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joined 2023 December 29 00:01:48 UTC


User ID: 2820



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User ID: 2820

Mostly because she promotes herself that way. Zegler could have certainly downplayed her Colombian ancestry.

If you want a counter-example, look at Anya Taylor-Joy who despite being a double minority (Ayylmao-Latina) mostly just bills herself as white.

I have noticed that for a site centered on the Culture War we hardly ever actually discuss cultural works.

The problem is a lot of the nuclear facilities are so deep underground even the largest conventional bunker busters wouldn’t be able to touch them. It’s like NORAD, bored into the side of a mountain. If you’re going for a clean sweep, nuclear might be your only option.

Yes, unfortunately Scott’s original anthropological definition has gotten filed off over the years and it’s just used as a shorthand for Republican and Democrat. If we’re using the term correctly, almost everyone on this board is Blue Tribe, even the most right wing among us.

My tinfoil hat is tingling. I wonder if modern examination techniques would have shown something the powers that be didn’t want them to.

The Biden administration was planning a strike against Iran a few months before the election but cancelled it when a leaker blew the whistle on it. Despite the hysterical articles about Iran being six months away from a bomb every two weeks since 1986, they genuinely are getting close to one. Technically they are already past it. They have a bomb design, and enough fissile material for two or three, they just haven’t bothered to build one yet for strategic reasons. Israel is pretty skilled at gumming up the works, but that only works to a point. Iranian Uranium enrichment is about to take off, they have an entire line of centrifuges that are just about to start up.

It’s Iran’s only major strategic card left now that Hezbollah has been wrecked.

The United States is massing B-2 Spirit stealth bombers on the island of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean. Reports suggest there are now between 7-9 B-2 bombers on the island. This is roughly 40 percent of all B-2 bombers in service. The B-2 is a stealth heavy bomber designed to penetrate heavily defended airspace. Although this type of bomber it could be used for strikes against Houthi forces, this force concentration is more likely designed to be used for a direct strike against Iran. There are some less certain indications that W-76 nuclear warheads are also being moved to Diego Garcia. It has long been theorized that Iranian nuclear facilities are too far underground to be destroyed by a conventional strike.

The fact that you are (justifiably) a fan of Better Rim Kim doesn’t justify your filthy addiction.

Please don’t. I had to stuff an entire can of Zyn packs into my mouth just to answer your question.

Israel’s TFR is generally higher than it’s neighbors.

It is not, thoughbeit. The fertility rate of the Palestinian territories is 3.44. Gaza is 3.88. While that’s down from a whopping 7 in 1990 that’s still almost double of Israel’s. Egypt is 2.88. Syria, despite being in the middle of a horrific civil war, is 2.70. Iraq is 3.88. The only country Israel is keeping up with is Lebanon. Unfortunately it seems western culture has a more deleterious effect on fertility rates than several million smart bombs do.

And if their adversary and neighbor was North Korea that would be pretty good. But they have the misfortune of being in conflict with one of the few remaining fertile groups on the planet.

I suspect the Signal leak is an intentional limited hangout to cover up the movement of aircraft for a potential strike on Iran.

Israel’s fertility is terrible with the exception of the Haredim, who refuse to hold productive jobs or serve in the military.

There’s one theory that I think is ridiculous but fun called Tartaria, where people claim that the buildings from the 1892 World’s Fair in Chicago were actually from a super advanced ancient civilization in the Americas

If Canada joined the United States each province would probably be a separate state.

They thought that the wind was going to be blowing in this direction permanently, and that they had better get on the Revolution’s good side by joining up early. And to be fair, a lot of people on this site also thought that the Revolution had won and this was the new permanent state of affairs.

What's wrong with sight words?

Because you are limited to knowing words you have memorized like they’re hieroglyphs, so when you grow up and you run into new words like “xylocarp” or “gubernatorial” you effectively can’t read or pronounce them. Which caps your reading level at sub-high school and leaves you unable to quickly parse large volumes of difficult text.

Also increasingly the illegal immigrants aren’t coming from the same countries and ethnic groups as the Hispanics already in the United States. Most of the people in Mexico who want to be in the United States and have the means to do so already are. There is a pretty big cultural gulf between Mexicans and Puerto Ricans on the one side, and Guatemalans and Venezuelans on the other. And increasingly, while the illegal immigrants are coming across the Mexican border, they aren’t even from the Americas.

Trump squandered hard won leverage for nothing in return.

Trump doesn’t have any leverage, because Biden and Zelensky spent the last three years pissing all the leverage away. The Kursk salient just got rolled, probably to the tune of 30,000 Ukrainian casualties. There are multiple Russian breakouts happening on the Pokrovsk, Kupyansk and Zaprozhia axes. Ukraine’s power and transport infrastructure has been destroyed along with much of their air defense. We are probably looking at the complete collapse of eastern Ukraine in the next four months. Belarus is mobilizing for an incursion into Western Ukraine this September. Short of rounding up NATO and sending half a million troops to directly enter the war, what exactly can Trump do here? Putin has zero incentive to agree to any kind of real ceasefire, because he’s about to win the war.

But young men in the United States of all races share pretty similar grievances, namely “I can’t get a good job”. Also, while Democrats used to strategically confine their contempt to white men, increasingly they can’t help themselves from going guns-hot against anyone who was born male and didn’t transition. So political platforms that are designed to appeal to white men are increasingly picking up other demographics as well.

It’s the Motte, so of course the topic that really kicks off the fedposting is libraries

I suspect it’s that boomers of all political stripes are more used to actually doing something instead of just making angry posts online.

Human sacrifice was mostly just a Mesoamerican thing, and usually just the big regional power players, not the small tribes living under their boot heel. The tribes living in what is now the United States were pretty peaceful internally, but yes, eye-wateringly intense torture of POWs and the rape of women was a common part of inter-tribal warfare. Of course we are talking about over two hundred different tribes, and quite a few of them were genuinely very peaceful to both other tribes and white settlers. Others were very warlike.

Also every President since Bush II regardless of party affiliation has been growing more and more frustrated with Europe while also trying to pivot more resources to the Pacific theater. Even Biden probably would have been, had the Ukraine War not gone hot during his term. So I’m not sure President Newsom would be jumping up and down to climb back into that quagmire either.

”you should let in more refugees because Jesus said to be compassionate in the Bible somewhere. No I’m not a Christian and I have nothing but contempt for your backward religious beliefs. So yeah, this argument wouldn’t work on me, but maybe if I use it on you, you’ll do what I want.”