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This is a refreshed megathread for any posts on the conflict between (so far, and so far as I know) Hamas and the Israeli government, as well as related geopolitics. Culture War thread rules apply.

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I'm not sure what you mean? He cares about this insofar as so many people in America care about it - as it illuminates how harmful democracy and progressivism and caring too much about the poor oppressed foreigners is - not for the conflict itself. He wouldn't be posting about it if everyone else wasn't too.

Moldbug's usual principle is: "Might makes right, the strong should do what they can and the weak must suffer what they must."

For some reasons, his application of this principle on the Middle East problem always is: "Palestine is lost cause, Palestinian resistance against Israel is futile, Palestinians should give up and leave the country", never "Israel is lost cause, Israeli resistance against Arab and Muslim world is futile, Israelis should give up and leave the Middle East for good."

To be fair, Israel has a history of trouncing the Arab powers in conventional conflicts - it would be counterintuitive to conclude from that that they are incapable of defending their position against Arab states.

If you hadn't noticed, Israel is the strong one there compared to the Palestinians, so that's not inconsistent in the slightest.

Yeah this is just a factual disagreement. All the demographic extrapolators and "feminized, decadent" west folks should really look into the implied per capita power discrepancy between israel and the arab world. Moderns can always crush angry superstitious masses militarily, if they so choose.

If you hadn't noticed, Israel is the strong one there compared to the Palestinians, so that's not inconsistent in the slightest.

Compared to the Palestinians, yes. Compared to the whole Arab and Muslim world, this is not so clear.

Moldbug believes that Israelis are master race, that America is keeping Israel down and in absence of American influence, Israel would easily roll over all land between Nile and Euphrates.

This is debatable, but if things went the other way and Israelis were to be driven to the sea, would Moldbug say: "Vae victis, winners keepers, losers weepers"? I have my doubts.

This is debatable, but if things went the other way and Israelis were to be driven to the sea, would Moldbug say: "Vae victis, winners keepers, losers weepers"? I have my doubts.

Probably, it would be far from the first and perhaps not even the worst misfortune his people had suffered, “oh well, we got trounced again” is a rather longstanding Jewish narrative.

Moldbug believes that Israelis are master race

Because he believes in HBD? Relatively bold claim re. Moldbug, he’s often spoken pretty disparagingly about Israel and modern Jewry in general.

Compared to the whole Arab and Muslim world, this is not so clear.

I think if the whole Arab and Muslim world could wipe Israel out, they would have already done so. Certainly they tried a few times.

A completely unified Muslim entity would likely be capable, but the chances of such a thing ever happening are essentially nil since people treat them as overly monolithic instead of rife with their own pile of issues and divisions.

Compared to the Palestinians, yes. Compared to the whole Arab and Muslim world, this is not so clear.

Compared to the whole Arab world, it's pretty clear. Add in Turkey and Iran and maybe not, but Turkey, Iran, and the Arabs getting together to destroy Israel is something that isn't happening.

Moldbug believes that Israelis are master race, that America is keeping Israel down and in absence of American influence, Israel would easily roll over all land between Nile and Euphrates.

And maybe they could, but that would just leave them with an extremely hostile population in the occupied areas. They'd be fools to try it. At least the Sinai was very sparsely populated.

This is debatable, but if things went the other way and Israelis were to be driven to the sea, would Moldbug say: "Vae victis, winners keepers, losers weepers"? I have my doubts.

Your beliefs about Moldbug's claims in the counterfactual don't make him a hypocrite.