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Culture War Roundup for the week of March 3, 2025

This weekly roundup thread is intended for all culture war posts. 'Culture war' is vaguely defined, but it basically means controversial issues that fall along set tribal lines. Arguments over culture war issues generate a lot of heat and little light, and few deeply entrenched people ever change their minds. This thread is for voicing opinions and analyzing the state of the discussion while trying to optimize for light over heat.

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In my own case, I'm mostly a lurker here who likes to see a light-over-heat discussion between smart generalists across the political spectrum and extending to well outside the Overton window. I learn so much here, and get a ton of ideas for new books to read or topics to look into.

But I mostly don't comment, because I usually feel out of my depth. I'm a huge believer in the project of the Motte, but it is only in cases where I feel like there is a vacuum of a particular thought that I feel the need to throw my hat into the ring.

I think part of it is that the more heterodox people of the Motte have views forged in fire, and have been forced by necessity to become the best read, most expert exponents of their own ideas due to their having a position that is rare in the rest of society.

Major lurker here. I really appreciate the long-format style and eloquence of posters here, and it is a way a getting in touch with the zeitgeist without having to check the most important news anywhere else. Not to mention, it is one of the few places left in the internet where there is an attempt to engage in meaningful conversation to arrive at the truth, as opposed to bickering and attacking the outgroup. I wish I posted more, but I just don't. There's two main reasons for it:

  • I don't care that my political opinions are that different from motters here (not a leftist at all; you could say I'm an anti-war hippie libertarian/voluntaryist); but I do care about the fact that they're different from my family; it's one thing keeping opinions in my mind, but writing things that are so different from theirs, even if they're not even aware of this forum's existence, and thinking how they would react to it...makes me feel uncomfortable. I guess I could write about free speech issues (those are very close to my heart and not something I think my family disagrees with me much), but I haven't found one to put the dent on;
  • I live alone with my dog, and I'm struggling with fatigue issues so finding time and effort to write comments is difficult (not to mention it seems little worth it in the grand scheme of things...maybe lurking so much in this site is too, I'm not going to deny I'm addicted to the Internet)

But that said, I like seeing people who disagree with me arguing so well; some of the posts regarding the game-theory arguments about war and international order have made me see that there's at least a valid reasons (if not enough I think) for Western military interventionism, specially related to Ukraine. And they're very well written; it's not surprising at all there's at least three Substacks from Motte alumni; people here write like they like writing, and I like that.

Uh... You're like the last person I was thinking of, pretty sure I've seen you around for quite a while.

I might not agree with you on much, but I think you are a great motter. I was going to say commenter, but it's more than that, it has been obvious to me from almost the first time I read one of your posts that you believe in and appreciate the motte's goals. You should post more.

That applies to a lot of our less frequent posters actually, there are quite a few very insightful lurkers on the motte who should post more. @omw_68 comes to mind and.... Shit, I had another poster I'd spoken to briefly a few weeks ago in mind but now I'm blanking. If you are a lurker and you have interacted with me in the past month, post more.

Thanks . . I try to keep public posting to a minimum. Even on this discussion board, public posting leads to pointless bickering matches with culture warriors. When I get into an argument online, I tend to get so engaged with it that it distracts me from actual, paying work.

I know that Most of What You Read on the Internet is Written by Insane People, of course, but it's always nice when one of the 99%-sane people spends part of their remaining 1% to pop in and confirm.

"Yeah, of course I'm not writing much on discussion forums. I decided to prioritize employment and family and friends and such instead."

It's generally very politely worded, but always wonder if the "I'm just explaining myself" attitude is merely a guise, and the real driving emotion is "I feel sad for you all and wish some of you would take the hint." If so, then thank you very much, but no, I'm sorry, we probably won't.

Ah shit, you have said that to me before, sorry for dragging you onto the battlefield.