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Okay, I should not have said "People don't really care about Holocaust denial," because you're right, obviously they do, it's an emotive topic.

But what I meant (and I think you know I meant this), is that even convincing people that the Holocaust was "less bad/exaggerated/not an intentional planned industrial-scale genocide" is not going to get anyone where you are actually trying to get them, which is joining you in your animosity towards Jews and following you down the ZOG rabbit hole.

So when I say I (and we) are bored and don't care about your umpteenth iteration on the subject, it's because (a) we do not find your arguments convincing and repeating another wall of text about it looks like you're taking the obsessive "This time, I'll get through to them!" route, and (b) we know what your actual agenda is (it's not clarifying historical inaccuracies). It's like JB and his never-ending theses which always generated a lot of replies. The fact that he could always provoke lots of replies with very emotive topics does not mean he was not tiresome and boring going on about topics people were sick of. I get that you're going to keep doing it because you are on a crusade and you're hoping to pick up a few converts, but "Haha, obviously you care a lot because you keep arguing with me!" is not the own you think it is.

I mean, he's convinced me that the holocaust will only be relevant to Americans until the second some group feels empowered to start the "White Tears About The Holocaust And Other Myths That Perpetuate White Supremacy" game, at which point none of the tactics you've used against SS will work any more.

Which is a fucking shame, because allowing it to become yet another forgotten genocide in the long string of them that make up most of human history means nobody learned anything, and we're probably in for an even worse one someday.

I mean, he's convinced me that the holocaust will only be relevant to Americans until the second some group feels empowered to start the "White Tears About The Holocaust And Other Myths That Perpetuate White Supremacy" game,

You believed that already.

at which point none of the tactics you've used against SS will work any more.

I'm not using any "tactics" against him, aside from honest and straightforward disagreement and disdain for his views and his agenda.

I find it ironic that even though you will stan anyone and anything, no matter how inflammatory, so long as it might trigger a liberal somewhere, even you had to add an obligatory disclaimer that you actually believe the Holocaust was a bad thing.

I'll reiterate that I haven't posted a single top-level thread on Holocaust denial, and my inbox is flooded with people who want to talk about it, so:

So when I say I (and we) are bored and don't care about your umpteenth iteration on the subject

People seem interested, including you, so that's another sneer at the topic that doesn't ring true.