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User ID: 3498



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User ID: 3498

But taking the whole thing down? Shuttering every three letter agency? Getting rid of the military, national parks, ICE?

Parsing the EOs is impossible but the latest could be read to say that active duty military and ICE is fine but national parks and nearly every single DoD civilian is fired. All the guys who just want to make gun shoot further or missile go faster or armor not break quite so badly and don't particularly care what you do with it.

If people in the deep state tried to murder him how many do you think were involved? Maybe Trump will find out what that sort of thing looks like when he reads all the JFK documents. If it was like ten blowhards then it doesn't make a lot of sense to put strays into hundreds of thousands of people who are otherwise just enhancing your power for no reason other than that you think you can't figure out who the ten blowhards are.

It's one of those spectrum things or Russel conjugations. Hard to know when it goes from being somewhat convenient bundled billing to unaccountable slush fund. They are effectively lying on many of their budgets. I've seen some where the PI is taking less than a week's salary for the project. Everyone "knows" that's fake and that there's no real accounting of what the guy is spending his time on.

If they limit overhead unis probably will just start itemizing a few more of the regular things. I won't be surprised to see them start charging for their tuition 'waivers'. That'll still be a fake number that mostly finds its way into a slush fund. They'll pump up the base numbers with more 'newly standard' stuff, drop the overhead a bit and end up with about the same overall number.

The overall numbers will be small like you say but then they're nowhere near what anon was saying with 500K. Killing remote work doesn't do much except purge some number of Republicans who don't want to live in Blue cities.

Schedule F they call it. That will accomplish Trump's goals getting at the high-levels. Killing remote work is if anything net harmful to Trump's goals. It's purging your own. The ones who didn't want to live under Blue control. The high-levels weren't remote anyway. They bleed DC Blue.

Killing remote work probably disproportionately causes Republicans to leave the bureaucracy. Single gay lefties will just pick up and move when it comes down to it. It's less likely that they're productive enough to have many other options, anyway. It's the Republicans who have families and roots in Red areas who are going to seriously consider leaving. Many of us working for the military have known from the beginning that we were taking a pay cut in order to have some stability and help out the military. There are other options for us.

If everyone is getting told that they must uproot and move to an area with local Blue control, Blues without roots will do it. Reds with roots won't. I'm not gonna send my kids to DC schools.

The one that I think will actually personally impact me the most: Return to In-Person Work.

Me too but for a different reason. They're basically firing me. I work for the military but live in a deeply red and Trumpian state rather than DC. I'm close to some of the companies we contract with to build our stuff and I'm the point man going into their facilities and working with them. If I can even keep the same job, we'll just have to live in DC and I'll fly here and work here not quite constantly but a whole bunch. A good chunk of my life will be separated from my family.

My wife makes more money than me because private sector over government but I was willing to try to help our military. We can't make her quit her job and try to survive DC cost of living on my salary alone. I don't want to uproot everything and move away from family. I don't want to leave Trump country for the cess pool. I can't imagine having to send our kids to DC schools.

I hear @jeroboam saying:

Are these people potential Trump voters? Will they ever be allies? If not, then who cares?

Would he tell me, "If only Stalin Trump knew..."? He's forcing Reds to either subject themselves to local Blue rule or quit his government. Purging his own allies. There's so much to like about him taking control back. I saw that he's getting rid of DEI, affirmative action, Schedule F'ing the resistance, and even detransing the active duty. Makes me want to stay and help. But I just can't see doing it. I can't send my kids to DC schools.