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Culture War Roundup for the week of February 3, 2025

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Is it really that inflammatory? It's not like i claimed that the Democrats are "barely sentient" only that they have aligned themselves with some very bad people against interests of the wider nation.

I am honestly kind of surprised that you find this claim controversial. "Why are we shipping pallets of cash to people who wish us dead, and occasionally act on that wish?" has been a boilerplate Republican talking point since the early 2010s and the reply, when the question has been acknowledged at all, has always been something about "decolonization" and spreading "American values" with the implicit understanding that "American Values" are not things like baseball and apple pie, but rather progressive values.

To that end, I want to emphasize that I do not think that Democrats are stupid. But if we assume that Democrats are not stupid, that begs the question of "what are they actually up to?". What is your theory for why the Biden administration so invested in ensuring that niether the Egyptians nor the Isrealis would be able to see what sort of aid we (the US) were supplying to Gaza? Ive already offered mine.

As for Ilhan Omar, this is someone that the Democratic National Convention has chosen to to be associated with. Hers is a constituency that the DNC has chosen to court. I find the whole "it's just some kids on campus" argument significantly less compelling when the notional "kids" are sitting members of congress. Again, i don't think the Democrats are dumb, so what what they actually up to?

Ps: don't try to claim that the linked comment was never reported, I reported it when it showed up in my inbox.

No, you are not surprised that it's controversial that Democrats hate America and side with terrorists. You are not confused about why you were modded.

If someone dropped inflammatory Democratic rhetoric (eg "Republicans are fascists who want to commit genocide and repeal civil rights for everyone but straight white men") you would not be surprised or find it controversial when I mod them.

Just so we are both on the same page...

You consider a comment dismissing the voting public as "barely sentient" to be uncontriversial and in-keeping with the spirit of theMotte, including the rule about writing like everyone is reading.

But if I cheekily allude to the publicly acknowledged policies of the outgoing administration, or the plain language meanings of statements made by people like Ilhan Omar, Maxine Waters, and Joy Reid, you will moderate me for being inflammatory and uncharitable?

We are not on the same page.

Read the rules, reread them, and then contact the mod team if you have further questions. If you wish to have this particular moderation decision reviewed by other members of the mod team, you may likewise contact the mod team, and someone besides myself will do so.

I've read the rules, I've reread the rules, and I'm pointing out what (to me at least) looks like a disparity in how allegedly inflammatory claims are being treated.