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Per Aspera ad Astra

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joined 2022 September 05 16:04:17 UTC


User ID: 616


Per Aspera ad Astra

4 followers   follows 12 users   joined 2022 September 05 16:04:17 UTC


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User ID: 616

IQ appears to be as close to an unalloyed good as it gets

This depends entirely or at least heavily on what you consider good. I disagree strongly that IQ is close to an unalloyed good, although I admit that it's correlated with many good traits.

He would never go into politics, lol. I'd eat my hat!

Loving your anger and accepting it, letting it flow through you. Check out https://www.artofaccomplishment.com/

Just follow your enjoyment. figure out what you love doing more than anything and explore that. Work a crappy job until you can figure out how to monetize what you love.

Okay wait, am I reading this right? Is 1 million times $20,000 actually TWENTY BILLION?

Good Lord, well I guess if you're going to give a naked bribe don't go small. But still. That is an INSANE amount of money to just casually throw out to a small part of the populace...

Ahh yeah fair. Perhaps I'm just looking back with rose tinted glasses.

Yeah I kind of agree. I feel the same about Hlynka.

This place is much less interesting without these big personalities. I wish they had gotten a bit more leeway, even if they were annoying to keep in line.

Yeah I guess @Amadan is just too based for that shit.

True but every attempt needs another OOM of security imo.

Trump getting assassinated is the only real doomsday event for the republic I see at the moment. At least the largest probability one. Once the spiral of political violence starts it's nigh impossible to stop.

Ahh yes, exactly.

This is horrifying. Can anyone compare this to previous elections? I hadn't seen any news coverage but I imagine it would be a bigger deal.

When is the last time there was even an assassination attempt against someone? Obama?

The fact that we've had four in a handful of months should be deeply concerning to anyone wanting to keep America free from bloodshed. Look at how the Roman empire fell if you want an example. Trump needs massively beefed security, immediately, whether you like him or not.

This doesn't make any sense... if this were true you'd expect to see the opposite. You're going to blame Trump for stirring up the crazies with wild conspiracy theories, then say that HE is the one to blame for it when he gets attempted assassinations?

If this were attempts against Joe or Kamala, I could maybe see this. In fact I'd probably agree to some extent. But the idea that Trump is the one who is going to get assassination attempts when he has been 'stirring up the crazies' against the other party, yet the other party has 0, is farcical.

Wrong. The human will and imagination will make it happen. As we advance in technology this will become easier and easier.

First Mars, then the stars.

gotcha gotcha

when does that one run out?

Mainly thinking of Deiseich. She comments on US election posts on ACX fine but got banned from here IIRC.

I agree. Long term if we continue to grow our population and live at a comfortable level we just need to go to space for minerals anyway.

Environmentalists who are anti-space really aren't thinking ahead. Or they're degrowth lunatics.

I see some posters that for some reason can't stay civil here and get routinely banned, but then are able to keep a civil tone over in the ACX open threads, even when talking about politics.

What gives???

Teehee I already posted it bud. But I'm glad i got your attention!! and I like what you added

SpaceX just caught the booster of the Starship rocket, launching a new age of man made space exploration.

Despite this getting relatively little news in the mainstream media, I am convinced this development marks the beginning of an entire paradigm of space. The cost of kg to orbit should now go down about an order of magnitude within the next decade or two.

This win has massive implications for the culture war, especially given that Elon Musk has recently flipped sides to support the right. Degrowth and environmental arguments will not be able to hold against the sheer awesomeness and vibrancy of space travel, I believe.

We'll have to see if the FAA or other government agencies move to block Elon from continuing this work. If Kamala gets elected, I worry her administration will attack him and his companies even more aggressively. This successful launch, more than anything else in this election cycle, is making me consider vote for Trump.

What are your thoughts? Do you agree with my assessment?

wait no it hasn't. maybe. I'm confused

50/50? Pretty sure I won the first bet. Starship has been to orbit multiple times, no?

Sure let's do $50 for SpaceX to the moon in 3 years.

We also have another SpaceX bet running but I forgot lol. Are you keeping track of these?