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Civilization is simply a geno-memetic-techno-capital machine

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joined 2022 September 06 13:34:27 UTC


User ID: 853


Civilization is simply a geno-memetic-techno-capital machine

14 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 06 13:34:27 UTC


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User ID: 853

I covered this months ago when the Ban was gaining support.

You have ADL chief Jonathan Greenblatt in panic proclaiming "We have a major Tiktok problem" and saying that they have to work together to solve the problem... which they have now done... Then later you get lobbying by hundreds of Jewish groups to ban TikTok:

Jewish Federations of North America, representing hundreds of organized Jewish communities, said its support for the bill is rooted in concerns about antisemitism on the platform.

One of the most prominent Jewish groups in the country has thrown its support behind a fast-advancing bill that could lead to the massively popular video app TikTok being banned in the United States...

Jewish Federations of North America, representing hundreds of organized Jewish communities, said its support for the bill is rooted in concerns about antisemitism on the platform. The Jewish Federations and the Anti-Defamation League have accused TikTok of allowing antisemitism and anti-Israel sentiment to run rampant.

“The single most important issue to our Jewish communities today is the dramatic rise in antisemitism,” JFNA wrote in an official letter to Congress. “Our community understands that social media is a major driver of the drive in antisemitism and that TikTok is the worst offender by far.”

Before the ban acquired enough support, the Times posted an article called Why TikTok Needs to be Sold or Banned Before the 2024 Election which hardly mentions anything about some national security threat from CCP, and instead under the heading "Why it Matters" complains about the portion of pro-Palestinian hashtags on the platform and the spread of antisemitism:

TikTok says users decide whether to post and engage with content on #FreePalestine rather than #StandWithIsrael. But, content moderation decides what posts stay up, what gets taken down, and what accounts get banned from the platform. And it’s TikTok’s algorithm that decides what circulates and what doesn’t.

For anyone who doubts the causal link between TikTok and the rise in antisemitic incidents we’ve seen on U.S. campuses: a November 2023 study conducted by Generation Lab, which I helped to organize, showed that people who spend 30 minutes per day on TikTok are 17% more likely to agree with anti-semitic statements like "Jewish people chase money more than other people do."

And on top of that you have WSJ and Economist admitting that the momentum from the support came from the Jewish lobby.

This is completely typical of @2rafa, and frankly a typical audaciousness of many Jewish people. We have leaked recordings of Greenblatt proclaiming that something must be done about TikTok because they have a GenZ problem. Then you have Jewish journalists posting "why TikTok must be banned" which includes alarmism over anti-semitism as the chief concern. Then you get organized lobbying by hundreds of Jewish groups to ban TikTok because of Israel, not CCP. After the political support for the issue starts to change due to that pressure, you STILL get people like @2rafa who just are unable or unwilling to see an obvious political play even when the means, motive, and opportunity are all crystal clear as day and directly admitted to by the people involved. You get Greenblatt saying on a secret call that "something must be done about TikTok" then you get organized lobbying by hundreds of Jewish groups, but @2rafa enforces the norm that nothing nefarious can be attributed to Jewish people.

And there's a 20% chance I'll be banned for posting this comment, but at this point people like 2rafa are just admiring the Emperor's clothes when denying that the TikTok ban happened because of Jewish lobbying. Even when the people involved directly admit what they are doing and why they are doing it.

Edit: Also why not throw a quite from Mitt Romney into the mix:

Driving the news: In a forum Friday at the McCain Institute in Sedona, Arizona Romney asked Secretary of State Antony Blinken why Israel and the U.S. have "been so ineffective at communicating" justifications for the war in Gaza, adding, "Typically the Israelis are good at PR."

"You have a social media ecosystem environment in which context, history, facts get lost, and the emotion — the impact of images — dominates," Blinken said.

Romney replied, "Some wonder why there was such overwhelming support for us to shut down potentially TikTok or other entities of that nature. If you look at the postings on TikTok and the number of mentions of Palestinians, relative to other social media sites — it's overwhelmingly so among TikTok broadcasts."

anti American content (which anti Israeli content functionally is)

Lol, no it is not. Israel is not America. Americans should be very critical of Israel.

Your claim is that the success of those tags is politically motivated by intentional manipulations to the algorithm, and to support that claim all you point to is the success of those tags. You're begging the question.

This has not been demonstrated except by pointing to the success of certain content tags. It's funny how that works, Israeli support when it is proliferated by the algorithm is organic, but when opposition to Israel proliferates and is very popular that is because it is "purposefully pumped."

Nobody has shown an iota of evidence that "TikTok purposefully pumped" opposition to Israel. If criticism of Israel on TikTok is more popular than it is on other Gen-Z platforms, you should wonder who exactly is "pumping" the algorithms in which directions.

The pro-Palestine content tags to pro-Israeli content tags were like 93% to 7%. Full disclosure I'm not an Instagram user but I seriously doubt Instagram is as threatening to the Gen Z perspective of Israel compared to TikTok.

Hard to believe that’s the reason.

Once again, you are not taking people at face value. Hundreds of Jewish organizations lobby for the ban, and people directly involved admit that the Jewish lobby was decisive in the matter which had previously stalled after failing to get enough support. It is the decisive reason, they even admit this.

He doesn't, hence the capitulation to the consensus until the winds shifted. But Scott would mark it as a virtue that he has no bones to pick, or a vice that HBD-believing right-wing poaster is motivated politically. But it is clear that political radicalism is required to challenge strongly-held beliefs like this. The right-wingers speaking truth to power actually advanced knowledge in the face of adversity, Scott played neutral Switzerland until it was convenient to take the other side.

I don't think posting this exact blogpost 7 years ago would have been self-immolation. It would have been interesting and brave, neither of which it is now. Scott never claimed to be any Galileo, but what's clear is that to be a Galileo you need to have a bone to pick politically in order to be induced to face the headwinds of actually challenging Authority. It's not just about rational arguments and evidence.

The consequence of Scott's ethos is that, even though his job is ostensibly to be a rational, independent thinker in the public space, he's ultimately a Johnny-come-lately to one of the most important questions of the day. And his hesitancy was due to political headwinds- not evidence and arguments. I don't doubt the personal practicality of abstaining from the debate- and banishing dissent of the consensus from his own community, I question his value for "moving the Overton window" on things like the Melatonin Question but abstaining on HBD until political winds shifted in favor of the viewpoint he has now taken.

Oh sure, but that only drives the point home. In essence, Scott has changed his public opinion on HBD because Trump won. We are very far from "high-IQ technocrats policy-maxing social utility." Nope- it's political conflict.

Scott changed his public opinion on HBD due to the shifting winds of the passions of the (at least online- i.e. his audience) public, largely thanks to Elon Musk acquiring Twitter- unbanning all the icky right-wingers who did the uncredited yeoman's work for many decades challenging a blatant lie deeply rooted in our collective consciousness. Scott participated in the censorship of that group of people, although you could argue he low-key sabotaged the consensus with whatever support he gave of TheMotte.

But Scott's public opinion hasn't changed because of increasing IQ of technocrats motivated to improve policy; it changed because of a turning point in a memetic political conflict. You can't change the hearts and minds of the technocrats with evidence and well-reasoned arguments in the most important cases, you have to do it with political victory.

If this political shift hadn't happened, the high-IQ technocrats, including himself, would have happily continued defending the blatant lie of HBD denial and the catastrophic downstream political effects. But I do think his turnabout on HBD is basically explained by Musk's acquisition of Twitter. What people call a "vibe shift" is literally a politically-motivated billionaire changing content TOS and moderation on a political platform, not technocrats being convinced by rational argumentation and new evidence.

The intelligence-worship falls apart, because even the most intelligent are slaves to political conflict. You can't ignore it or pretend you are above participation or taking sides and only care about IQ, evidence, and reason.

Yes, the rationalist community is still unable to get past IQ obsession and recognize that thumos is just as much a function of HBD as IQ. The European cognitive profile, like everyone, is much more than IQ. Things like bravery, boldness have a basis in HBD just the same.

I know I gave my initial reaction below but let me distill my thoughts a bit more:

The reason a post like this from Scott rubs me the wrong way is because I think it undermines a lot of Scott's own writings, and in particular his defense of Institutions. Scott knew the truth about HBD all along, but his public position was still in compliance with HBD denial. He never publicly challenged the wrong consensus, and he drove truthful criticism of the mainstream consensus from his own community- essentially banning it. So even though he privately believed in HBD he still publicly acted like an HBD denier. This is very significant in understanding Culture War and the fallacy of Mistake Theory.

Scott didn't change his public position due to any new argument or new data, he's citing the oldest data there is. His public position on the issue is only changing because the culture war is shifting. Scott should be considered among the highest percentile intelligent, good-faith intellectuals with expertise in the soft sciences. But he still basically enforced the consensus while privately knowing it was wrong, until the political conflict underpinning Culture War took a significant turn.

It is about political conflict, that was what drove Scott's behavior before on his issue, and that's what is driving it now. Institutions are unreliable, it is absolutely possible for something as asinine as HBD denial to exist as consensus in institutions because, at the end of the day, even the best of them are just like Scott and have a million reasons to not put themselves at risk by pointing out the emperor is naked.

Debating the existence of racial IQ differences is boring because they so obviously exist. Now that we're allowed to talk about it, I find myself not really wanting to. There really is no legitimate debate.

It's funny how that works, 7 years ago I would have found a post like this cathartic for cutting through the gaslighting of the time and validating my taboo conclusions after reviewing the issue. But now that I've moved beyond any degree of uncertainty and impervious to the gaslighting from the mainstream consensus, these kind of posts just come across as tedious and passe. The time to contribute something interesting to discourse with your platform on this topic was 7 years ago, dude.

Sure, but he's only publicly acknowledging it because of the shifts in the political and cultural winds. Like I said, it's understandable, but it's notable that he's only publicly acknowledging it now that it's safe to do so.

Op says:

I sincerely doubt that there are any Dark and Heretical ideas he holds but is forced to deny or decline to defend. It's refreshing

But the writing is already on the wall for HBD realism and has already gone mainstream IMO. If he does hold any other Dark and Heretical idea he's going to keep it to himself until Twitter intelligentsia opinion changes on the topic.

Yeah Scott is acknowledging them, I agree. I clarified in my post.

The floodgates have already opened, enough people in good standing (tm) have directly or indirectly acknowledged it, so Scott squarely goes to the category of latecomers riding a wave of consensus rather than challenging a consensus. Not that there's much wrong with that, it's understandable, but it's funny that all these liberal figures like Destiny are admitting IQ realism while giving 0 credit to everybody who was brave enough to come before them and challenge the consensus.

Destiny for example spent years debating the "race realists" and insulting them in every which way and denying IQ realism. Now he accepts it but gives 0 acknowledgment that he was wrong and the people he's spent 10 years denigrating were right. It's a change in the wind says I.

They'll adopt the IQ realism position and give 0 credit or acknowledgment to the icky people that were right 10+ years ago.

I should note Scott deserves credit for acknowledging Lynn and Kirkegaard, so my "adopting IQ realism without acknowledging the people who challenged the consensus and turned out to be correct" applies more to this general trend than Scott's post which does acknowledge them.

But gobs and gobs of the core purpose of the internet is to simply convey information, as one would have in the past by going to the local printer and then handing out pamphlets. It seems that people really want to break this centuries old consensus, just like how the 90s consensus has crumbled.

The "centuries old consensus" was a useful fiction that is exposed by relatively free propagation of information via the internet.

The current consensus was formulated during a period in history in which everyone got their information from the same set of sources, they were reading the same newspaper watching the same one-of-four news channels. They all ate the same name-brands of food. But the "consensus" only existed because of the information propagated by the collective sources of information... that is the root of propaganda, to propagate.

Biden is absolutely correct that a Liberal consensus, or really any other sort of consensus for that matter, is only possible with organizing the propagation of information and the internet is an existential threat to that capability. Of course Biden's nonsense that the "people must govern" has never been the case, and neither is it the case that the "consensus" that existed through the 90s was formulated by people freely buying printing presses and reaching agreements through rational argumentation on core philosophical questions. That didn't happen, it's a fiction used to give legitimacy to power.

The post-WWII consensus is not centuries old, and it was not created through agreement after rational debate, it was created through culture war and the top-down organization and propagation of information. The internet threatens this order. AI, on the other hand, presents the government a solution to also tame the internet to be a tool for this purpose, as originally conceived. Blast the whole world with nothing except the Truth of our Consensus...

They align the values of the AI according to their "values" and biases and identity and ethnic agendas, and then the AI enforces that agenda onto the stream of information. That's the ultimate objective, it's not about "free press" in any sense at all.

Hitler, Michael Jackson, Jesus.

The issue I have in mind is that I don't think mixing these races together is going to combine their relative strengths in such a way. I don't see evidence of that with Hapas. Maybe some of that is temporary, like sibling rivalry because one brother is white-passing and the other isn't... so it leads to toxic rivalry based on things like access to girlfriends and sex. Seems extremely toxic, and that dynamic is going to be "temporary" on the level of generations, not months.

Throwing Indians and Amerindians in the mix, it just seems silly to think that is going to lead to any sort of "best of all worlds" specimen. And you are putting so much at risk. What if it doesn't work out? Oops, I guess that's it for Europeans. Asians, Arabs, Africans, Indians, Chinese, they will all be around it's no sweat off their backs if Europeans decide to take that genetic route.

I get why Liberals are optimistic about Europe becoming, really One Race, but a eugenic-minded right-winger being optimistic about such a thing is strange.

I personally know a 2nd generation Hapa, now 1/4th Japanese, and he just looks and identifies as White. Children 1/8th Japanese with blond air blue eyes no apparent Japanese admixture at all. It probably helps that Japanese are honorary Aryan (I kid).

What's your take on the Hapa ethnogenesis? Early results don't seem great. They seem to have a lot of issues, it's not clear human admixture works in the "best of both worlds" way like me all may wish.

I look at Hapas, imagine a little bit of Jewish admixture (very little, not enough to go around, more likely Jews are subsumed as well) plus Amerindian admixture, plus Indian admixture, imagine them replacing Europeans in America and Europe. I don't know man, seems like a pretty bad ending to the European race to me and I don't think Civilization would be better for it.

his is one of my least favorite tactics of yours, wherein you pretend not to understand that it’s more difficult to culturally integrate a large number of people than it is to integrate a small number of people.

I never made that assertion, I was asking you to elaborate on how you reconciled that statement with "there should not be any meaningful effort to stop them from coming here." You say cultural integration, but you acknowledge the reality of racial coalitions, you just seem to think they are only meaningful for the Black Question and not other cultural or political questions.

Jared Taylor's position is that racial coalitions would be impactful in many other ways and would compete with whites politically and culturally. I can say his prediction on that front has 100% come true. It's still early for Indians, but Taylor's point about all the wealthiest Indian philanthropists donating predominately to Indian causes would be a meaningful leading indicator that the racial coalitions won't respect your desire to only acknowledge them for the Black Question. There is also a huge amount of anecdotal evidence of nepotism from Indians in Silicon Valley culture. You just seem fixated on black crime without regard for how racial coalitions express themselves in all of our other cultural institutions.

Equally or more important than the question of racial coalitions is the question of ethnogenesis. You claim that eugenics is the most important question of the day, but you don't see the risk in haphazardly introducing admixture from all over the world into European society? You are certain that a mixture of everyone is going to be better than a European?

Yeah, it's frustrating that people, including Hoffmeister who I feel ought to know better, don't property account for European admixture in Latinos when they get defensive of Latino immigration to America and treat it as a monolith.

Kind of like how Hollywood makes Ana de Armas the character who is the stand-in for Hispanic migration to the United States in the film Knives Out. Not this Guatemalan guy.

You're still thinking in terms of racial coalitions, and Hanania does not or at least he pretends he does not.

You think racial coalitions only matter when it comes to the Black Question, but they can be tossed aside when it comes to every single other political and cultural question? Nonsense. You can say you want them to be your ally against the blacks until the cows come home, but they are going to act in their own interests. Racial coalitions are everywhere.

Blacks are not even the most threatening minority because they don't really have the agency to achieve political and cultural power like, say, Indians coming and replacing the highest levels of our most important institutions. You don't think that would be a problem?

Again, proportions matter — I wouldn’t want America to accept 4 million Chinese immigrants next year

But why not? You just say "proportions matter." But can you explain why accepting 4 million Chinese immigrants next year would be a problem, but at the same time "Asian immigrants to America have done wonderfully, and there should not be any meaningful effort to stop them from coming here". Would you be OK with American demographics becoming vast majority Chinese if it were just spread out over 80 years and associated with economic growth?

Arab Americans also have a higher median income and level of education compared to Latinos. They do well in America. Why not let the Arabs in?

Nigerians also do well in America. I've never had a bad interaction with a Nigerian, only good ones. Why not let them all in?

You haven't sufficiently explained why Latinos are good in America but Arabs are bad in America. If you are measuring "do well" by economic output then you're just in Bryan Caplan Open Borders land like Hanania. Or is your position "Open borders for everyone except Africans"?

Overall, you seem stuck in evaluating immigration impact based on crime and terrorism. If a group doesn't commit a ton of crime then it's OK to mass migrate to Europe and the United States? Feel free to dispute that if I'm not fairly characterizing your argument.

Ultimately, Taylor’s predictions of mass racial strife and whites fleeing to the hinterlands to form whites-only communities just have not panned out. As Hanania says: There are plenty of extremely white places in America, and almost nobody is moving to any of them.

I haven't followed Taylor's work too closely, but it's wrong to characterize the entire Dissident Right as predicting that whites will flee to rural white communities. I don't want to live in a rural white commune in Idaho, I want to live in a world-class city! The fact that non-whites migrate to the most desirable places to live is not really a rebuttal to "demographics are destiny." And white flight to the suburbs is evidence of that fact- it's a compromise: they want access to a world class city but they don't want to live around blacks.

And if you don't call the past 10 years racial strife, I'm not sure exactly what it would take for you to admit this has happened. Take something like white representation in Ivy League 25 years ago compared to today. That is a reckoning. If Taylor predicted White people would flee all the cities to form rural communes (I can't verify that, I'll take your word for it), then you can register that as a false prediction, but the "White Nationalist" prediction I've heard is it will cause civilizational decline and urban decay. If White Nationalists predicted urban decay would you say their prediction was correct?

I have many problems with Richard Hanania, but seeing the army of pro-Taylor trolls

Richard Hanania's entire schtick is trolling with insults about how low-status it is to be a white identarian, including ample insults about appearance. Turnabout is fair play.