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If you feel like you could do more to be better, get a reputable therapist.

I am highly skeptical of therapy after an annoying experience as a teenager (several sessions of mandatory therapy as part of a settlement of a frivolous prosecution for terroristic threats).

Also, Big Man Siskind says:

I work in a clinic with about ten therapists. Some are better than others, but all of them are competent. I send my patients to them. In a few hundred patients I’ve worked with, zero have had the sudden, extraordinary, long-lasting change that the therapy books promise. Many have benefited a little. A few would say that, over the course of years, their lives have been turned around. But sudden complete transformations? Not that much.

Why go for therapy when medication has already brought about "sudden, extraordinary, long-lasting change"?

He also says:

Medications and psychotherapy are about equally effective in treating depression, but psychotherapy costs a lot more, takes more time, and is harder to get your insurance to cover.

it's not uncommon for successful people to be like this because they establish patterns of just puttering along and getting it done and burn themselves in the process.

You may rest assured that I have been confiding in my favorite coworkers that my days of masochistically taking on extra work without being told to by my boss are over.

the conversion of books to HTML sounds like a very cool project

Example file (must be downloaded to be viewed, since Catbox blocks HTML-file viewing in order to prevent phishing)

This website seems to be frequented by a lot of mentally ill people. Let's discuss the torture that is life!

In late 2022, I started to feel a confusing lack of happiness and willpower. There was no apparent reason for me to feel bad. I was making zillions of dollars at work, was acclaimed as the most diligent and most innovative employee in my office, and was on track to retire at age 33. But the enjoyment that I was able to extract from my hobbies (primarily, playing video games and converting PDF and print books to HTML) and my tolerance of work gradually dwindled. I tried going to bed an hour earlier than usual, drinking more water (even though it tasted disgusting) rather than my usual drink of grape juice mixed with seltzer water, and taking relaxing walks of three to seven miles (five to eleven kilometers) on weekends. But those efforts had no effect. By late 2023, I was experiencing intermittent testicle aches and literally 24/7 headaches (both of varying intensity, from mild to severe), and semi-frequently couldn't even force myself to work after sitting down in my cubicle. After searching for possible headache causes online and getting a testicle ultrasound that revealed nothing suspicious, I was forced to conclude that I must be suffering from depression.

My doctor prescribed 5 mg/d of escitalopram to me. After a month, no effect was apparent, so the dosage was increased to 10 mg/d. And the clouds parted! My headaches and testicle aches receded to the background, and sometimes even disappeared entirely. I regained the ability to feel happy and to tolerate the taste of plain water. The only side effect was perhaps a month of intermittent severe stomachaches before those too receded. I genuinely felt like the Zoloft blob.

My willpower still is trash. I would say it has recovered from one-third of normal to two-thirds of normal. (I just upgraded today to the maximum escitalopram dosage of 20 mg/d, since the headaches have been returning a bit. I didn't do so previously because I was leery of having the severe stomachaches return.) But I just have to hold out for two more years so that I can retire, embark on fifty years of undiluted relaxation in my custom-built house, and finally recover enough willpower to convert the entirety of For Want of a Nail (including all the footnotes and bibliography entries) to HTML!



What are you emulating it on and which emulator are you using?

I'm just using BSNES on my computer.

Please remember that "50 percent plus 1" is an incorrect description of a simple majority. Robert's Rules of Order edition 10 § 44:1:

The word majority means "more than half". For example (assuming that there are no voters having fractions of a vote, as may occur in some conventions):

  • If 19 votes are cast, a majority (more than 9.5) is 10.
  • If 20 votes are cast, a majority (more than 10) is 11.
  • If 21 votes are cast, a majority (more than 10.5) is 11.

"More than half" is not the same as "at least 50 percent plus 1". Assuming integer votes, if 19 votes are cast, "more than half" = "more than 9.5" = "at least 10", while "at least 50 percent plus 1" = "at least 9.5 + 1" = "at least 10.5" = "at least 11" = wrong.

What is your favorite puzzle game? Tetris? Puzzle League? Klondike? Minesweeper?

I recently started playing Puzzle League (specifically, emulated Tetris Attack), and I have to say that it's the most fun I've had with a video game in a while.

"It's really crazy. People are climbing into delivery trucks to look around, stalking clerks, sneaking into storerooms. Sometimes they will line up before opening just to be the first to ask whether there's anything new," said the press secretary for the PLCB [Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board]. "We want to give the average Pennsylvanian the opportunity to buy a once-in-a-lifetime bottle. We don't jack up the price, and we don't make it hard to find."

Through the Attestations, the PLCB showed that Pennsylvania's bourbon-whiskey enthusiasts have a strong desire to lawfully purchase bourbon whiskey at the PLCB's [govt.-owned liquor] stores, causing annoyance and inconvenience. With regard to a "risk of physical harm to or the personal security of an individual" [sic], as required by [the law], the Attestations provided mere speculation. Therefore, we conclude that the PLCB failed to meet its burden of establishing that the requested records are exempt from disclosure under the personal-safety exemption.

When will people learn that high prices are better than shortages?

Dungeon Crawler Carl is probably the "best" example of LitRPG/Systems.

*Worth the Candle enters the chat*

Congratulations! Our near-omnipotent alien/demon/wizard/AI society has decided to impose an all-encompassing system of RPG elements upon your primitive world. Please do not resist.

Or, alternatively, the all-encompassing system of RPG elements has merely existed since time immemorial, rather than being suddenly imposed from outside.

I think there was also a recent thread about homeschooling experiences on here.

The thread in question (including my contribution)

all the surrounding media seems too juvenile

Again, it depends very heavily on the series. I don't think anyone would call Armored Core juvenile.

one in the same

*one and the same

Most of the migrants went to just two metropoles, DFW and Houston. Somehow, this avoided triggering a housing crisis.

Thank zoning (or lack thereof).


Houston is often presented as a counter-example to growth-management planning [i. e., greenbelts and urban growth boundaries] because it has no growth management and no zoning. As a result, it has highly affordable housing and is one of the fastest-growing large urban areas in the country

Unlike Houston, Dallas does have zoning, but it has had little in the way of growth management. Zoning has responded to local residents’ desires to protect neighborhood values, which was the original intention of zoning when it was first conceived in the 1910s, rather than to planners’ desires to reshape suburban lifestyles. Dallas’s housing record is therefore similar to Houston’s except that Dallas is a bit less influenced by swings in the oil industry.


Ultimately, what is wrong with the White House toolkit is that it is focused on local zoning when it should be focused on regional growth management. If there are no regional growth constraints, local zoning won’t make housing more expensive because developers can always build in unrestricted areas. Dallas has zoning, Houston doesn’t; yet in 2014 both had value-to-income ratios of 2.4. Only regional growth constraints make housing expensive. Every major city in America except Houston has local zoning, yet only those cities that have growth constraints have become unaffordable.

It's impossible to fund a modern government with land taxes alone.


America's annual land rents are sufficient to cover 18–40 % (Fed) or 34–78 % (Smith) of annual federal spending. The low-end figures come from 2020, which was a major outlier in federal spending thanks to COVID.

But wait, what about state budgets? Many states are funded by property taxes, so if we're going to shift to land value taxes, we need to take states into account, too. So let's add state budgets into the mix (minus federal funding to states so we're not double counting). If we do that, we drop to 18–30 % (Fed) or 36–58 % (Smith) of annual spending.

I think you're confusing the Constitution with the Articles of Confederation.

Well, you just watch the cool-looking giant robots zoom around with reactionless thrusters, swing energy swords, and shoot giant guns, interspersed with some human-focused drama. (Note that different series can have vastly different appeal. For example, I enjoyed Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam and Mobile Fighter G Gundam, but was not able to enjoy Mobile Suit Gundam (ugly animation) or Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ (overwhelmingly stupid characters).)

My personal favorite mecha to look at probably are Zeta Gundam (sleek and with a cool fold-out thruster on its back), Delta Gundam (sleek (unlike its overly edgy child Delta Plus) and with a cool shield (unlike its parent Hyaku-Shiki)), and Kshatriya (four shields and two free arms, without an ugly backpack contraption like Full Armor Gundam's).

Gundam Battle Operation 2 gameplay: 42-Year-Old Gamer and Spider-Chieftain

Housing prices have soared, making owning a home an unreachable dream for almost all young people. Rents for apartments have seen similar increases.

This is the fault of zoning ("greenbelts" or "urban growth boundaries"), not of immigration. 1 2 3

They are the "pragmatists" who caused the Libertarian Party to effectively endorse Trump rather than supporting its own candidate, Oliver.


IIRC (I probably don't): A while ago, a user on this site kept posting about how he was going to be dropped off by helicopter with nothing but a knife in an isolated location as a way to forge himself into a real man or die trying. The isolated location was Hock Mountain, so he called this escapade "the Hock". The moderators eventually banned him for being a single-issue poster, since he kept talking about it but never actually did it.

something preposterous like $25

It's 50 dollars.

Presented without endorsement:

“My view, which is backed up by language in the U.S. Constitution, is that gold and silver coins are money and are legal tender,” Rep. Mooney said. “If they’re indeed U.S. money, it seems there should be no taxes on them at all. So, why are we taxing these coins as collectibles?”

Acting unilaterally, Internal Revenue Service bureaucrats have placed gold and silver in the same “collectibles” category as artwork, Beanie Babies, and baseball cards – a classification that subjects the monetary metals to a discriminatorily high long-term capital gains tax rate of 28% [versus the rate of 21 percent applicable to, e. g., stocks].

Sound money activists have long pointed out it is inappropriate to apply any federal income tax, regardless of the rate, against the only kind of money named in the U.S. Constitution. And the IRS has never defended how its position squares up with current law.

Furthermore, the U.S. Mint continuously mints coins of gold, silver, platinum, and palladium and gives each of these coins a legal tender value denominated in U.S. dollars. This formal status as U.S. money further underscores the peculiarity of the IRS’s tax treatment.

New J*rsey has joined the surprisingly wide ranks of states that impose no sales tax on precious-metal bullion. However, capital gains on bullion remain taxable by both state and federal governments, despite one federal representative's efforts (1 2).

Project Gutenberg was ready for Public Domain Day, and released a rendition of All Quiet on the Western Front.

Sexual Victimization Reported by Adult Correctional Authorities, 2020:

Facility Allegations (%) Substantiated incidents (%)
Jails 1.5 0.12
State prisons 2.4 0.13
Federal prisons 0.75 0.02
All prisons 2.1 0.12

Sexual Victimization in Prisons and Jails Reported by Inmates, 2011–2012:

Facility Rape by other inmates (%) Rape by staff (%)
Jails 0.7 1.0
Prisons 1.1 1.1

Significantly higher rates—up to 10 percent, but with large uncertainty of ±4 percent or so—were reported at some facilities.