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Notes -
Personality flaws: The biggest straight-up flaw I have is insecurity. I care too much about what others think, and don't see my own value. I also am quite judgmental, but I don't see this necessarily as a straight up flaw, rather as something I need to keep better to myself. Other things that might be seen as flaws: pretty strict about sleep and exercise, don't own a car for environmental (but also economic) reasons (I have a zipcar membership so this doesn't have to be a problem), I'm also pretty irreverent to authority/ to any particular "team".
Beliefs that might be seen as dealbreakers. Veganism. Certain women want men who are hunt and eat steak, and many others want their husband to be able to cook their favorite dishes, which usually contain meat. I'm open to comprise as long as it doesn't involve me eating meat or animal products, but this isn't always clear on the first date. Catholicism. For woke women it's usually over (how can you hate women and gay people so much). Truth seeking. This goes with the irreverence above. I will not swear forever allegiance to any institution or group that doesn't allow me to update my beliefs based on my experience in the world. This obviously causes problem with catholics (I believe revelation is incomplete and evolving), but also with lots of secular people. A lot of this comes down to keeping my mouth shut, but I have also been burned real hard when I've expressed these kinds of thoughts to people who I thought loved me.
Why are you vegan? Are you open to changing this?
It's frankly too much work to prepare multiple meals regularly. I don't think I could ever date or marry someone who doesn't mostly overlap me in diet, though varying preference rankings are fine.
I am vegan for ethical reasons. Not open to changing this, although I am open to compromises on specific animal products (i.e. will eat eggs if we keep chickens ourselves). I am happy to do all the cooking myself.
Ethical in what sense? We were given any moving thing that lives. Gen 9:3
I believe God wants us to eat meat.
God only allows humans to eat meat after the Noahide covenant. Before that animals are reserved for burnt offerings. Adam is almost certainly a vegetarian, at least while he lives in the garden. Thus eating meat is another sign of our fall away from grace.
Beyond Christianity there is the inconvenient fact that my lying eyes (and other senses) tell me that animals are like me and experience pain and pleasure and have some form of consciousness. I don't think it's correct to eat human babies for meat, even though they are objectively less conscious than me, nor do I think it's okay to eat retards, who will never be as conscious as me. Without some arbitrary human/animal distinction (which is one of the flaws of christianity IMO) I don't think you can justify one and not the other, at least in my opinion.
Yes, we're given meat after the fall and the flood. I don't think eating meat is necessarily a sign of our fall, it's a component of the new covenant. A gift from God to his people.
I like animals and hope they have happy lives, especially the tasty ones. There would be very few domestic animals if humans didn't eat them.
I'm not sure I'd describe the distinction between humans and animals as arbitrary. Man created in God's image to rule over animals.
Christ eats fish, I'd like to think that if he didn't eat lamb at passover someone would have noted it or asked why.
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Since you mention potentially wanting to marry and raise kids together, some of those things do sound a bit counter to that.
This will be a struggle if you ever do have kids, but it just is what it is, they can start trying to sleep through the night at about 6 months.
My husband didn't have a car when we started living together (Chicago), but you will almost certainly need one if you get a proper household going, with children.
Hm. Yeah. It's really irritating to cook dinner, and then have your man say, no, he's got his own food that's different, enjoy though. It's also pretty irritating to be always cooking vegan food with a side of meat or cheese, though that can depend on what cuisine you both like. Also, only going out to restaurants that serve vegan food makes proposing a place to eat out much harder. I used to keep Orthodox fasts, which are like that, and mostly just didn't eat out. Which was alright, since it was meant to be penitential, but isn't great for dating. Not sure what to do about this.
A big anxiety around this for women is whether they're in danger of losing their belief based community, and if so, what you can replace it with together. One of the big problems of modernity is that there often isn't a replacement, people just become more isolated.
I know sleep is going to be compromised when I have kids. This is fine, and other areas of my life will just have to suffer for a while. I just don't see a need to do this for relatively superficial social reasons.
Car I'm also willing to buy/share when/if I get married. It's not a good investment now, and I have a zipcar membership when I absolutely need it (for a hike or something).
The vegan restaurants issue is not an issue. Because I eat shellfish, there is always something for me, at least around here. What I've done in the past is cook vegan every time my girlfriend is over. She appreciates the cooking even if she isn't vegan herself. In marriage I'll probably continue to do the same. Worst comes to worse I'll have to learn how to cook some amount of meat. Kids are not going to be vegan, at least at first. There are too many open questions about nutrition at that age that I'm not looking to have an argument about.
I think this is a problem with the institution of the Church in the West. There are so many propositions that you have to accept based on blind-faith, many of which I think are incorrect. It doesn't need to be this way. You can have a lot of doctrinal flexibility in your religious community while still maintaining a strong moral core of belief.
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Meditating, contemplation practise of any kind done over time helped me feel slightly better. Being insecure and judgemental as a guy severely neuters your odds of dating a really hot girl. A mans internals, his status are like a womans look, they make up a big chunk of your attractiveness. You are totally correct to have whatever beliefs you have. A lot of your arguments or bad dates would resolve themselves by
Actively fixing your insecurities. For me, I am unskilled, broke, living in my backward fucking nation and skinny. So I have been trying to do my sabbatical properly, meditate and workout regularly.
Do not take women seriously when they do argue. As you date and sleep with more, you would naturally come to not care about it as much since many times they can be quite unreasonable if they can hint insecurity issues, look up "shit tests". If a girl is catholic, debating with religion is worse than just saying that you are agnostic.
Dating more girls. This solves most issues and is one everyone wants to ignore. The more girls you sleep with and the sooner you do, the easier the entire thing becomes. You become less insecure and figure out a lot of standards you should have you may be unaware otherwise. I got burned fairly hard when I started because I had no standards and was willing to sleep with anyone which counter intuitively nuked my chances. People who have the ability to socialise well, have standards up thier chances by a lot.
This is terrible for dating, you should not be judgemental at first. Communication between men and women is not verbal, it is mostly non verbal. You cannot be judgemental towards a girl until you spend some time. Just because you are having fun does not mean that you approve of that person in totlaity.
This is a good thing, you are not living life in a state of trance and abide by your own princicples strongly. You should be mentally prepared to reduce your time spent running or other activities by a little and adjust your sleep schedule if you want to date for a bit.
This is not a flaw since if you were a diehard adherent to xyz then it would not look good if you were a low level adherent. Though you would eventually need to find a team in general since cooperation is the most important things humans engage in. Truth is a terrible schelling point, in that way I am in the same boat as you.
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