no matter the effect.
this is true, but I think a lot of the expenses from IEPs are from the hard cases - it costs a lot more to pay a specialist to 1:1 a kid every day than it does to give someone extra time on tests
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Or a ten-dollar pair of scissors. (Cf. the Hair Dryer Incident, Slate Star Codex, November 2014.)
Unlike with the boolean yes-no presence of the hair dryer, cutting off annoying tags doesn't at all guarantee that the resulting roughened seam isn't going to be even more aggravating (and now impossible to deal with without tearing the clothes). I actually started to just put up with tags as is rather than risk failing the DEX check and ending up with unwearable shirts.
>t. autist
The fact that there are several brands of decent clothing (from underwear to jackets) that lack tags entirely has been a beautiful development. I don't care that it's cost-cutting, it's the correct thing to do.
I haven't seen those, only a compromise where the tag is flimsily attached somewhere else instead of having its base woven directly into the seam/collar (side note, why are tags even woven in like that so they're maximally troublesome to cleanly remove? Does it not occur to tailors that people prefer to cut these things off?) I can only hope this trend will reach my shithole someday.
I have no idea where you live, so I can't offer any recommendations.
If you're in the US, Old Navy offers some like these.
If you're in Canada, or have access to Canada, go to Mark's and buy the 50-wash shirts. They're usually 7-10USD each, they last forever, and there are no tags anywhere on them.
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This was a proxy for about 10,000 other things that bother severe autists about wearing clothes.
It might be worth a try, even so. Hand knitting clothing out of alpaca wool or something is probably still less expensive than most of the interventions in public education.
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