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Friday Fun Thread for August 30, 2024

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Just got it, and it feels janky.

  • I have no idea what the black and white bar that randomly pops up at the top is, what actions make it move, what my goal is regarding it, and what its state is at any given time. I suspect it's important, but I have no idea what to do with that feeling.
  • You can't use keyboard shortcuts, so turns are twice as long as they should be.
  • Tooltips are slow in general (which is unfortunately a common UI choice), and for some reason they are disabled on some elements. This is particularly annoying in events, where some of the choices have known consequences (e.g. sacrifice 60 current HP to gain 70 max HP), while others are vague. You have to mouse over the option and wait for the tooltip to fail to show up to figure out if you should know what you're choosing.
  • You can't reorganize your inventory.
  • Set items are only identified by a tiny symbol (not even a name, even if they are thematically similar)
  • Auto-equipping new items is only offered some of the time (when it's a higher rarity?)
  • The map is 110% of the screen size, so you lose out on a simple overview without gaining any increased detail.

All that being said, it's a worthy member of the genre, and I'll probably add it into my regular games.

I have no idea what the black and white bar that randomly pops up at the top is, what actions make it move, what my goal is regarding it, and what its state is at any given time. I suspect it's important, but I have no idea what to do with that feeling.

That's a pseudo-morality system, you can safely ignore it. You'll get an ending slide near the end of the game that recaps the state you've left each chapter in. And those slides are based on the final balance between black and white for each separate zone. can safely ignore it.

I don't think that's correct. One playthrough I got different slides and got an alternative bossfight because of it. (I think I almost won, but I'm not sure of that fight's mechanics).

EDIT: and one more complaint: Under "Story Mode" on the main menu, you can choose "New game" or "Continue". One is black, one is gray, and both are valid options.