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Culture War Roundup for the week of September 25, 2023

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As I has heavilly downvoted for pointing out back in January of 2022, the history of "Nazism" in eastern Europe is often complicated by the fact that being anti-Bolshevik would make you a nazi by default. The villain's origin story from Goldeneye is an actual historical event and the fascist government in Finland fought on for an additional 3 years after VE day.

Progs being progs want to believe that nazism is uniquely evil and that they are thus uniquly good for taking a stand against it, but it isn't and they are not. It's bullshit all the way down.

the fascist government in Finland fought on for an additional 3 years after VE day.

So... the Finns called WWII the Continuation War, e.g. a continuation of the 1939-1940 Winter War. They signed an armistice with the USSR in September 1944. Which is a a solid 8 months before VE Day.

I'm less up on Finnish internal politics of the period, but I think a lot of them would take issue with calling the Finnish wartime government "fascist."

Going by the Wikipedia article it would seem you are correct, for some reason I was under the impression that the Russo-Finish war didn't end until 1947.

Edit to add: In fact, I'm actually having a serious Mandela Effect moment as I would've sworn on my life that I've seen references to "the Russo-Finish War 1939 - 47" in multiple history books, Wikipedia articles etc...

The only thing I can think of that you might have transposed the Ukrainian post-war guerilla efforts against the Soviets onto Finland?

It's not just the end date, Finland didn't have a fascist government at any point of the war. There was one minor minister from a far-right party for a part of the Continuation War, 1941-1943.

All this could be true. I wish no ill on the guy. I don't think he should be thrown in jail to die alone by some zealous Nazi hunter.

But it is rather rich that the prog monoparty that has been calling me a Nazi the last 8 years for essential having unchanged "liberal" beliefs from the 90's went on to then invite and applaud a literal card carrying Nazi in a center of power. It's an act so brazen it just gives the game away. Yeah, it is bullshit all the way down.

He wasn't a Nazi "by default", he fought in the Waffen-SS. May well have been the right thing, fighting for one devil against another, but he was definitely fighting for the Nazis.

Of course, you had to be a German to join the Wehrmacht whereas the Waffen SS had a policy of accepting recruits from wherever.

and the fascist government in Finland fought on for an additional 3 years after VE day.

Is this some sort of an irony joke I'm not getting?

the fascist government in Finland fought on for an additional 3 years after VE day.


Progs being progs want to believe that nazism is uniquely evil and that they are thus uniquly good for taking a stand against it, but it isn't and they are not. It's bullshit all the way down.

True, but at least this incident, and similar ones before, provides clear proof of this. To the extent this is even discussed online, I see progs come up with various bullshit excuses, misdirections etc., progs who otherwise identify the evil Nazi menace in anything and everything.