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Friday Fun Thread for April 12, 2024

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The last 27 years? Isn't the game about that many years old?

The place to start catching up would probably be checking out the beginnings of the Modern format.

For tokens, people usually bring dice.

The last 27 years? Isn't the game about that many years old?

In my kid brain, since it had such an outsize impact in my life, it felt like I was playing Mtg for my whole childhood. And also when I would read about prior editions, it made it feel like I was a second generation player. But when I look it up and do the math, it seems like the game came out 30 years ago, I started playing it a year or two after that, and I stopped playing it a year or two after that.[1]

Current day Mtg game mechanics seem familiar, but there's so many modifiers? Vigilance? Haste? Flash? Wut? And yeah the tokens. Wondering what else I missed. Fallen Empires had token "creatures" but they were a different thing.

Anyway, half wondering if I play against any current day players if my ways will seem old and cringe.

The place to start catching up would probably be checking out the beginnings of the Modern format.

Oh, that's good to know! Wouldn't want to spend time and money picking up old cards that aren't even allowed in friendly games anymore.

  1. Also in my mind, I felt like I was using the internet for a whole lifetime between when Amazon came out but before Google came out, but they were only 4 years apart. Kid time dilation is real.

You could probably grab tokens from your friendly local game store's chaff pile, if they host MTG events they likely have a surplus of basic lands and tokens.

I think the biggest rule change since your old times was mana burn - at some point they got rid of it, now excess mana simply disappears at the end of every phase.