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Maker's Monday

Trying out a new weekly thread idea.

This would be a thread for anyone working on personal projects to share their progress, and hold themselves somewhat accountable to a group of peers. We can coordinate weekly standup type meetings if their is interest.

@ArjinFerman, @Turniper, and myself all had some initial interest.

Post your project, your progress from last week, and what you hope to accomplish this week.

Jump in the discussion.

No email address required.

So, Quokkit. Haven't put in any time on it this last week due to IRL responsibilities. The big thing that's currently annoying me: I'm currently storing the list of comment ids in a flat array, this makes navigating comment threads cumbersome because there's no concept of comment depth. Changing this to a tree would be more representative of thread structure and simplify future work on comment navigation and loading comments after the initial page load. Once that's dealt with, a nice-to-have for this week would be making the "Load more comments" button navigable so it can be activated with keybinds.

I was working on a click-to-select feature as a workaround for having to manually navigate through a thread, and that's still on the map, but I haven't nailed it down yet.

You have a repo for it? The only thing that comes up for me is an app that appears to have a completely different use than what you're describing.

Didn't know about that, lol. Here's the repo.