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User ID: 3464
Consensus building. LoTT is the third of three female humans I have respect for.
Timelines are not relevant to my comment that started this mess. I expressed excitement over budding cyber-telepathy (before further clarifications that it's nothing of the sort) because of my belief that in the end there will be no more than one human entity, and I would vastly prefer it to be a conglomerate even with a minuscule share than a straightforwardly one conventional person. I was and am talking about the ultimate result.
And Elon Musk, while it's nothing but a sour-grapes position to pretend he is dumb and forrest gumped himself into his position and achievements, he is, to put it the most charitably, vain. Bots are a thousand times easier on the ego if you make them be, so to this particular possibility I answer: yes, he would replace humans with bots to vote in his polls and laugh at his jokes.
This stance is incongruous with your previously stated objectives:
I myself have very little interest in “pushing back”; I find it would be absolute waste of time, and likely why you won’t find the discourse you are looking for. In my opinion, the value of a forum like this is that it allows progressives, at least such as myself, to observe a rich diversity of right-winged thinking to identify the more insidious and subtle dogwhistles indicating the traits of a conservative, so one may steer clear of them in IRL interactions.
Taking that comment into consideration, the rational course of action, whatever the site is trying to be, is to minimize communication with you as much as possible.
Even alchemists got the last laugh over the sneerers, lead absolutely turns into gold. This is happening, sooner or later.
And there might be an altruist or two among the people making the AGI. The people controlling the people making the AGI, on the other hand, are ruthless almost tautologically.
My practical and theoretical knowledge of the *DSL family is rusty by many years, but I'm certain that by itself DSL is mostly transparent and instantaneous, and the problem is with whatever happens on the levels above. If you have a desire to experiment, you could try to see if you can make the box into a pure dumb modem, and then if you're able to establish a connection from a full PC.
But what's worse is the skydiver asking his life insurance to pay for his parachute and training on the theory that him dying by jumping without a parachute would cost them more money.
Isn't that how kidnapping insurance works?
It was a rhetorical statement, not a mathematical one. Meaning that if there is an AGI, the people in control of it don't stand to gain anything from the rest of us existing, and don't risk anything from eliminating the rest of us. Since this course and a global merge are both results of technology, I say that if the science marches on, the latter option is far more preferable to me. If it doesn't, then that opinion is irrelevant anyway.
And what were YOU doing at the devil's sacrament?
From the New York Times
I wish there was a bot which replied with just two words under any mention of that guy: "Sarah Jeong"
It's likely. I think that the probability of that is exactly the same, and not by a coincidence, of an AGI arriving within my lifetime. There are only two reasons for the people with power to keep the people without around: utility and threat, and both will be negated by it.
Why does only one of your sides not hesitate to show up at the houses of judges with a crowbar and zipties?
A prime example of this was in the release verison of BG3 when you could just be friendly to Gale and suddenly you had sex.
I fell victim to this. And I wasn't even that opposed to the idea, but for all its rampant progressivism, the game is oddly monogamous, and it was interfering with my desired target. Afterward, the second time I played BG3, I made a female character and deliberately went for Gale, and inadvertently roleplayed a stereotypical ☕ moment. At the post-goblin party he said such weird things and was so timid that I went and fucked Astarion, who did neither, out of spite. Being able to get laid at will, even in play pretend, does things to your mind. Anyway, the next day we all died because it was the no-save-scumming difficulty.
I have. A colleague who persistently couldn't match his signature to the one a bank had on file was a constant pleasure. Then again, we mongrels used fax machines up to 2020 that I know for sure, and probably are still using to this day as well.
What reverse psychology? Calling you a liar without proof is plainly against the rules, the prediction was a simple, though incorrect, statement. However sincerely I believe that only suckers don't seek to dominate other people, and you're clearly not a sucker.
Because it's only 99.9% of death.
Because I don't expect the technology to freeze at its current position is the reason why I want a suicide without death. It's the best I can hope for. The only other option is whiling away in my pod munching on the bugs, waiting for the MAID bots to come for me. But if we are all connected, even if my share is 10^-12, they might not euthanize me. I'm not cutting off my left hand, despite it being the left one.
I can respect the "shall not endure" position, but I'm a coward myself.
Cooperation is but a temporary alliance. As Blocked And Reported subreddit, pertinent to the topic, demonstrates, an enemy of my enemy is an enemy of my enemy, no more, no less.
And I think he will ban me for calling him a liar without sufficient evidence.
You're twenty years late. The irony is that in Eva it was SEELE, the most powerful people, who wanted to merge everyone, when in the real life it is the fact that with the course of the progress I will have no use and pose no threat to the powers that be is what guarantees my unnatural demise.
I believe that the only way to survive the technological advancements for me, even if only for a vanishingly small part of me, is by being subsumed into a giant blob consisting of the humanity melted whole, so I welcome this development.
Fwiw, I am anti-stomping, and I do believe Trace is too.
Anyone who says this is lying either to others, or to himself. Between two people one always stomps, or gets stomped, or dies before the balance could decisively tilt toward a side. For example, I expect you to stomp me with a ban for this comment.
(Proof by induction: Imagine there are only two people left. The stronger one gets rid of the weaker one and takes his resources, or they are evenly matched before one dies of other causes, and there is still one person left. Now add one more person. Either two ally against one and win, and then it's the beginning of the previous scenario, or they lose and it's the outcome of the previous scenario, or they don't and it's a three-way stalemate before one person dies for an unrelated reason, and it's again the previous scenario. Now add one more person...)
I skipped it because it's from an entirely different area, and not to muddle the mnemonic which already was faltering.
As you say, it's from a different area, so unlikely to get involved in the mix-up. But yes, you could have all four quadrants in "affect the affect to effect an effect."
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