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It's a DOGE eat DOJ world.

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joined 2023 May 18 09:50:19 UTC

34-year straight, white male from Eastern Europe. Interested in videogames, books, and running. Lean towards libertarianism/consequentialistism/determinisism.


User ID: 2412


It's a DOGE eat DOJ world.

0 followers   follows 9 users   joined 2023 May 18 09:50:19 UTC


34-year straight, white male from Eastern Europe. Interested in videogames, books, and running. Lean towards libertarianism/consequentialistism/determinisism.


User ID: 2412

Yeah, I'll try a few things to try to revive my current pan and if none of them work, I'll get a cast iron. Seems like the best option overall.

The 5-year number probably assumes sporadic use. I use mine daily, multiple times a day.
As far as care, nothing problematic that I can think of. I use a wooden spoon and a regular sponge for washing.

don't buy expensive non stick. replace every year at least. there is no such thing as a long-term coated non-stick pan.

Yeah, that seems to be the popular opinion everywhere else online I'm seeing. It's a real shame, I would much rather buy one decent product and use it for 5 years or longer.

What are my best frying pan options if I want to fry eggs? I bought an expensive non-stick model about 10 months ago and it apparently already needs to be replaced. Is there any good long-term alternative option?

"Woke" is a preterit and past participle of wake.

Thanks to the evolution of language, it became associated with being "awake to" the injustices faced by black people in the USA.

Thanks to the further evolution of language, it means the performative, superficial show of solidarity with minority and oppressed bodies of people that enables (usually white and privileged) people to reap the social benefits without actually undertaking any of the necessary legwork to combat injustice and inequality. It is a form of "virtue signalling" and is indicative of heavy-handed political messaging at the expense of quality of product.

"We" (or rather the US) can fight a war without clothes, shoes and auto parts. China receives 60-80% of its oil through the Malacca strait. The US has worked for decades to make almost every nation in East Asia an ally in a possible war with China and has stationed a tremendous amount of troops, naval and air assets in that region.
Here's a decently detailed video if you want to learn more about the situation there.

I am morbidly curious. Can you link some?

Here is a transcript from one of the court cases.
I regret reading even some of that. Don't think I'll be getting any sleep tonight. And the UK government actively covered up this massive gangrape ring for thirty years. Absolutely unthinkable that such a thing can happen in the 21st century, in a first-world country.

Small correction: "reperations" should be "reparations".

I expect the rates to be actuarily fair and the median customer to have been better of self insured.

That doesn't make any sense. For an insurance to exist as a business, they have to take more then they're giving to the average customer. They have to pay for offices, ads and personnel. Maybe you got lucky and are temporarily ahead financially, but long-term insurance will always result in a net negative for the customer.

Unfortunately, the AI in Alpha Centauri is still kind of bad. It will forward-settle 5 tiles away from your cities like a complete imbecile and all the AIs band up together if the player ever gets strong.
Plus, you don't really get to choose between econ/tech/military. If you do, the ginger bitch will declare war and invade you with 50 units as soon as mathematically possible.

You should have good AI.

This is the most unbelievable choice by far to me. The ai genuinely plays like a 5-year old and needs to cheat its ass off to present even a mild challenge.

Civ 5 in multiplayer was a 9.5/10 experience for me. Single player is straight up tedium in comparison.

In what way did it pass the Turning test? It does write news articles very similar to a standard journalist. But that is because those people are not very smart, and are writing a formulaic thing.

If you genuinely do not believe current AI models can pass the Turing Test, you should go and talk to the latest Gemini model right now. This is not quite at the level of o3 but it's close and way more accessible. That link should be good for 1500 free requests/day.

TIL Adam and Jeff are still doing sc2 casts. I thought they stopped years ago, thanks for the heads up!

I added a new link but it might get taken down in the near future too.

Half-life 2 (as well as episodes one and two) are free to keep on Steam as a celebration of its 20-year anniversary. There's also a big update with bug fixes, slight graphics updates and 3.5 hours of new dev commentary.

Any S.T.A.L.K.E.R. fans out there? 5 days until release of the long-awaited sequel. The newly updated system requirements dashed my hopes for launch, unfortunately.
But GAMMA's latest update is launching on december 3rd, and it's a big one. Huge changes to artifacts, gear, damage system. And tooltips that are actually accurate and descriptive, for the first time ever.

You really just have to put your foot down and tell these people (the men, in this case) that they're not welcome. And when they inevitably respond with accusations that you're being sexist, transphobic, and exclusionary, you say: "yes I am sexist, yes I am transphobic, yes I am exclusionary, yes yes yes, it's all true; now please, the door is that way, if you don't mind."

On social media, you get banned at this point. If the moderators controlling the forum in question don't bend the knee, they get removed.
IRL, these conversations don't really happen. Presumably there are a lot of legal things happening behind the curtains but you only find out when you're already being sued.
And frankly, 'trans' advocates were never interested in having a real conversation in the first place. They only act like they want to talk because they think that will get them the most influence. They don't actually believe there's anything to discuss, they already know they're right.

The Congressional Budget Office estimated that in fiscal year 2019, the federal government spent about $300 billion on civilian personnel, including wages, salaries, and benefits.

80% of that number is $240 billion dollars. Posting this in case anyone other than myself was curious.

I really hate Gleba too. In hindsight, the biggest problem is you essentially have to beat the entire challenge before you get a reliable source of iron and copper. But you're going to get attacked regardless of whether you're doing well or not. There are other problems but the 'you're getting attacked and you have no good way to get bullets' is just an awful design decision.
In the end, I also went with the 'army of logistic bots' solution. I really wish there was some way to get future technologies without the Gleba science though, having to keep a space platform constantly running there and back is incredibly annoying.

Vulcanus is actually the best place to end up stranded on, you got very lucky there. There are almost no threats to worry about and you have easy access to an almost infinite amount of every resource (except for uranium). Gleba is the actual hell-planet.

Do we have anyone running local offline LLMs here?

How are they coming along?

There are some really good models available to run but they require beastly graphics cards. Here are some llama benchmarks, for a rough idea.

Do you need to load them into VRAM, or can you load them into RAM or something and use either CPU or GPU from there?

In theory, they can be ran on a CPU but GPUs are way better at this task.
The best places to find information on local LLMs that I'm aware of are https://old.reddit.com/r/LocalLLaMA/ and https://boards.4chan.org/g/ and especially the LLM general there.

What "woke" dialogue was in God of War?

Probably referring to the 2022 game. There are a few token black characters and some humiliation rituals where female self-inserts are presented as badasses at the expense of Kratos.

I had a pretty serious case of pneumonia in 5th grade, the doctors pumped me full of who-knows-what and my body simply lost the ability to process lactose afterwards. The condition is actually quite common outside of Europe and the US.

Maybe try an eliminating diet to check if the food you're eating is causing the problems. I remember having a similar problem when I initially became lactose intolerant. Stopping all milk consumption fixed it.