Training the Aryan LLM
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The pressure on Columbia is not insinuation, it is proof of unfairly prioritizing Jews. Not that even I'm clamoring for "fairness", which does not exist. It's a racial spoils system. It's incredibly naive to think it's about IQ and GPA.
So you concede the level of admissions of Latinos is due to race discrimination, as well as blacks, whites, and Asians. But they totally got it right with Jews, their representation is driven by merit unlike every single other group. Except we are now faced with a plain example of the sort of group organization, networking, and advocacy Jews have always done in promoting their own admission into these institutions.
Columbia's investigation it will be carrying out is about the admission of Jews and not the admission of Whites. If that investigation leads to an increase in the admission of Jews and a decline in the admission of White non-Jews would you also say that is just non-Jewish whites being outcompeted? Or would it be an example of exactly what drives the level of admission in every other ethnic group?
As The Guardian reported:
The OSP was an open and largely unfiltered conduit to the White House not only for the Iraqi opposition. It also forged close ties to a parallel, ad hoc intelligence operation inside Ariel Sharon's office in Israel specifically to bypass Mossad and provide the Bush administration with more alarmist reports on Saddam's Iraq than Mossad was prepared to authorise.
"None of the Israelis who came were cleared into the Pentagon through normal channels," said one source familiar with the visits. Instead, they were waved in on Mr Feith's authority without having to fill in the usual forms.
The exchange of information continued a long-standing relationship Mr Feith and other Washington neo-conservatives had with Israel's Likud party.
In 1996, he and Richard Perle - now an influential Pentagon figure - served as advisers to the then Likud leader, Binyamin Netanyahu. In a policy paper they wrote, entitled A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm, the two advisers said that Saddam would have to be destroyed, and Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and Iran would have to be overthrown or destabilised, for Israel to be truly safe.
The Israeli influence was revealed most clearly by a story floated by unnamed senior US officials in the American press, suggesting the reason that no banned weapons had been found in Iraq was that they had been smuggled into Syria. Intelligence sources say that the story came from the office of the Israeli prime minister.
The OSP absorbed this heady brew of raw intelligence, rumour and plain disinformation and made it a "product", a prodigious stream of reports with a guaranteed readership in the White House. The primary customers were Mr Cheney, Mr Libby and their closest ideological ally on the national security council, Stephen Hadley, Condoleezza Rice's deputy.
In turn, they leaked some of the claims to the press, and used others as a stick with which to beat the CIA and the state department analysts, demanding they investigate the OSP leads
Douglas Feith, on whose authority the Israelis were cleared into the Pentagon, is a Zionist Jew who co-authored the Clean Break Memo as part of an advisory group directly to Netanyahu himself. The memo calls for removing Saddam as an important objective:
Israel can shape its strategic environment, in cooperation with Turkey and Jordan, by weakening, containing, and even rolling back Syria. This effort can focus on removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq—an important Israeli strategic objective in its own right—as a means of foiling Syria’s regional ambitions.
So you have Doug Feith working directly with the Likud party to provide plans for securing Israeli objectives in the Middle East. Then you get Doug Feith on the OSP, who laundered false Israeli intelligence from a clandestine office of the Israeli Prime Minister directly to the White House. Then you have Netanyahu himself giving a hard sell to the American Congress.
This is laughable, the WMD intelligence was laundered from Israel direct to the White House through a special office composed of ultra-Zionists. You can even watch Netanyahu give the hard sell directly to the American Congress on the Iraq War "taking out Saddam" in 2002! This is the exact same man influencing Trump by the way, who Trump considers to be America's greatest ally.
"If you take out Saddam, I guarantee you that it will have enormous positive reverberations on the region. And I think that people sitting right next door in Iran will say... the time of such regimes, of such despots is gone." Netanyahu to the Congress in 2002.
This is the man who OUR AMERICAN CONGRESS gave 58 standing ovations in his Congressional visit last year. From Grok:
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu received the most standing ovations in a single speech in U.S. Congressional history during his address to a joint session of Congress on July 24, 2024. According to reports, he was given 55 standing ovations throughout his one-hour speech, surpassing all previous records for a single address. This figure is notably higher than other historically significant speeches, such as those by Winston Churchill or previous addresses by Netanyahu himself.
Blacks are 14.5% of the American population, about equal to their 14% representation in the Harvard class of 2028. Likewise Latinos constitute 16% of the Harvard class compared to about 20% representation in the population.
Too bad Whites only have about a third of their population representation, giving them the worst representation among any other demographic. I guess blacks and Latinos are just outcompeting whites right?
Look, I'm a supporter of free speech as much as anybody but I'm not going to run into the buzzsaw that is the Jewish lobby. People who have been calling my fellow travellers anti-semitic nazis for years - decades, even - suddenly need my help?
It's not about helping it's about building bridges on important issues. A lot of left-wing commentators on X are sounding more Right Wing on the question of the Jewish lobby every single day.
... Yes? I said I agree with you on the general principle we should revoke visas or permanent residency, IMO even revoke citizenship, of people who subvert the United States on behalf of foreign interests. So now we can move on to that question, right, after acknowledging we agree on the principle?
How exactly does protesting the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians from Gaza threaten the United States?
Great! American visa policy should be based on the principle that visa or permanent residency approvals are intended to further the interests of Americans and the United States.
I entirely agree with this, but these people aren't being deported on behalf of the interests of the United States, they are being deported on behalf of the interests of Israel and the Jewish lobby. If you remember, it was only a few years ago mass riots and protests were permitted - under the Trump administration - against White Amerikkka. But once it's Israel being criticized it's an entirely different story.
Hillel reports that 22.8% of Columbia undergraduates are Jewish, by the way.
There will be no investigations regarding the decline of Gentile Whites at Harvard, who only make up 20% of the Harvard class of 2028 despite making up over 60% of the country. And despite being the people that actually founded the institution and the country in its entirety.
How did the people who founded these institutions get kicked out of them within a single generation? Hmmm, there will be no investigations there. Let's investigate why Columbia is only 22.8% Jewish, should be higher...
Columbia Student Hunted by ICE Sues to Prevent Deportation
A 21-year old, third year Columbia student is wanted by ICE. She's a legal permanent resident who has lived in the United States since she was 7 years old. This is different from the case of Mahmoud Khalil in very notable regards:
- Chung is herself Korean and not Arab like Mahmoud Khalil, there is no accusation that Chung herself "supports terrorism" which was the justification that was going around when Khalil was arrested.
- According to NYT the Trump administration justification is:
The Trump administration is arguing that her presence in the United States hinders the administration’s foreign policy agenda of halting the spread of antisemitism...
The involvement of federal prosecutors was particularly notable. According to Ms. Chung’s lawsuit, agents apparently seeking her searched two residences on the Columbia campus with warrants that cited a criminal law known as the harboring statute, aimed at those who give shelter to noncitizens present in the United States illegally.
That signaled that the searches were related to a broader criminal investigation by federal prosecutors into Columbia University. Todd Blanche, the deputy attorney general, has said that the school is under investigation “for harboring and concealing illegal aliens on its campus.”
- So the arrest/deportation order is based on the accusation of antisemitism and not support for terrorism. If you are wondering what Chung did that the US government would consider antisemitic- the DHS and United States has adopted the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance's working definition of Antisemitism.
- There is no accusation that Chung organized the protests or was a leader of the protests in any form, and did not speak to reporters, she was merely a participant.
As someone who has been very aware of the growing body of European hate speech laws making antisemitism illegal, and the regulatory and legal tactics which are being pursued to tacitly put Americans under the same rules, even I underestimated the extent to which antisemitism would be overtly criminalized in the United States. Although I warned of the US adopting the IHRA definition of anti-semitism years ago on TheMotte, even at the time I didn't think it would form the basis for arresting protestors.
I don't think the Sanders-style socialist talking points are going to activate the suburban college-educated voters (who are going to increasingly come from the younger generation). It's old stuff, every Gen Z voter supporting Trump has heard it all before. Sanders says the exact same thing every speech. It's not going to cause a generational shift.
Dems have lost much of the comparative advantage against right-wing populism, compared to the former state of Republicans adopting strict free-market liberalism. They aren't going to have a monopoly on economic populism any more.
It needs to be something new and I am not sure the left is capable of generating anything new at this point. The Right Wing has soooo much greenspace in comparison.
In short, white identitarianism is not a sustainable strategy for Republicans going forward.
Any party strategy is a combination of many constituent sub-strategies. The Democrat party heavily appeals to Black identitarianism but it would be wrong define that as their "strategy." Polling and survey data suggests that Latinos are even more sympathetic to white identitarianism than whites are. Appealing to it as part of a broader strategy seems unlikely to dissuade Latino voters. If anything they seem to like it.
The risk is that the left is more than capable of eventually offering rather compelling deck shuffling of its own.
What are their options?
- Double-down on left-social populism (AKA wokeness)
- Reorient towards left-economic populism (Bernie Sanders style)
- Reorient towards liberalism
It seems safe to say a significant part of the reorientation of the young vote is a reaction against "Wokeness." So I don't think they will go that route. The left-economic populism route might appeal to young voters but it won't appeal to the more affluent voters or doner class which the Democrat party has made massive inroads with recently.
A reorientation towards liberalism is unlikely to appeal to young voters for the reasons you've suggested. It will also alienate the progressive base who might churn towards right wing populism as a response.
Obviously they can adopt any combination of the three but it's hard to suggest the right combination of those options that will appeal to young voters.
Lastly, Maxwell liked Ghislaine but trusted her little with his actual interests, which he left to his sons
This reminds me of the banger that KulakRevolt (RIP) posted on X:
Dad? Are you part of the international Zionist Occupational Government?
But there is no Mafia right? "Oh he didn't trust his daughter with his interests, she's definitely not a spy like her father!" Uh-huh.
Yes on the one hand you have this constellation of circumstantial evidence, and on the other hand denials and cover stories which you would completely expect even if it were an intelligence operation. I do not find the Epstein/Wexner love story a better explanation of Epstein's wealth which came out of nowhere or of his connections with Maxwell, Israeli politicians etc. You also downplay Acosta claimed he was told Epstein "belonged to intelligence" in receiving an unprecedented plea deal and getting the FBI investigation essentially covered up. And now the FBI cites National Security interests in not releasing the Epstein files. Embarrassing billionaires wouldn't be a national security issue, exposing foreign intelligence operations would be.
The other thing is that "Israeli intelligence" is not only Mossad.
Ghislaine Maxwell is not Jewish according to Jewish law.
Maxwell is identified as Jewish in Florida prison, where she is entitled to a Kosher meal that is 6x more expensive than those given to incarcerated second-class citizens. Among other perks.
American decline and European decline. No loyalty to the American empire because even its very existence is denied. Endless quagmires like the Middle East caused by the ambiguity of America's role on the global stage, and because neither non-intervention nor subjugation are options on the table. The mandate is easily exploited by small groups of influential lobbyists because there's no real underlying direction or imperial identity.
That's the underlying source of the entire problem. The United States is an Empire, but because of WWII and Cold War we are supposed to pretend that isn't the state of the world, we don't do empires in which vassals are subjugated and have clear obligations to the hegemon. But the flip side is the imperial obligations of the United States become likewise ambiguous. The American people can appeal to isolationism because on paper we aren't supposed to be an Empire with vassals and bilateral obligations.
The United States is an empire, we do have imperial obligations, but the ambiguity of that state of affairs leads to absurd arrangements in which i.e. America abandons Europe while endlessly supporting an impudent Israel, which scoffs at any attempt by America to assert authority over it. And Europe can demand support from the US without fulfilling its own obligations.
The entire idea of this "tacit agreement" is supposed to support the useful fiction that America isn't an empire, but it leads America to shirk its own duties and leads its vassals to shirk their own duties.
Let's consider the hundreds of billions of direct US aid to Israel since 1948. Estimates of the cost for sanctioning and isolating Iran are unknown but Grok estimates the figure to be in the range of $300–$600 billion. Joseph Stiglitz estimated the cost of the Iraq war to be $3 trillion, and more conservative estimates put it around $2 trillion.
The cost of Zionism to the United States and Europe is in the many trillions of dollars, and much more than that. NATO, Ukraine, and Europe are infinitely more worthy of the loyalty of the American people than Zionism and the state of Israel, which it looks like may after all drag the United States into war with Iran.
The rise of Epstein's wealth and influence is extremely mysterious and not explained by your theory. Keith Woods put together a list of circumstantial bullet points:
- Former Israeli Intelligence officer Ari Ben-Menashe alleges Epstein ran a honeypot for Mossad after being recruited by Ghislaine Maxwell
- Maria Farmer, the first victim to report Epstein to the FBI, said everyone involved in the operation was a Jewish supremacist who racially abused her as a non-Jew - she claimed the operation was led by the Mega group
- Mega group is an organisation of exclusively Jewish billionaires set up to fund Jewish and pro-Israel causes
- One of the co-founders of Mega was Victora' Secret owner Les Wexner, who provided Epstein with his $77 million house in Manhattan which he used for his blackmail ring
- NY Times article from the 1990s reported on the apartment when Wexner owned it, describing it as reminiscent of James Bond movies
- Wexner was the only client of Epstein's mysterious hedge fund and the apparent source of his wealth
- Epstein was hired to work for Bear Stearns in 1970 by Alan Greenberg, another member of Mega group. Prior to this Epstein was just a school teacher
- Mega group member Ronald Lauder is president of the World Jewish Congress and has been a big donor to Netanyahu's Likud party
- Epstein's associate Ghislaine Maxwell is the daughter of Robert Maxwell, a top Mossad spy.
- Robert Maxwell's business partner was Charles Bronfman, a co-founder of the Mega group
- Epstein's lawyer and long-time friend Alan Dershowitz is an ultra-Zionist, author of The Case for Israel, and was considered by Israel to represent them at the ICJ
- Epstein had multiple meetings with former Israeli PM Ehud Barak in his New York apartment
- Les Wexner's Wexner Foundation gave Barak $2 million in 2004 for still unspecified research
- Barak says he was first introduced to Epstein by former Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres, who gave a eulogy at Robert Maxwells funeral
- Epstein and Barak were business partners in a tech company - the company’s executive team were all former members of Israeli intelligence
Details of the story, like Epstein being given a $77 million house for free by Les Wexner, make no sense unless we assume it's part of an intelligence op. I haven't dug too deeply into the story myself, it's pretty obvious Epstein is related to Israeli intelligence (not necessarily Mossad) and that's why the Epstein documents will never be released.
I did watch the documentary and was struck by the interview of Maria Farmer in which she related strong Jewish supremacism within the group, which is something you would not expect a Gentile sexual abuse victim to make up out of the blue so it seems credible to me:
“When I called Ghislaine [Maxwell] and asked why I couldn’t eat there [at a private and exclusive country club] she said, ‘It’s a Jewish country club, you’re not Jewish, they’re not going to serve you.’ This is how this woman spoke to me, yeah. This is how these people think, Whitney. They, honest to God, think their DNA is better than everybody else’s, I swear to you. It was a theme all the time with them. With Eileen Guggenheim, with Jeffrey Epstein, with Ghislaine. It was a theme.”
Yeah my ancestors were probably serfs in Old Europe, then they got bored and decided to conquer America. Many such cases- a very classic Indo-European impulse.
Are they merely «industrious» and «good at math», myopic, cheap, autistic narrow optimizers, natural nerdy sidekicks to the White Man with his Main Character Energy and craaazy fits of big picture inspiration, thus doomed to be a second-tier player as a nation; with all cultural explanations of their derivative track record being «stereotype threat» level cope – as argued by @SecureSignals? Or are they just held back by old habits, path-dependent incentives and lack of confidence but in essence every bit as capable, nay, more capable of this whole business of pushing civilization forward, and indeed uplifting the whole planet, as argued by Chinese Industrial Party authors – doing the «one thing that Westerners have been unwilling or powerless to accomplish»?
Evolutionary theory to explain disparities in conformism are at least as plausible as i.e. Cold Winter Theory to explain disparities in IQ. The descendants of a race that invented wheeled transport, domestication of horses, and then conquered/colonized virtually the entire world, and then invented pretty much everything else in history, does have a spark of Main Character Energy that fundamentally lacks in a race of eternally subjugated rice peasants. "Guess which people are more conformist and which are more bold and daring?" People can/will scoff at that argument, and its relationship to HBD but in my opinion it has more evidence than it does for the notion that IQ differences emerged because of cold winters (not that it isn't a decent theory as well).
The more important fact is that AI may become the Great Equalizer on these higher-order traits. A spark of genius that does, I think, give whites the "main character energy" can be integrated into AI just the same and maybe allow the Chinese to escape some local minima downstream from their own psychology. For example, if the Chinese diligently follow AI-generated plans prompted to achieve Chinese geopolitical goals, that will simulate a different racial psychology than world history has manifested until this point, because the strategy of the plans and their underlying innovation, aggressiveness, creativity and so-on will be a product of AI and not of Chinese psychology- except the extent to which Chinese psychology influences the LLM which was also a point I touched on before. I think that argument applies to whites as well, who also demonstrably suffer from being stuck in local minima but may able to escape them if their own psychological weaknesses are overcome with assistance from AI.
It should be noted that all the verbiage of the EO and pending legislation identifies "antisemitic acts" and not merely "advocating for a terrorist group." The US has adopted the International Holocaust Remembrance working definition of Antisemitism which includes, among other things:
- Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews as such or the power of Jews as collective — such as, especially but not exclusively, the myth about a world Jewish conspiracy or of Jews controlling the media, economy, government or other societal institutions.
- Accusing Jews as a people of being responsible for real or imagined wrongdoing committed by a single Jewish person or group, or even for acts committed by non-Jews.
- Accusing the Jews as a people, or Israel as a state, of inventing or exaggerating the Holocaust.
- Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations.
- Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor.
- Applying double standards by requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation.
- Using the symbols and images associated with classic antisemitism (e.g., claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel) to characterize Israel or Israelis.
- Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.
- Holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the state of Israel.
So with these EOs and legislation talking about, like the "the No Visas for Anti-Semitic Students Act" specify only antisemitic acts with the definition above being the actual, real working definition used to define an antisemitic act.
Jewish orgs are already drafting lists of specific students they want to see deported so we'll see how far Trump goes with this. I don't think ICE showing up to deport pro-Palestinian protestors is going to work in the long-run.
On March 9, 2025, in support of President Trump’s executive orders prohibiting anti-Semitism, and in coordination with the Department of State, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement arrested Mahmoud Khalil, a former Columbia University graduate student. Khalil led activities aligned to Hamas, a designated terrorist organization.
ICE and the Department of State are committed to enforcing President Trump’s executive orders and to protecting U.S. national security.
More details from AP:
Federal immigration authorities arrested a Palestinian activist Saturday who played a prominent role in Columbia University’s protests against Israel, a significant escalation in the Trump administration’s pledge to detain and deport student activists.
Mahmoud Khalil, a graduate student at Columbia until this past December, was inside his university-owned apartment Saturday night when several Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents entered and took him into custody, his attorney, Amy Greer, told The Associated Press.
Greer said she spoke by phone with one of the ICE agents during the arrest, who said they were acting on State Department orders to revoke Khalil’s student visa. Informed by the attorney that Khalil was in the United States as a permanent resident with a green card, the agent said they were revoking that instead, according to the lawyer.
A spokesperson for the Department of Homeland Security, Tricia McLaughlin, confirmed Khalil’s arrest in a statement Sunday, describing it as being “in support of President Trump’s executive orders prohibiting anti-Semitism.”
It's all so tiresome. It certainly puts the BLM Riots in context- they can shut down protest when they want to.
I'm not sure in the long run it's going to be a good strategy to resort to such overt hard power. Zionism in the United States is facing an unprecedented pincer movement from both the Left and the Right opposing it from different angles of critique. Every day that goes by, the Progressives on X complaining about Zionist influence in American society are starting to sound more and more like their right-wing counterparts. Who can blame them when they are forced to face the stark reality of hard power when they want to protest Israel?
This is mildly silly, in that the claimed total (based on the demographic impact of the Holocaust) was and is 6 million, and there were multiple camps, so the numbers wouldn't add up if Auschwitz was 4 million.
Yes of course it was a Soviet lie. You know what else is a lie? The gas chamber shown to millions of tourists at the camp. The Auschwitz Museum claimed for decades that this "Gas Chamber", really the most famous one in Holocaust history, was in its original state including most importantly the holes in the ceiling allegedly used to dispense Zyklon B to kill the prisoners inside.
The claim that this was an original structure persisted for decades, even after the fall of the Soviet Union, until Revisionists showed that it was a post-war "reconstruction" in Soviet-Occupied Poland. So they lied about that too- the infamous "Zyklon holes" were constructed post-war and were not original structures as claimed for decades. Contemporary blueprints of the structure show that the alleged gas chamber was actually a morgue with a swinging door providing access to the cremation ovens- a necessary design for a morgue but an impossible design for an air-tight gas chamber.
And they lied about millions of people being killed at Majdanek among 7 gas chambers.
So much of the Holocaust narrative has just been steady retreat from Soviet lies. Separating the truth from Soviet lies is the reason Revisionism is necessary.
The Holocaust Narrative was not dominant in the 1960s, I said that was when the Holocaust Narrative essentially began in its current form. Yes Origins hardly touches the topic and doesn't mention gas chambers at all. It doesn't really do you any favors though to point out that the Holocaust narrative as such really emerged decades after the war in full form. Usually a historical event is most salient in the public consciousness in the immediate aftermath of the event and fades over time. It's the complete opposite with the Holocaust, in which it was basically ignored for decades and didn't peak in the public consciousness until the 1990s at the earliest, although I would argue it is at its peak right now.
Origins doesn't touch the Holocaust, neither does Eisenhower's Crusade in Europe or Churchill's Second World War totaling 4,448 pages, neither does de Gaulle's three volume Mémoires de guerre, none of them mention gas chambers a single time or anything resembling the prevailing Holocaust narrative. It's a very stark omission, which the mainstream explains away as- they just didn't care enough about Jews enough to mention it.
The fact that WWII Revisionism emerged before the Holocaust narrative in its current form proliferated, and then has been fanatically suppressed ever since the Holocaust narrative has become the holy center of western mythology points to a relationship between the two.
most notably "What was the status of the so-called Hossbach memorandum presented to the Nuremberg Tribunal as evidence of a long-term Nazi plan for conquest in Eastern Europe?" AJP Taylor throws a lot of shade at the authenticity of the memorandum, which if definitive would directly refute his argument
How many various Israeli memorandum have been produced with various proposals and plans in the past 2 years? The mainstream relies on an extremely illogical overemphasis on memos like that. A non-reviewed memo written from memory by an attendee 5 days after a single meeting 1937- how likely is that to be a realistic blueprint ground-truth plan for geopolitical policy in 1940? Various memos have been leaked from the Israeli camp with plans for Gaza, it would be like picking a memo from a single meeting and saying the Israelis absolutely plan to do this 3 years from now. The situation changes, the idea that memo sinks the Revisionist case for WWII is wishful thinking.
The mainstream constantly ignores these kinds of rhetoric and memos coming from Israeli leaders, but then treats a memo from a single meeting in 1937 as a be-all-end-all plan. The memo also validates that Germany did not want war with Great Britain and France, which would validate an important Revisionist position.
The military history community, of course, doesn't even consider Nazi-sympathetic views revisionist - it prides itself on being able to separate the concepts of "competent/incompetent general" from "fought on the good/evil side".
This is true but they still ban Holocaust Revisionism, at least on places like Axis History Forum. It's understandable, they don't want their intellectual curiosity in the Axis powers conflated with antisemitism so they police their own community vigorously on that question as far as I can tell. But outside the military forums any sort of Revisionist treatment of the Axis powers or WWII is scandalizing, as you can see from the various reactions of WWII Revisionism being platformed on Tucker Carlson and soon to be on Joe Rogan. Sure the military history community will ponder a question like "What if Britain had remained neutral in the German-Soviet war?" but the powers that be will be apoplectic to hear that question platformed seriously on Rogan.
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It's not possible to have this conversation without information on the full distribution, so we could interrogate the question over what we would expect the distribution of the class should be.
Let's say average IQ of Whites is 100 with SD 15. So about 4.75% of whites have an IQ of at least 125.
Let's say average Jewish IQ is 110 with SD 15. Then about 15.87% of Jews have an IQ of at least 125.
But Whites are 60% of the population and Jews are about 2.4% of the population. So we expect there to be about 7.5 times the number of White applicants with an IQ at or above 125 compared to Jewish applicants. Instead the ratio is probably closer to 2 to 1 at best at Harvard. At Columbia, where there is now an investigation that is going to ultimately seek to boost the admission of Jews, Whites are only about 34% of the undergrad student body. If the Hillel number is even remotely approximate it suggests Jews outnumber non-Jewish white students.
You can dispute some of these numbers, i.e. if you choose 115 IQ despite the fact there's a bigger range in the literature, then about 25% of Jews would have an IQ of at least 125 and the ratio would be about 4.75. None of these numbers are close to the actual distribution at a place like Harvard or Columbia.
This isn't an end-all be-all analysis, but it's what you would have to do if you wanted to make the point you are trying to make. Just talking about average IQ is not sufficient for the point you are trying to make.
Ultimately though the point I am making is proven by the actions Columbia is taking, which are clearly intended to defend or improve the level of admission of Jewish students on political grounds.
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