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Notes -
In my opinion Ukraine is not a character. Proof of it is that the main leader of that 'nationalist' country is Jewish, thus not sharing the same ethnicity as most people in Ukraine and Russia (slavic), and was even sued a couple years ago for not using the official language (Ukrainian, a regional dialect of Russian that he learned as an adult) in official settings, Most people in that country speak Russian but the government has been playing a game of forcing Ukrainian as the official 'language', similarly to French in Quebec.
Aside from that, they cannot possibly win against Russia on their own, and they've been struggling with intelligence, spec ops and billions dollars in support from the richest country in the world.
Ukraine also had the ability to create their own destiny when they had pro-Russia leaders until that color revolution that brought in actors like Zelensky in charge.
I guess that was not the right type of democracy back then.
I don't think that's in question at this point.
One can also question why Poland would decide to strengthen ties to EU/NATO when they already put themselves on the bad side of the EU before for their treatment of LGBTQ+ minorities.
They may have ultimately more in common with the Russian block than the Western block, but that's up to them to figure out.
Which one is it then? Let's have globohomo fully destroy Western Europe because Russia bad?
Globohomo will sterilize itself into extinction in fairly short order, don't worry.
Globohomo might actually be demographically stable as long as it manages to recruit from outsider populations faster than it kills or sterilizes its members.
And demographically-stable outsider populations are developing immune responses rapidly.
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Insofar as "globohomo" exists, surely Russians are as "globo" as the West, considering that they have no compunction about there being, generally, global organizations, global treaties, global frameworks etc. that nations are supposed to obey - they simply want the whole constellation and governance of the system to happen on a different basis than now (ie. one that would favor Russia more).
Thus, it all would boil down to "homo", which I'm choosing to interpret as meaning, obviously, homosexuality (I'm aware there's an explanation of the term where it means "global homogeneity" or whatever - this has always sounded, to me, as credible as "No, officer, don't ya know that ACAB means All Cats Are Beautiful?")m, and that would then boil down to it being OK for Russia to bomb Ukraine's infrastructure to smithereens, occupy vast stretches of land, kill untold numbers of Ukrainians etc... just to prevent there being a Pride parades in Donetsk and Sevastopol. Forgive me for not considering that enough of a reason for, well, anything resembling Russia's current actions, really.
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We’ll disagree with most of that.
But no I don’t let globohomo win because Russia bad. I just don’t partner with Russia. I fight globohomo in other avenues (which does include allying with Ukraine after the war as a non globo homo country).
I speak truth to power against globohomo.
Ukraine as a non globo homo country?
They’ve always been non globo homo.
You think the globo homo types would ever man trenches in 0 degree weather?
This the President
Them the ones getting eliminated by the President
Let's see what the 'New Ukrainians' look like once Zelensky is done with Ukraine.
Given Ukrainian demographic trends, social conservatism can be expected to be on an upswing.
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He is a comedian so not sure what that is it. He should get rid of the gays. Last week I thought the issue was all the Ukranians were Nazis.
Zelensky does apparently fuck and has a wife and kids.
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Poland is on pace to have higher per capita income than England.
But your opinion is quickly given - you don’t believe Ukranians exists. It’s like stepping on a cockroach.
This is horrible logic - “Ukraine had the chance to create their own identified when they had Russian leaders” - like wtf - that’s akin to Henry Ford saying you can buy a car any color you want as long as it’s black. You saying Ukraine could have any destiny they wanted as long as their a Russian colony.
I wonder if this has to do with the quality of people that reside respectively in Poland and England.
I wonder if building stronger ties to NATO and EU is going to lead Poland toward increasing or decreasing the quality of the people that live there.
Let's not forget the assumption that higher per capita income should be used as an important metrics.
What do you care if Ukrainians exist? If the proportion of Ukrainian in Ukraine decreased by 10% but the per capita income increased by 10%, wouldn't that be positive for you?
Ukraine had an identity for the hundreds of years that it was practically a part of Russia.
You do not seem to like that identity and you seem to believe that the 1991 to 2022 or 2014 to 2022 period is the 'real' Ukrainian identity. Arbitrary.
Oh now they are finally free from the Russian empire! They only have to come grovel to the American congress and take orders from American politicians. Surely this will improve their lot.
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Wild stuff.
No nation with a jewish president can be a sovereign country? Jewish people can't be nationalistic? This is "proof" that Ukraine is not sovereign, or has no agency in its own affairs?
Jewish nationalism is called zionism.
My evidence for Zelensky not being a Ukrainian nationalist is that :
-he is an actor. Not exactly where you expect to find nationalists, but it is a career where duplicity is an important skill
-he learned the Ukrainian dialect as an adult and was sued for not using it in official setting while it was a requirement of his job
It seems that Ukrainian nationalists are very concerned about usage of Ukrainian, why would an authentic nationalist not know that?
That's like being an American progressive who doesn't care to learn the pronouns.
Usually nationalists of a given country follow people that actually represent the majority of the nation.
For example American nationalists usually elect white people because that's who they think the nation should be represented by.
All I'm saying is that it's pretty odd for nationalists to elect a minority actor who does not even follow the basic codes (even law) of being an elected official for that country.
The fact that the guy immediately throws the country into a war that pretty much guarantees that Ukraine will not exist as a nation in any meaningful way in the future kind of support this further.
Sending all your womenfolk overseas for the next generation pretty much guarantees that you will not have fresh blood in the future, unless imported EU-style, but by my definition of nationalism, that is not really the same nation.
If an IRA member grows ups using English and learns Gaelic only as an adult and cannot use it very well, does that ipso facto mean they're not an Irish nationalist?
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