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Right so scientists and scientific progress at at best acceptable collateral damage in your crusade to punish these people as much as possible and at worst enemies just because being in the same industry makes you think that they're the same people. This is exactly what I was talking about.
"But scientists vote XX% democrat! They have to be the evil woke!"---well it shouldn't be that surprising that scientists overwhelmingly vote against the party of creationism and appointing anti-vaxxers as HHS secretary even if they might have had serious concerns with woke overreach. If you don't believe me, you can listen to Richard Hanania.
I'm on no crusade. I don't want scientific research defended. I don't know who you are arguing against with the "scientists vote Democrat" dialog, but it is not me.
I distrust much of published research due to naked bias and replication crisis. I believe American research universities and their intellectual product are much degraded and could be vastly better. This is valuable and important so it is in need of drastic intervention. I would much prefer the scalpel to the bone saw.
I would reverse the blame you are placing here. Like me you don't want scientific research defunded? Then make extra sure it isn't perverted into a staging ground for fringe progressive ideology. If so it is both untrustworthy and on the chopping block when anti-progressives have suitable will and political power.
The entire point is that this impression you have is wrong. Why do you believe this? What experience do you have with actual math/science departments? What fringe progressive ideology have you seen them pushing?
Again, you don't have to take it from me---Alex Tabarrok should be much more credible.
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Creationists are proof academia is biased against the right. The academy tolerates infinite papers on anti-scientific bullshit like grievance studies, but somehow one branch of theology is off limits, and it just so happens to be right coded?
The fact of the matter is, the right has already tried to get academics to stop being so partisan your way, and it didn't work. Some might even say it could never work because progressives won't let it and sabotaged every initiative to ensure it wouldn't. So now we have decided to cut the cancer out entirely, and yes a lot of good cells will die along the way and that is tragic. But it's also the bed they made. They could always learn to code.
Thank you for proving my original point. At this point, maybe it was correct for scientists to have been so left-leaning because they saw through that the right had this much hate for them.
So 'the bed you made' was the response to nurses and members of the military who got the axe because they didn't get the covid vaccine. Learn to code was the response to coal miners who didn't want their mines shuttered and sent off shore.
Now is it fair to tar all academics with that brush? No of course not. But if that's how the beautiful, intelligent, charismatic, industrious elites behave, how else can you expect us dirty, stupid, fat, ugly and lazy proles to act?
When progressives assumed control of the zeitgeist I think they assumed they'd always stay in touch with the working class so they didn't need to work at it. As a result their respect for the working class atrophied, and through a blend of corruption and the seductive nature of power (and its accompanying feeling of righteousness) they have become woefully out of touch and almost fully captured by the unscrupulous. But in doing so they ceded the working class to Trump, who - whatever you might say about him - is at least able to feign respect for them.
People in the working class get so few wins that they naturally accept 'not letting the enemy win' as worth celebrating. The elites were supposed to stop this by behaving better, so the working class would have a better example to live up to. The elites stopped behaving better, as those examples demonstrate, so of course the working class does too. Extrapolating that into 'they hate science!' is how we got here in the first place.
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Scientists and scientific progress shouldn't have played politics so hard. At this point it is nigh-impossible to sort the wheat from the chaff given the insane ideological bent of the universities, and the fact that they are leveraging their large amount of cultural and fiscal capital against one side of the political aisle.
This is a straw man of the right that currently exists. Fundamentalist Christianity has been gutted in the U.S. and definitely does not hold much power in the current right wing administration. Do you think Musk is a Creationist?
No, but the current speaker of the house is. When creationists get in that high of a position, you can't call them strawmen.
Interesting! I genuinely didn’t know that. Huh.
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