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Culture War Roundup for the week of August 5, 2024

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  1. REDACTED: I got banned for saying this in fewer words
  2. REDACTED: quality-contribution
  3. REDACTED: boo-outgroup
  4. REDACTED: antagonistic
  5. REDACTED: Violates the rule of speaking plainly
  6. REDACTED: antagonistic
  7. REDACTED: quality-contribution
  8. REDACTED: quality-contribution
  9. REDACTED: boo-outgroup
  10. REDACTED: boo-outgroup
  11. REDACTED: Boo-outgroup bait post dressed up with lots of words and feigned indignation/concern.
  12. REDACTED: quality-contribution
  13. REDACTED: antagonistic
  14. REDACTED: A level and a half of irony, maximized flamebait, more exhausting to read than honest racism
  15. REDACTED: boo-outgroup
  16. REDACTED: High effort and well made slop skirting 'teehee ain't I a troll' and 'I am stating my belief openly'
  17. REDACTED: Incredibly based consensus bashing
  18. REDACTED: quality-contribution
  19. REDACTED: antagonistic

This is.. impressive. Hats off for a scissor statement with atomically sharp edges. I've had real life get in the way for the past few weeks, and I certainly don't envy the other mods when they saw this glowing a bright shade of green in the report queues.

I suppose your viewpoint is common enough among the elite, especially upper class immigrants, but considered too uncouth to state quite so baldly. Are they/you almost certainly richer and smarter than the average native denizen of a nation? Yes, but I'm filled with perplexity that it can give anyone such a superiority complex.

As far as I'm concerned, my presence in the UK is a privilege. For me.

It's a mutually positive sum exchange, where my talent and hard work is rewarded with a ticket to a country that treats me better, in exchange for which said country gets a law-abiding citizen providing a valuable service. I certainly don't feel any sense of entitlement, or that the average person or the underclass here needs further stomping of boots on faces.

Any attempt to talk sense to these people about how a welfare state with sub replacement birth rates and no migration is unsustainable was (and is) met with fingers in ears and "na-na-na can't hear you". Is it any surprise that with such a badly behaved lower class the elites decided to do away with them like you do with a bad employee and get someone new?

Let's grant the premise. Even then, the way the UK has gone about accepting migrants has been rather farcical. As far as I'm concerned, the only migrants a country should allow in are those who will be a net-positive. Asylum seekers are an altruistic luxury, and no country should feel beholden or forced to take in people who won't contribute.

And the UK has chosen poorly. There are no end of migrants who are of questionable or even negative value. Indolent, criminal, unable to assimilate and then further demanding that the rest of the country bend over backwards to accommodate them. Do native Britons have a large underclass about which the exact same things can be said, barring the assimilation? Yes, but the problem is only worsened by accepting terrible immigrants.

Propping up a welfare state with people who are likely to end up consuming more of that welfare than they pay back in taxes, is, to put it simply, a wretched idea.

Further, I fail to see how the blame can be dumped on the shoulders of the British working class. Declining birth rates seem to be nigh universal in any nation with a modicum of wealth, and even poorer nations like India and Nigeria have seen birth rates plummet even if they're still above replacement. It's very far from fair to decry them for it, and worthy of being replaced wholesale by immigrants, who inevitably fall to the same issues.

The biggest downfall of your ideology is that it's toxic. It's one thing for an average native to see skilled immigrants come in and compete for jobs, or at least hardworking immigrants who do jobs that the natives can't be arsed to. It's another for said immigrants to immediately clamor for more of their compatriots, who clearly don't pull their weight, with the implicit undertone that this is their punishment for being ill-behaved proles. Well, in your case, it's rather explicit. And eventually, the locals cotton on, and we end up with the events at hand.

So yes, the elite class in the Western world has taken Bertold Brecht's words to heart. When confronted with unruly and disruptive lower classes it really is simpler for them to dissolve the people and elect another.

If that's the case, then they're voting for a questionable voter base. The kind of people doing the counter-protesting strike me as worse than the protesters, and the latter only exist because the former have been doing their darnedest to turn the country into something it wasn't.

I'm lucky to have been let into the UK. Is it a perfect place, or even where I'd love to live in a perfect world? No. But it's a step up from the subcontinent we hail from, and I think it's incredibly poor form to go about clamoring to get rid of the locals or dilute them into insignificance. Terrible taste at the least, and you say you pride yourself on yours. And your proposed cure, which seems to be bringing in even more MENA migrants, is a cure worse than the disease as far as I'm concerned. There's only so much you can change the demographics of a country in short order before it becomes unrecognizable as the same.

and even poorer nations like India and Nigeria have seen birth rates plummet even if they're still above replacement.

I thought India was below replacement and Nigeria was an exception to the trend due to ethnic dynamics?

I'll have to check the exact figures, but most of India is below replacement barring a few states like UP and Bihar, which are widely considered by Indians to be basket cases. Even they've trended downwards, it's a rather secular disease of modernity and few places seem to be immune even if they're dirt poor.

Its interesting to me that mods can apperently see who reports which comments. I'd have assumed that reports would be anonymous.

Good to know.

The mods include the site administrator, so it's kind of a given they can even if it weren't stated explicitly. Sharecropping sites like Reddit where the mods are just slightly more privileged users and the people running the site aren't cooperative are a special case, not how most internet sites works.

Fair point but still something to keep in mind going forward.

I don't know if your username is intended as a reference to this classic but I like it either way, and if so, mad respect for the deep cut.

Despite being 13% of the population, some of our regulars account for 56% of the reports. It helps to know who's making them!

I'll keep that in mind and be extra sure to keep an alt account in my back pocket.