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Friday Fun Thread for September 13, 2024

Be advised: this thread is not for serious in-depth discussion of weighty topics (we have a link for that), this thread is not for anything Culture War related. This thread is for Fun. You got jokes? Share 'em. You got silly questions? Ask 'em.

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Yes, I do think it's useful to question whether people really believe what they are saying.

Your post is very random and appears kneejerk and written without much reflection or content beyond seething at your enemy tribe.

Just by asking the question you're buying into their frame and positioning the argument right where they want it: fighting over how racist you are for daring to question the lived experiences of trans black womxn.

This makes no sense and looks like outrage generated by ChatGPT.

I believe the progressive people in question were doing the same thing.

In other words, they lied and used the privilege of being taken seriously to cover it up.

And to make my point more plainly: yes, I know why they do it. At the same time, maybe I am just too literalist, but I am genuinely curious who is a true believer. Some people did believe in the Red Scare, and heretics, and witches. So when I see a woke person saying, very earnestly, "You are making me feel physically unsafe," I get that it's a tactic, and she probably does "feel" unsafe, but at the same time I don't buy into the whole NPC/zombie meme, so I want to know (and would ask if I were there): "No, seriously, can you explain? Do you think he's literally going to pull a knife on you?"

(It's a good thing I am not a public figure who can be cancelled.)