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Culture War Roundup for the week of November 25, 2024

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The main gaming that happens is review bombing. Even a few negative reviews can push your game out of the profitable peak and into the dead tail, so there’s lots of opportunities for bad actors to threaten devs into submission.

Does that actually happen, though? It seems like it's just an excuse that companies make when their games fail. Many negative reviews come quickly whenever a company does something people don't like and posts about it go viral.

Anyway, your point is valid, bbut if a million newish accounts with a low amount of money spent just starts reviewing games negatively, that's quite easy to spot. My steam account has spent more than 1000$ on games and is more than 10 years old and it's an active account. You can't fake that. You can even collect stats about how many reviews are made by "certainly legit" accounts, and if one game suddenly has a lower ratio than many other games, where it previously didn't, you know somebody used bots. I made it easy for myself by choosing Steam as an example, but the problem doesn't sound very difficult in general

I am assuming much lower numbers of reviews. Most people don’t review to start with, and the ones who do are statistically freaks, which is not necessarily promising.

If you assume a non-triple-A game has 20 4-star reviews, then a single 1-star review drops its average from 4 to 3.85. If you’re competing against hundreds of other games that’s potentially the difference between profit and no profit. Like AirBnB. So a legitimate user can make credible threats.

Even on the larger scale, review bombers, like Twitter cancellers, can accumulate easily to destroy something for some perceived wrong or just for money.

Ratios are a valid signal but I don’t think you can use them in isolation.

Reviews don't always need text and deep through, you can sometimes just click Like or Dislike or give it an amount of stars out of 5 or 10. I would suggest that only people who brought a product could review it, but didn't as I noticed that would drop the amount of reviews low enough that you could harm a million dollar game by buying 5 copies and making bad reviews.

Twitter cancellers can easily destroy things because they can disconnect with reality. They can accuse of things which aren't true, and they can get people involed which don't actually care about the product in question nor knows anything about it. Remember in 2016 when Hillary was predicted to win at 99% certaincy? The polling existing in a biased bubble which wanted to make people believe that he would lose, while the actual physical voting was the "reality" which corrected the delusion afterwards. When people contol the narrative they control how reality appears, but they cannot control reality, so any method we can use to ground a thing firmly in reality will make it harder for deceptive people.

Anyway, your point is valid and I'm a little less certain of ratios now. I think absolute votes are worse, though. 500 up and 400 down is a net karma of 100. 80 up and 2 down is a net karma of 78. And 100 karma in 24 hours will appear above something which gets 50 karma in 2 hours. Finally, even money is not a valid signal anymore. Many DEI games lose money, but they win the war by losing the battle. Some even suggest that companies are being subverted so that they can be made to fail and then bought cheaply by competitors

Anyway, your point is valid and I'm a little less certain of ratios now.

I think @Ioper is right, some kind of weighting is good. Or provide the option to sort by either - more customisable algorithms would be wonderful.

100 karma in 24 hours will appear above something which gets 50 karma in 2 hours

I always wonder how people handle this. Some sites provide a‘trending’ tab, but I don’t think total reviews is usually weighted by time. And if it were, that would result in a good game’s score decaying as it aged.