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Tinfoil Gigachad

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joined 2022 September 05 16:31:45 UTC
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Tinfoil Gigachad

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because the state they belong to explicitly opposes the one they’re patriotic about.

I wish we picked a more sympathetic example than neo-Nazis, because it makes the argument somewhat harder, but it's exactly this logic I'm disputing. This might not compute under a "$nation is just an idea" or "citizenship is just aa passport" framework, but historically the idea you'd want to abolish the state you're under I'm the name of patriotism, is not really that strange.

If patriotism meant loyalty to the state as it currently exists, that would mean all Eastern anti-commie dissidents were traitors.

Looks like it might be going out of fashion.

German wiki

In 2006, around 4,000 applications for clemency were submitted in North Rhine-Westphalia; the clemency offices of the regional courts, the Ministry of Justice and the Minister President decided in favour of every tenth application.[14] Pardons granted by the Federal President are secret and the Office of the Federal President does not provide any information on positive or negative clemency decisions by the Federal Presidents.[15][16][17]

From July 1, 1974 until the end of Joachim Gauck's term of office on March 18, 2017, 898 disciplinary pardon decisions and 97 criminal pardon decisions were made by the Federal Presidents.[18]

Some French website

As a consequence of the end of the use of collective amnesty laws and the lesser consideration given to requests for pardons, the figures have fallen considerably since the mid-1990s, and more precisely since 2011. Indeed, since Jacques Chirac's election as President of the Republic in 1995, the number of pardons granted has fallen, to around one hundred or less per year, compared with between two and seven hundred the previous decade. In 2007, the year of Nicolas Sarkozy's election in May, the figures halved, from 98 pardons granted in 2006 to 43 in 2007, then 94 in 2008, 28 in 2009 and 61 in 2010. From 2011 onwards, when 19 requests will be examined, the figures will continue to fall. In fact, no requests were granted in 2014 or 2017.

Sure, I don't necessarily have anything against that argument, but I think it should be made clear what type of ridiculousness we're talking about.

Precedent in almost all of them is that the power is used extremely rarely, as an event, and often subject to the intense scrutiny of a leader’s own allies.

Investigating each and every country would be a bit of a pain in the ass, as they don't exactly share the number of pardons on Eurostat, but my impression is that pardons are seen as completely mundane and boring. I'd eyeball-estimate something on the order of 100+ each year in any mid-sized country.

A wholesale pardon of deplorables would indeed cause quite a stir in Europe, but that has nothing to do with pardons themselves being haram.

Might, but it does not necessarily mean that. There's plenty of cases where this is accepted reasoning (self-defense, military response to invasions).

In any case righting a wrong done by the other side is not itself wrong.

When most liberal democracies have it, that takes the sting out of the word "ridiculous".

All hail the God Emperor!

Most importantly, does anyone know if he's planning to restore his EO from the end of the first term, mandating classical architecture in the construction of new federal buildings?

Why not? I'd normally say that it's wrong for Ukrainians to launch rockets into Russian territory, but two wrongs do indeed make a right in some cases.

How did you interpret

cheating on him when she wanted more spending money


That she slept with other men, not because she returned to prostitution, but as some sort of act of petty revenge, or behavioral conditioning on her husband.

No, but believing your partner is fundamentally a bad person sounds like a poor basis for a trusting relationship.

You can believe someone did something bad in the past, but aren't fundamentally bad people. With prostitution in particular it's easy to believe the person was victimized into it, but when they're no longer doing it, it's still accurate to describe it as being "made good".

Biden was trolling re. the ERA

I don't think it was Biden, but that aside, how do you know?

Unclear exactly what this means in practice, but this will likely make it difficult or impossible for many trans people to get/renew passports.

How? I don't see how it prevents you from getting a passport that states your biological sex.

As for other things that it means in practice, a few things that are mentioned in summaries (though I haven't looked at the EO itself so I'm not sure if it's listed there), are no males in female prisons, and not allowing to use anti-discrimination-against-women laws and regs to be construed as anti-discrimination-against-trans. Will probably also have impact on sports, though I haven't seen it mentioned explicitly.

My question is this. How, according to you, should a genuine radical progressive behave, if he does not wish to behave as a woke fundamentalist?

Not to pull an Uno Reverso, but the Golden Rule is usually a good first step in these kinds of questions - how would you want the radical right to behave?

My wishlist is pretty basic:

  • Don't go after people's jobs
  • Don't censor people
  • Don't assault people for doing counter-activism
  • Don't politicize spaces that aren't meant to be political

I always said I wouldn't mind losing to progressives if the fight was fair. The problem seems to be that progressives tend to believe that the ends justify the means, and anything is allowed to prevent defeat, because defeat means fascism, so there's no such thing as an unfair fight.

The concept of blanket pardons for crimes that have not yet occurred

Well, in this case we're talking about crimes that could have possibly already occurred, but are not proven yet. But at this point, why not a future pardon? "How dare you accuse me of assassinating my political opponent?! I merely gave blanket a future pardon to someone! That they just so happened to murder someone is mere coincidence, and completely unrelated to the act of me issuing the pardon!"

If being mugged by reality turns a liberal into a conservative, what does being raped by reality do?

Anyway, if you want to get all metaphysical about it, I'd say the state of being raped is less about not getting what you want, and more about someone else taking something from you against your will. That something also probably needs to be very intimate, since mere material deprivation would fall under the above-mentioned being mugged.

instead of the old style of racism, which everyone agrees is bad, it's racism which is really really really good at camouflaging itself

I'm afraid you'll step me through that one. What's so good about the camouflage? It seems to consist of saying blatantly racist things, and screaming until anyone who objects gets fired.

while condemning the actual liberals who have existed for decades.

I thought it was something more like centuries?

but if we're reading the forum in normal mode, a filtered post appears like every other post to us (unless we happen to notice the little "approve" link at the bottom, so I guess having that appear in green or red to a mod might be of some use.

Right, this is what I meant. It might even be possible to highlight the entire post, rather than just the link.

there is a development discord and I think there are a lot of more urgent needs.

I tried to tell this to Zorba when he announced the discord, but I think he picked the absolutely worst way to coordinate development. Oh well, I'll hit him up and ask if there's anything high-priority.

The post you responded to is filtered.

I might need to spin a local instance of The Motte for this, and it's been a while since I tried, but would some kind of custom CSS showing "hey this post is filtered out" help you guys at all?

Also, going only by your description, is there any chance that this is another Impassionata alt?

A wave of terrorism, maybe. You need high-ranking officers to kick-off a proper civil war.

So what, specifically, do you expect them to do? Take away his IT loicense? His blogging loicense?

A world where the natural warrior-elite of the USA (whoever that is, and even if it even exists) re-emerges and becomes a functioning warrior-elite would not be a world a Jewish nerd like Yarvin wants to live in.

Why not? Are you assuming he has direct political ambitions?

I'm sure that's what those Tinder gals that have absolutely no romantic or sexual intentions, and just want to go on a series of first dates where the guy pays for everything, tell themselves and others.

So your position is that if two people have sex, but their idea of what a 99th percentile good outcome might be (say, "he falls in love with me and marries me, so that I can move to the West" vs "she brings another hot girl along and we have a threesome"), exploitation is taking place? By that test, every human interaction is exploitive.

I mean... we do kind of apply that framework to most, if not all interactions. A lot of things are left unspoken, and the person who breaks such unspoken conventions is treated as a transgressor of some sort, if he does not follow them.

Say what?

So your position is that prostitution always implies sex slavery? Someone tell Aella that she self-enslaved when she worked as an escort.

I think he stated his position pretty clearly - it's the same one you outlined later about it being hard to sort out which goods are legal, and which ones are illegal. An example of any particular prostitute doing it willingly is irrelevant here.

Also Aella is hardly the most fortunate example for your case. She might not have a knife on her throat, but a common argument for the exploitation in prostitution, is that it's taking advantage of people who were messed up by rape and/or other forms of sexual assault, and I seem to remember her saying directly that it's what happened to her. If you get your "willing" prostitutes by raping them first, I don't know if you can call them "not-exploited".

However, in the case of prostitution, this would be solved easily enough. Issue government IDs for prostitutes and decriminalize only sex for pay with registered prostitutes, while keeping the Johns on the hook for rape if they fuck someone without such ID who was coerced by organized crime.

There's a number of countries that have legal prostitution, and I don't think either of them decided to have such a restrictive system, and I don't think you will ever have one. With the incentive structure stemming from legal prostitution, you will always have a tonne of money backing the "legal, and not very tightly controlled" position.