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joined 2022 September 04 18:48:55 UTC




User ID: 75



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User ID: 75

As he's not been banned can we consider that other question answered or will it be implied again?

I find the framing of capital vs people to be misleading. There's only really one vector for commerce to care about or impact your focus, advertising, which we can certainly attack in a number of ways. Its demise would result in the death of a lot of things like most massive free websites but that could be seen as a benefit. I don't think banning it outright is really possible, there needs to be some mechanism for matching products to people who would like to have them but surely many forms could be banned and with them the goes the doom scrolling media sources that rely on hooking you into watching ads to exist.

The other end of the coin for rootedness is family. having kids gives you a ready made community with a shared prosocial interest in the kids. The decline in family formation is really probably partially the upstream cause of most of the ills of modernity. As someone who also moved across the country away from family I think this probably isn't a good thing in hindsight. My immediate family has since split into several different cities and only now has there started to be some interest in coordinating moving back closer together, maybe not surprisingly as my generation has started to work on families of our own. Much ink has been spilt on suggestions for increasing family formation, I won't put another attempt at a solution here.

This smells like giving Israel and out. Big bad Trump comes in and makes them take a ceasefire deal saving face internally.

If your point is just that the groups themselves are epiphenominal to the desire to help minorities and it's instead sympathy for minorities that causes open advocacy for racial discrimination in favor of them that also creates the groups that are purely symbolic then sure. I guess what I object to is whatever egregore allows open unidirectional advocacy against my and my family's interests on the basis of or skin color.

To me, appropriate mod action would be something along the lines of "07mk, you cannot expect justawoman to continue the conversation if you don't continue it appropriately.

I don't understand why you think a mod would need to say this, surely you can, and do, call out fallacious arguments and evasiveness? Egregious use of fallacies and refusal to answer questions makes their argument poor and is an opening for you to point this out to which they can contest whether their argument was actually fallacious, revise their argument, or leave the conversation.

I can't help but think what you're really looking for is a win condition, some universal ruleset so that you can declare yourself winner of a debate. When an interlocutor is using fallacious reasoning you want that to be punished without the need to individually address it yourself, exhaustively, every time it comes up. That's just not what we are. We trust the individual users to come to their own conclusions how convincing arguments are and decide if they find potentially fallacious arguments convincing.

If your plan is to make a list of all the bad and fallacious arguments various users make and then wave that around and say "fix this" then I think maybe that could be useful for discussion but doubt it would inspire any change in moderation.

Terrorists don't really operate like that, the point is to tie the damage to the cause. It's supposed to further a political goal. This would be sadism, not terrorism.

The one thing he keeps bringing up that I think actually lands, and it's not surprising he started with it because of that, is the unilateral disarmament that is whites not having an affinity group despite every other racial group having one. I don't really know how that point could realistically be discharged though - It's too easy to compare to naziism. Considering the makeup of likely people who would first advocate for and join such a party the comparison would probably not even be unfair.

edit: I should say my preference would be to abolish all the affinity groups, but that doesn't seem to be in the cards.

"I'm not touching you! I'm not touching you!".

In law it should probably actually matter if they're touching you.

People are saying the trades but that's delusional. People who apply to Yale are going to go to a safety school, not drop out of college all together.

It's a meta level up, it's giving advice to kids, it's giving advice to parents and some larger vague community. The difference between and article meant to be read by teachers and students.

I Actually know someone who won badwater one year. It's a really swingy race with few participants. Much depends on who shows up for the year and who doesn't need to drop out. You train for it in a sauna and need a whole team and strategy to maintain hydration. It's a day long run at high elevation in extreme heat.

endurance mostly in the ability to sweat to cool down while other less sweaty animals overheat, this is a process that might take hours on the absolute long end, not long enough to require this kind of distances. Gazelles can go something like 5 miles before needing to rest.

You can see check ultra marathoner times, they aren't even close. My sister and her husband are ultra marathoners, it's so insulting to woman runners to insinuate that they're just not trying hard enough. The idea that women are choosing to use slower pace setters acts as if these really competitive athletes who spend dozens to hundreds of hours a week practicing their sport just decide they don't care enough to optimize something that's supposed to explain like 20-30% differences in times? Really?

Then why doesn't the article say that?

Presumably the same reason it didn't wade into tax policy or include a pot roast recipe. It isn't an article attempting to lay out structured life advise for young people. It uses a story about some girl who made the best of a bad situation and they want to celebrate that choice without litigating a counterfactual world where she behaved better up until the point of the needing to make that choice. And then it goes on about needing to reach and inspire young people to also not get abortions. It say nothing at all about whether it was good to pregnant at 15, they're probably christian and the sex was almost certainly out of wedlock so one can presume they disapprove of it. The point is that if you find yourself in that situation they want you to keep the baby.

This is an article by pro life people speaking to pro life people, they probably expect the good faith of the reader to not assume they are encouraging something that not many encourage. Or maybe they have some other article supporting 15 year old marriages that I'm not aware of?

I think calling it thott patroling is probably not going to be very helpful. We're working on a kid now, if it's a daughter I may be naive but I think I can help her understand what constitutes good behavior in her own long term interest. I was receptive to this kind of reasoning as a kid.

Right, I have in the past argued that it is actually not too much to ask for young people to not have sex in high school. I just didn't want to make this a post about that argument so I gave theoretical ground.

only one side is telling them the path to having a 34-year marriage is getting pregnant at 15 years old

That isn't what the words you've quoted have said. They say that is a path, not the path. Any sane pro lifer in this day and age would probably Counsel waiting until graduating high school before marrying the sweet heart and, maybe naively, they'd Counsel not having sex until then. But if you do have sex before then, and that sex does result in a pregnancy, they'd say you should not abort the pregnancy and instead raise the kid, leaning on your family and the family of the father for support in doing this which they also think should be provided.

Having missiles off our shores is pretty different to having them pointed at another country that isn't a treaty ally.

US doesn't go nuclear over taiwan which means china doesn't go nuclear over taiwan. They're not treaty allies.

I thought it was common knowledge that computer science is a branch of mathematics. As a computer science major this wasn't really controversial. Although a find that definition of engineering lacking. Engineers build things and study how best to build things, software engineering fits this mold pretty centrally.

There is currently a bit of a question of whether bluesky will be able to pull the center away from twitter/x so this fight does kind of matter. We're going to learn whether people find the right wing stuff let run wild on X more obnoxious than the left wing stuff let run wild on bluesky. How this shakes out is actually probably of substantial importance.

Aella's gangbang for instance required std screening. It's just kind of one of the first things you'd think of when considering logistics for this sort of thing.

Why doubt that? Requiring a ticket to ride is pretty standard procedure.

The US stance on Taiwan is still strategic ambiguity, doesn't really seem like there's been a "this will never happen" bluff

My understanding is that if there is a sino american war that isn't over instantly it'll be basically a stalemate. China cannot project power in any way that threatens America nor control the sea enough to do much outside of their immediate coasts and they are not surrounded by friends.