AI cannot convincingly do anything that can be described as "humanities": the art, writing, and music that it produces can best be described as slop.
A lot of the commercial production in those areas is slop though and the ambition isn't higher and my impression is that AI is at least good enough (or rapidly closing in on being good enough) to radically increase productivity for these kinds of slop products (think stockphotos, unlicensed background music, jingles, logos, (indie)book covers, icon/thumbnail art, loose concept art etc).
Even for higher effort productions there are obvious areas where ai can help immensely, like at the very least, why have humans do (all) the transition frames in animation?
Same. The more new models come out and i test them the less worried i get. It seems to me that the current types of models will lead to modest to moderate productivity increases for most sectors and radical improvements for a few, having possibly catastrophic effects on in employment, like commercial art production and lowish level offshoring.
Perhaps I'm wrong or things will change but this is where my thoughts are converging. If things don't change then I don't think this will be the society wide transformation people hope/fear.
Was that really I case in the middle/upper middle class though when people are pair bonding? People who were fat before their mid twenties/thirties or their first pregnancy was very rare ime, maybe 1/25 tops, and then we're counting mere overweightedness, obesity was at least less than half of that. I remember in my middle school there was the one obese guy everyone knew because he was obese and we were like 1000 students. In my university class there was one in two hundred that was fat. Going around campus almost no one was fat.
I'd wager that childhood/youth (over)weight problems is very, very weighted towards the lower working class and underclass (although this might be different in America, I don't know) and becomes relatively common as people enter middle age, with some people who were normal weight in their twenties swelling up like balloons, but at that point they're already in long-term relationships and most have kids.
This is pretty much telling the stupid neo-nazi tinfoil hats that yes, they were right, the establishment is entirely willing to conspire against the people,
"The people" are only the 20% that voted for AfD?
It sounds to me like the CDU gave away nothing and got everything they wanted. Support for abortion in germany is in excess of 70% and as for the green stuff thats far away and the constitution can obviously just be changed (like this time) if it becomes a problem.
That post reminds me of how my uncle once was stabbed through his had and into a table with a fork at lunch by a co-worker for chewing loudly. It was such an insane overreaction that my uncle was more confused than angry. The co-worker was still fired though.
I think the possibly most interesting aspect of Hangul was that it was primarily a product of the King himself, with great opposition from the powerful bureaucracy, and was subsequently discarded for classist reasons and then re-embraced hundreds of years later due to it's value.
It feels like a made up story about a wise benevolent monarch but isn't.
Wasn't Pdf scanning just fine as far back as in 2015?
It seems to me that major advances have been in the cameras and the video/photo processing. If you don't care about that then there is little to no functional difference between the current phones and phones from 2013.
Is the lord of the rings American? Most of the cast is British and almost everyone involved in making of the movie is commonwealth.
What is American is the financing.
Not that big a premium. I'd have to buy groceries in excess of $5000 a month for car to just break even with home delivery.
You need other frequent or important uses of the car for it to be remotely economical.
But I prefer planning my meals.
I thought i did too, because that was how my mother taught me, but when i stopped it was as if a massive weight came off my shoulders. Now i just shop every other day, buy what's on sale and make something from that. If me or the family happen to crave something specific I can adjust on the day. I plan like 1 meal a week and I love it.
I have three sons, do practically all the shopping and I have been doing just fine without a car for the past 4 years. If I lived in a suburb it would probably not be fun but I live in an urban area with a medium sized shop between me and the subway station. An alternative is of course having your groceries delivered, which is still far cheaper than owning a car.
On the rare occasion we actually need a car we just borrow or rent one. We found owning one was excessive for our current needs.
And what is their plan for the future? What percentage of GDP is manufacturing? What percentage of global manufacturing is in china? Who are their customers?
China's plan is to increase manufacturing from an already very inflated state in a world where their customers are increasingly hostile to them. This is not a risk free state of affairs.
The industrial base is what you would call an asset.
It is an asset if you have (enough) paying customers, otherwise it's a liability. Overinvestment in industrial capacity is a common and recurring problem not just in China. The difference here is the scale as well as overreliance on external customers.
Financial "collapse" leading to severe internal turmoil and/or communist crackdown/extremism is a possibility. China has a severely over-dimensioned property+construction sector and now also a severely over-dimensioned manufacturing base. If they can't get (enough) paying customers for their exports then a lot of these investments will be worthless.
There is a lot of malinvestment in china and as much as people have been wrong so far predicting a Chinese contraction/collapse, it is still very much a question of when the chickens will come home to roost, much like America and the rapidly escalating levels of national debt, deficit and asset inflation.
Perhaps it isn't a question of who's gonna win but if anyone can avoid losing. Perhaps we're heading for a period of global economic contraction and malaise, with at best Japan style anemic growth/contraction everywhere. Unless AGI pans out that is...
After that ringing endorsement I can't say I'm chomping at the bit here...
I agree that the trends you describe are observable (even if I disagree a bit with your dates) but I think an equally important factor is market conditions affecting budgets.
Middle budget is where an art form usually thrives and both for movies and games that category has almost disappeared. To be financially successful you now need to make a truly mass market game (probably with micro transactions) or develop something on a shoestring budget. The former almost always results in slop and the latter seldom has enough resources to truly shine.
I could play RTW, but I don't, because the new games are better by my taste, barring a few features.
The way TW games resolve combat is way worse from RTW2 onward. It's so much worse that even with all the other improvements, additional mechanics and content I think there is a good argument for the older games being superior in their own way even today. The new games aren't a straight upgrade beyond visual fidelity and the amount of content.
Similar things are true for many genres/series but not all.
I think the single thing I hate most about all games in the past 10 years is the pathological need to turn everything into a story. I don't care about the plot, I don't care about the NPCs, I don't care about voice actors or dialog or the poetry of the stars. I want decent mechanics and an interesting gameplay, maybe hidden stuff or puzzles.
I'm a story-fag at heart but I share this sentiment 100%; not because I dislike stories but because the writers are so incredibly dogshit. If your writing team is at best mediocre (it is) then please shut up or at least keep the narrative simple and minimalistic. Having narrative choices and reactivity for the player is great but the amount of useless prose and "lore" is getting completely out of control.
School might not be directly liable for long term consequences like someone eventually becoming a drug dealer but they are legally responsible and liable for most of what happens in school, extending far beyond just education.
That depends entirely on what constitutes "special education programs". I remember going to some supplementary reading classes during grade school, along with a good number of other students, for an hour once every couple of weeks for maybe a year. Were we a special education program? It wasn't part of our regular class and we met with a special education teacher. Some other people went to a speech therapist, was that a "special education programme"?
Without knowing how special education program is defined, these kinds of stats aren't very interesting.
There are multiple responsible parties. The parents are the primary responsible party but the school is another.
Surely it's both? The schools have control over the children 8h a day, time during which they interact with their peers. This is very likely the most important part of the day for socialisation and a part that the parents can't really influence much.
Of course the parents play an important role but so does the school. It's a collective responsibility.
Why not both? Extremist twitter brain rot turbocharged by copious drug use, in combination with being surrounded IRL by people competing to suck you off.
I was not aware that it was anything more than an urban myth.
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Except of course the median iq of columbia freshmen (meaning including AA) is an entire standard deviation above that, which if one assumes an Ashkenazi median iq of 115 would imply a bit more than 1 Jew for every 2 whites if the population percentages are 60% and 2.4% of the population respectively.
Maybe American Jewish iq isn't that high but I don't know what looking at such an incredibly low example of 125 iq would accomplish other than deceive.
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