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Isn't it? Trump, 50 R senators, and a R majority of the House could pretty much immediately nuke the filibuster and repeal/revoke all of that. They're not going to, and that's, depending on your perspective, the checks and balances working, or the checks and balances failing, but they could.
They don't have to, and shouldn't have to just because people don't actually understand the state of the law and the left is willing to strategically misrepresent and/or lie about it when it suits their purposes (for the record the right isn't much, if at all, better). Significant powers have already been delegated to the President, or arguably unlawfully usurped from its constitutional power as commander in chief (e.g. protection from at-will removal).
I don't think this is true! All of Elon's biggest recent moves directly go against the Impoundment Control Act, an act that passed both houses by huge margins, to prevent exactly defunding parts of the government directly authorized by congress.
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This is silly. If you pass a law that is misrepresented or misapplied by the courts then you absolutely should have Congress pass a law that unambiguously makes that misrepresentation impossible.
There is no such thing as "unambiguously makes that misrepresentation impossible." The Civil Rights Act of 1965 was passed with the direct, spoken intent of not permitting such things as ethnic quotas or racially-preferential hiring/"affirmative action." It got perverted into, depending on who's doing the enforcing, either outright requiring or just permitting such actions anyway.
I think you didn’t understand or I didn’t clarify the word “that” in there.
It is not possible to unambiguously make all misrepresentations impossible in advance. But once you know of a specific singular and defined misrepresentation, it is quite easy to pass a statutory fix that makes just that specific one no longer possible.
As I said, it’s an iterative game. Except one side loses interest after a few rounds
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Their power to misinterpret is greater than your power to wordsmith; you cannot write something that cannot be misrepresented by a sufficiently hostile actor.
It’s an iterative game! You win because you always have the right of immediate response whereas the opponent has to go back to the district court and start over.
Meanwhile each misrepresentation because more and more fantastical along the way.
This is literally Congress’ primary job!
No, it takes longer to pass a law than to get an injunction.
We're not talking about legal machinations, this is misinterpretation by the agencies. That takes an entire APA cycle. They move at about the speed of molasses.
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