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This kind of posturing is very hard to take seriously absent a compelling case that USAID funding is a meaningful obstacle to conservative victory as such. Your pro-life vs pro-choice analogy doesn't work because the pro-choicers' victory necessarily depends on pro-lifers' defeat.
I think it’s a good strategy because the left has long since weaponized empathy to the point where any cut to government anywhere is going to hurt the empathy puppy. Which effectively means that if you start acknowledging the “do no harm” principle, you effectively cannot ever cut spending. So heartlessness is the only defense against the weaponized empathy. It doesn’t work on people who state openly that they don’t care about the empathy puppy.
And at this point, we have no choice. We cannot sustainably be the world’s sugar daddy, protector, doctor, infrastructure manager and nature conservator. We probably have many more domestic programs than we can actually afford to sustainably support. If we keep that up, we’re going to end up in a mess when we can no longer produce enough value to support this. We might already be there.
How exactly did not eliminating something like PEPFAR prevent any further cuts to spending? The State Department did exactly that weeks before your comment and Rubio still managed to fire the majority of USAID's workforce.
No one, as a matter of the practical reality, has ever had to commit to some totalizing "do no harm" principle, you can simply (to the extent "you" have discretion over the matter) weight the cost of aid cuts against the benefits of doing so. Those benefits certainly include the strictly political and strategic value that defunding partisan enemies involve, but if those are being alleged they need to be specified in concrete terms. "The left will use any morsel of moral thinking against you in some unspecified and indeterminate way" is a useless thing to say without information about what this amounts to in concrete legal or organizational terms, and nobody insisting that we desperately need to halt every last cent of aid has given such an account here.
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Are you really suggesting that the <1% of GDP the US currently spends on foreign aid is some kind of unsustainable luxury? It's a rounding error as far the deficit is concerned.
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Also we have seen decades of it all going one way and understand momentum is easy to arrest. We understand time is short and the iron must be struck while it is hot.
America is not responsible for saving the world and even if cutting some funding causes some harm we never had a duty to mitigate that harm in the first place. I would even be open to redressing some of those harms after we get our own house in order; not before.
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I believe that the entire US federal government and civil service is an obstacle to conservative victory. There's only so many times you can play kayfabe and watch your politicians be devoured by DC and come out as creatures of the American imperium. It was a mistake to believe that the institutions would abide by the popular will and not act in their own self-interest. At some point Elrond has to push Isildur into the volcano instead of hoping he won't be tempted.
Except Tolkien's point is that no-one had the strength of will to do that. Not even Elrond, not even Gandalf. The ring could only be destroyed by someone not trying to destroy it but to possess it and destroy it by accident (or by divine intervention).
"Tolkien wrote that no one could have willingly destroyed the Ring, no matter how good their intentions were. He also wrote that the Ring was "beyond the strength of any will to injure it, cast it away, or neglect it"
Elrond would have rationalized why he should not push Isildur because he would not have the will to destroy it. Indeed, that might exactly be why he didn't! (well in the book they don't even enter Mount Doom so even more effort would have been required). Note that Isildur in the book is in fact on his way to destroy the ring when it betrays him and falls off his finger so he can be killed. But Tolkien is clear when it came down to it, no-one on Middle Earth had the will to destroy the ring.
Everyone will be tempted. Everyone will succumb at the end. Even the wise, even the pure. If you think the federal government is like that, then logically your prediction should be that Trump/Elon will not destroy it, but instead take it for their own. Or that Isildonald, heir of Fred and Elond of Tesla will turn against each other and in fighting over it, one will fall into the volcano and be lost with the government.
Hopefully in this analogy the volcano is not one of nuclear fire!
To continue the analogy, what we have here is a case where the ring betrays Isildur... but he survives! Then the ring tries even harder to finish Isildur off, lest Isildur ever get it back again and finish what he was talked out of the first time. And somehow, someway, Isildur just doesn't stop, and just keeps winning. Now he has the ring, and he's hammering away at it with every tool and faculty, because a judge told him he can't just cast it into Mt Doom without a 4 year comment period.
Will a wiser, more battle hardened, once betrayed Isildur let the ring go undestroyed a second time, after all that?
I mean, sure, Tolkien would say "Yes" because that's the mythology he wrote and it's his world and he defined the metaphysical parameters of it to be exactly that way. Analogizing to Trump's current destruction of the deep state, hopefully they have not been created to have such absolute authority regarding the nature of reality.
Although Mike Benz has been going off about how USAID has basically created an entirely false Truman Show-esque reality we've all been living in. So I guess there might be that.
I guess the analogy falls apart a bit here, I don't think they are actually trying to destroy the federal government, just size it down.
So I suppose the better analogy is the ring is at the jewellers getting resized. Which isn't really as dramatic. Unless the jewellers is Sauron's Discount Rings and Gems of course.
A reveal that Musk was part of the deep state all along would be a shocking twist worthy of Sauron deceiving Celebrimbor.
One DOGE to rule them all, one DOGE to find them, one DOGE to bring them all and in the Deep State bind them. In the Land of D.C. where the bureaucrats lie.
I wonder. Maybe it's performative, but Trump seems to angrily blurt out things from time to time indicating he believes the deep state tried to murder him. The axe he's been taking to various departments seems to be driven by vengeance. And the array of ideologically heterodox misfits he's arrayed around him have one thing in common, the destruction of various tentacles of the deep state they've spent their lives combatting.
I don't think he's resizing the ring. I think this is more deeply personal than we appreciate. This is Caesar returning to the pirates who ransomed him and crucifying them to the man.
But the ring in the OP's post is the entire federal government not just the deep state. I simply don't see Trump trying to destroy what lets him govern. Downsize it sure, target the bits that have been problematic for him, absolutely. Take a chainsaw to agencies and NGO's? Yes.
But taking the whole thing down? Shuttering every three letter agency? Getting rid of the military, national parks, ICE?
I really do not see Trump as wanting to be the President who essentially ended the United States of America by delegating every single power to the states, including his own, somehow. Does he really want New York or Portland having control of immigration in their state?
Draining the swamp still leaves you with the land under the swamp. If you didn't want that, you wouldn't have to drain the swamp at all, just blow the whole thing up. And I don't see evidence despite much outrage, that he wants to do that.
Parsing the EOs is impossible but the latest could be read to say that active duty military and ICE is fine but national parks and nearly every single DoD civilian is fired. All the guys who just want to make gun shoot further or missile go faster or armor not break quite so badly and don't particularly care what you do with it.
If people in the deep state tried to murder him how many do you think were involved? Maybe Trump will find out what that sort of thing looks like when he reads all the JFK documents. If it was like ten blowhards then it doesn't make a lot of sense to put strays into hundreds of thousands of people who are otherwise just enhancing your power for no reason other than that you think you can't figure out who the ten blowhards are.
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