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AfD, without a doubt. I'm an FDP member, but right now Germany doesn't need reasonable miniature reformers who make some reasonable tweaks here and there to maybe let the average Michel have a few more coins jingle in his pocket by the end of next year. Germany needs strong fucking medicine, needs to have the leftist mind-viruses that have plagued it for the last half-century blasted out of it, needs the overton window rammed back into a less exasperatingly retarded position, and as quickly as possible. We can already see some success in this - strong words from the CDU, the FDP reconsidering in how far its progressivism needs to be aligned with that of the left, and even the leftist parties aren't so sure of themselves anymore. It's small potatos for now; too early to stop administering the bitter medicine. But it is working. It needs to do more work. And if the only thing that can scare the other parties straight is the AfD, then the AfD it will have to be.
It may take another twenty years. It may fail to have the desired effect. But right now I want Germany to put up a fight against its internal enemies, those who hate it and those who opportunistically see it as a mere economic zone, and this is the only way. If the only ones who will stand up for it are the neo-nazis and their suit-wearing front-pieces, be they in Russian pockets, be they dumb as bricks, be they the second coming of Hitler himself, then come hell or high water, they have my vote.
Also, there is still, after so many years, a giant graffiti on a large piece of public infrastructure right in view of my window, ordering people to give not a single vote to the AfD. They tried to mess with the wrong contrarian.
That seems like a fairly strong argument. Out of curiosity I hopped over to the r/de subreddit. The vibe shift in regards to immigrants has definitely happened there. Not /r/canada but discussing issues caused by immigration is no longer verboten.
The economy though? Im a doomer when it comes to the economic zoning, as you put it, i think its an inevitable future. The only shot i have is being able to afford to live in a nice gated community with legal schnitzel and weißwurst.
Forget the actual leftists, among even my most intelligent thoughtful and moderate peers at my uni, they all pray to moloch. "Just a few more regulations and better allocated welfare subsidies, if only deutsche bahn wasnt so underfunded and we need to put more taxpayer money in critical government approved research and tech investment!"
The fdp suffers from this knob fiddling approach to governence too. And if you have a state full of german cog workers that probably works. The german mind cannot comprehend the permanent dysfunction of what weve imported.
I just dont see an actual way out. In the anglo countries at least they have a some ideological tools to discuss productivity and immigration.
Germans are so hyperfocused on the small in absolute terms amounts of violence that some groups generate and not on how were crafting a parallel society for a resentful underclass. Huge ethnic Differences between mittelschule and gymnasium attendance of groups will cause huge problems.
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