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Friday Fun Thread for September 27, 2024

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I had the most this entire week by literally doing nothing. All the nothing in the world. Wake up, grab coffee with other digital-nomad/traveler/expat friends, sit around the coffee shop next to the 7/11 in front of my apartment in chiang mai next to central festival and chat for hours.

I later went to the old city with that jacked middle aged Russian ex rust programmer friend d. It's insane seeing how influential Buddha has been. What's even funnier is that I'm one of the people from the same caste/lineage as him and funnily enough one of the first to revive the sacred thread. So it was surreal seeing sculptures of him wearing the sacred thread, the same one I wear. His physical descriptions match mine, alas hie had blue eyes whilst I don't.

It's so fun, just doing nothing, literally just sit around, talking, having random people drop by. I'll obviously be doing literally the opposite of this in a week or so since I'll be leaving. Past few weeks felt like I was back in high school in terms of how little worry I had about life. Partly because I knew that this was temporary stuff. My internet usage went down quite a bit where I only post stuff here and about the girls I'm meeting on reddit.

I'll probably read the mystery method and Geeta end to end this week. Chiang Mai is a nice town, you can sit in the sun here with your shirt off, something you can only do back home in the month of March. There's dragon flies around. I feel very content so just wanted to post about it.

Bro you gotta drop the red pill/PUA/game ideology. It will lead you nowhere good. Please trust me, I went down that road myself.

Nah, Red Pill stuff is a great antidote to the lies that everywhere else in culture is pushing: that women are wonderful and to put the pussy on a pedestal. It’s helpful for a class of guys who can’t figure out why being nice doesn’t get them a date or get them laid. The criticism I’d level against it is that the skills that get you laid are practically unrelated to the skills necessary to maintain relationships and build families. But you have to crawl before you run.

I agree that it's bad to put women on a pedestal. But that doesn't mean that the extreme cynicism of PUA thought is the right answer either. The key is to not put women on a pedestal while still treating them with respect and not turning it into some game.

Hard disagree. We have to “put pussy on a pedestal”. Just like women need to have their men on a pedestal too. This is literally the only way you can flourish over a timeframe of decades without ending up hating everyone and everything, no matter how much you own or how much pussy you plunge.

I would never have put those two books together conceptually.

Why in Mara's name are you reading Mystery Method? The path of the PUA leads to pathology and unhappiness. If no one else has told you this (they have) I am telling you now (again). If a PUA sits by the river long enough, he will see the body of the person he could have been float by.

I cannot comment on the sitting around doing nothing. If PUA has anything to offer it can improve one's motivation to be a more interesting, cleaner, more physically fit, less needy, healthier, better-dressed and groomed man. Leading hopefully to self-confidence based in legitimate accomplishment.

None of which are achieved by doing nothing. But you seem to be on vacation now. Have you checked out the waterfalls? Done a Thai cooking class?