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Future apocalypse survivor

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User ID: 3273



0 followers   follows 4 users   joined 2024 September 29 14:51:11 UTC


Future apocalypse survivor


User ID: 3273

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Slippery slopes worry me, we already live in a world with no privacy plus 4chan has already had feds infest it from what longtime posters will tell you. The internet having some sense of freedom is a good thing, having people shut that down will never be good. Violence is that one barrier that you cannot cross so I do find this a bit worrying

The consequences it will have on internet is worrying. You can have more people wanting a legal crackdown on sites like 4chan or have people strongarm twitter into being an echo chamber once more.

I am waiting on that, I fear what is next since we now have had at least two confirmed cases of people being online among off mainstream crowds and taking up arms. Kiwifarms has always been a place that has existed to doxx everyone, the right doxxes fairly many of its own people so I do have some worries whether things can take a turn for the worst here.

He also was on national news, got arrested for it and has been a figure among discussion of anything dissident.

I saw that and the video of him being questioned by cops, in which he did the right thing by not saying anything. I have strong beliefs about him being a fed, but the circumstances recently have been quite out of the ordinary.

Nick Fuentes just had an assassination attempt happen where a masked man with a loaded gun tried to break into his house. His address was leaked online, and many on the internet handwave about the risks of doxxing, there should be no tolerance for obvious reasons. He has given an account on the internet about these things. Without the police report, it is hard to confirm whether this was just a coincidence or if the shooter did know who Nick was beforehand.

I have seen politics play out in the US since it is today's Rome. Since 2016, I do not remember attempts on a candidate or a literal life-or-death experience for a streamer being a mainstay. Everyone online attracts death and rape threats, experienced people learn to be less serious about it. The internet has always been this space between actual action and pontification, am I making a mountain out of a molehill or is this indicative of violence?

He has organized irl events in the past like the AFPAC, not very consequential ones but they were irl. I had only heard about violence online from Catgirl Kulaks funny threads but we had three incidents where you had esoteric off-mainstream internet things motivate three different people into committing violent acts. First the UHC assassination by a centrist tech bro, second the school shooting in Wisconsin by a 15-year-old girl who was an alleged radfem(?) and third the attempt at Nick's life not far from Wisconsin, nick himself being fairly off mainstream. What I found surprising was that all of these incidents and the motives behind them got a large amount of coverage on twitter which was not the case until it was bought it.

Kiwifarms got into trouble because of trans streamer Kefalls, someone who has been panned by everyone including breadtube and made bathtub hrt for kids tried to get the site fucked. Kiwifarms is a place dedicated exclusively to keeping info on e celebs where they did not even spare their favorite Mister Metokur. Kiwifarms got dropped by cloudflare, wont be surprised if cops come after it, new zealand ones tried before

I hope it gets better, I know some women who became too skinny and later had fertliity issues, I sincerely hope your girlfriend doesn't face that. Besides just that, low weight increases the likelihood of bone density issues.

As for getting fat, modern modeling has warped realistic expectations. You can maybe try to tag her along to times when you are workout, the demands from physical culture may improve her appetite. You can also replace lower calorie snacks with higher ones if you live together.

This is a very hard thing to solve, I have a friend who is 5'7 and weighs 110 and wants to eat 1100 calories. She refuses to believe that most sane people don't like skinny girls because of Victoria's secret. Most people would look better if they simply worked out, I suspect girls don't like the idea of a higher bodyweight since most people have terrible fat distribution which can be fixed if you work out and aren't simply overweight.

Good luck regardless.

Lift a lot and some hiit sessions on your rest days. I was able to lower mine to nearly 40s pretty easily in a few months, I used my smartphone for measurement, it may he off by a bit but having higher levels of muscle mass, lower fat percentage and something like bi weekly hiit sprints on a bike would help. I was doing mma 6 days a week when my rhr was the lowest.

I feel it a little bit. I do jal neti regularly and take some anti infection meds sometimes, so far no sore throat issues. Sleeping on time, avoiding stress, contact with other people, being covered up has helped me a lot.

Have you gotten checked for allergies?

Math and Programming

I will be upping my math academy numbers from 2 hours to 3 daily and also aim for 1-3 hours for both boot.dev and HTML and CSS stuff. I have been having the same issues I have always had but no matter how badly I may fuck up, I would at least do math. I feel silly for not having done math more seriously in the past, maybe its the adhd meds (concerta), humility to take the long route or math academy, likely all three but I do like it. I am on their maths foundations course which is basic high school and uni level math (first year). I am on Math Foundations 2 of their 3 courses and will finish it by early Jan if I do bump my pace up to three hours. After that Math Foundations 2 should be done by February and by the end of March I will be through with Math for Machine Learning and can then do things like probability and stats, multivariable calculus, linear algebra, methods of proof and have a base of math for the rest of my life. I may start with hardcore ML once I know enough math, will see and will post so that you folks can suggest stuff.

It is all very convenient too, I don't need a book, just my laptop, the 50 dollar a month subscription and some rough sheets. My immediate circle has close to zero ML engineers and I am unemployed at 24 so I do want to get a job soon hence the webdev stuff (frontend plus boot.dev), I am somewhat confident that having a good understanding of math would help me since this was my undoing in uni. I did fuck up schedule-wise last week so my main priorities are still waking up early and getting to work as soon as I can.

There is some satisfaction in the math stuff, even boot.dev though I have not done much, I can see myself progressing in a very transparent real way, I never did before so yeah. 42 hours a week, sounds like a real job.


On the meditation and physical side, I did finally hit a day of multiple short sits (5 minutes) and a long one (24 minutes). My first time doing 24 minutes in a session. I have been rehabbing my shoulder somewhat more regularly, my lifts are still very weak in the gym but I have skipped just one day in three months. Lets see what working close to 7 hard hours for 6 days is like.

I picked up the great divorce by CS Lewis and want to post book reviews regularly, would it fine if I just posted them on the Friday thread or would it be better to make a substack and crosspost here, I do not want to fuck up the quality of the forum. Have a dentist appointment scheduled today, might get my remaining two wisdom teeth removed too

Some words on being grateful

My aunt is visiting our hometown and staying at our house with her former schoolmate, both came for a high school reunion event, and her friend told my mother about her daughter who had an onset of Dyslexia at age 15 and how that wrecked her life, cascading into very real psychological issues since then. She told her family that she is visiting my city because she had to give a lecture as saying that she was going there for a reunion to meet friends would hurt her daughter as she has no friends. Long-time viewers here would note that my brother is not far off from her daughter but he seems beyond normal when compared to people with actual issues. Having your child go through such pain would wreck me if I were a parent. We take life for granted, having kids who are healthy, normal and well-adjusted sounds trivial until you encounter these issues in life. I have always had a soft spot for people with actual mental illnesses, they are outcasted from society and their parents get zero support from society. In case you are a parent and your kids came out fine, please do thank your god.

I visit my psychiatrist once a month, seeing people with severe autism and other ailments causes emotional turmoil. My parents have some sense of pride in me having gone from a complete trainwreck outcaste of an academic failure at age 17 to having done really well to the point where I was featured in local papers by 19. In ways they sincerely believe that I can do enough to make their sacrifices worth it, give them a better life, and have a far better youth than they did. It would be so crushing to not have that and instead be worried sick about what would happen to your kid if you passed away and lost your job.

There is a lot to be grateful for in life, not in some fake religious or self-help gratitude journaling sense. One of the last great saints in Hinduism who I disagree with on almost everything began his work by telling the reader how rare being a human is, of all life forms, you get to be the only one with a consciousness that is capable of experiencing divinity in a real sense. I am very fortunate, despite all the bad things I have done, god is kind, kinder to me than I would be.

hire someone like todd v if you can spend thousands a night, I know people who have worked with him and he is very likely the best dating coach in the world who also lives in New York. Never take roids, definitely do not go for a surgery either. East Asian women are very receptive to non east asian dudes. I dont recommend that you move back to nyc since you dont wish to do cold approach like me and would prefer a stable girlfriend.

I wish you well, but do remember that you cannot pay your way to really good dating odds. You can improve them by increasing your self-satisfaction, having more for your kids, and moving in better circles, but not much besides that. Do pick up basic meditation whilst you are at it. As for locations, you can go out during the day or night and NYC has plenty of places for both that are fairly decent and don't even have a strict entry norm going by Todds NYC dating guide.

I commend you for doing well in life, I am trying to get there and I am 24 now. I got a harsh wake up call 3 years ago and became an ok novice at cold approach. I recommend you stay away from dating apps, human mating especially for guys works well irl, you are not your looks but that is what you reduced down to on those places. I keep these apps on my phone as a reminder to get good at math and programming stuff fast, get a job and move out asap.

The Great Divorce by CS Lewis. I want to upload a review of it but dunno if I should post it on the Wednesday thread or start a substack where I post reviews of the books I am reading.

There is more to the human mind than just IQ, despite the fact that your G is one of the best predictors. Many also postulate that Indo-European populations tend to have fatter tails. Culture comes from people. The East Asian worldview is more risk-averse, with a much larger emphasis on standardised tests over everything else. Most stats about IQ from China are not very trustworthy either.

My amrchair theory is that having a population that has always self-selected for people defined by tests is not good in the long run. China will dominate within this century, it already is and it has good biocapital which could have been better without these insane pressures.

then half the women are too ugly to be attractive.

No because we have data on this from not just dating apps but also the fact that more women get sex than men, the curves voth genders are skewed.

Which leads to my question: let’s say promoting female chastity really does increase marriages … Why do men want the kind of headache that lead to that guy’s suicide anyway? I suggest that before we think of stopping our female overlords from fucking george Clooney, we stop giving them the legal right to steal all their husbands money and send them to prison.

Good question, like most things, people on the right dont have good answers besides a retvrn to the past. Most guys will have some sort of an issue if they find out about thier mothers having a past of promiscuity though I do think marriages would be better because then women who act badly will be left without options. This has some issues as men have abused women and I dont want them to get abused again by the same deadbeat husband. Unless you are the kinda reactionary who believes that women are property, there are very remeides and I certainly would want to know about them. Me being against female promiscuity is the mildest thing I can say that will not fall in tht camp since I am still not experienced enough with women.

I have been thinking of writing about human mating dynamics on the culture war thread for a while now, will tag you once I get it out.

can you please tell me what TfT, TfTwF mean here?

ugly does not equal unattractive, besides mass massacres, we have seen the effects of hypergamy in front of our own guys. A man's attractiveness is mostly his status and then his attributes, you simply both directly and indirectly and women are way better than guys at picking this stuff up. A society where anyone can have sex with anyone will lead to even more skewed outcomes where geroge clooney bangs 1000s whilst many FAANG engineers end up surfing looksmaxx.org, incorrectly thinking that they are going to succeed if they fix their looks.

I am basing this on my own personal experience as a guy who has surfed these forums but also cold approached a few hundred girls, cold approached not slept with. The average guy is more fun to hangout with but genders rate attractiveness differently innately.

I humbly disagree, if you can get sex as a woman from a guy you like and that's going to be the small minority of guys, without social structures then no one will want to marry. Most dudes are unattractive to be begin with which is why we have more female ancestors than male. On top of that bioleninism puts status in the hand of others besides males.

Porn undoubtedly is a reason though. I personally am not a total degen but also not a total religious nut in terms of promiscuity though I'd lean towards a society with more restrictions.

Islam wasn't alone, women didn't get emancipation anywhere in the world, I'm not arguing for rollbacks of it here but Islamic faith doesn't take it seriously. We can't go back to it even if I were arguing for it which I'm not. Promiscuity being public enrages normal guys even more because they clearly see women they could have married years ago getting sex and being happy whilst they cope with consumerism.

You can try a meditation retreat if you can take time off. Consumption of media isn't leisure, I take concerta and have always had issues psychologically, this stuff helped me out a lot. You can also take up self therapy in the form of Gendlins focusing, there are people you can do a weekly session with. This form of therapy is not verbal where you talk for hours about your problems and is extremely effective.

Jordan Peterson who's a very competent clinical psychologist recommended quarterly vacations as they help stave burnout in the long term. I wish you well, I suffered from stress back in 2019 as I'd spent years in cram schools and have mild stomach issues because of stress accumulated at that time. Meditation and Concerta have halped a lot so far.

There is a motte user who helps people out with similar issues but I'm not sure if it's right to mention this as it might come off as me shilling something for someone. I wish you the best.

Lol bjj people themselves joke about how gay the sport appears since it's just you trying to make another grown sweaty man submit

Female promiscuity is harmful because it rewards only the very high status and thus others can't have families. Such a society would fall immediately and be very unstable. The US today or any place that's not under extremely strict Islam has seen a rise of incels due to it.

Our society, religion and psychological outlooks to it have a lot to do with this.

Hinduism in its purest forms is very reactionary and extremely complex since it's a in umbrella term for a whole lot of sects. The common view among most is that you do good deeds and are given a life based on them, those who attain salvation escape life and death.

Now there are absolutely sects that don't believe in re incarnation at all. Remember, Hindus in India follow a more Puranic faith which is the complete opposite of the vedas. Brahmins hard-coded a lot of things to keep society sane as the hbd kept getting worse as the Aryan stock went down and so you go from having hymns in vedas about indra destroying forts of dasyus to prohibition of onion and garlic and some dharmashastras stating that a woman is a virgin after each period.

People in India joke about how every good indologist has to visit Germany since that field I dead here. The actual unadulterated Aryan faith cannot work now, the people back then were different. Vedas for instance are actually compatible with things like evolution, the earth being round and asking people to go out and fight.

For scholars I can vouch for, I'd say Goldman is really good, his ramayana translation is the best out there if you wish to read it in a literary form. @sarker is right btw, though many boomers here definitely don't believe in free will intellectualy, at least the religious ones.

There are various sects but the unwritten laws and societal structures are largely same for all unless you dive deep into the texts for various texts.

I'm someone who leans more towards the vedas which are far more war focused than the puranas which are the latest and the ones with most made up stuff.

Also germanics had similar values and an understanding of the world not too far from Hindus. Survivethejive and Arya Akasha are two good sources for this from a western pov and the puri Shankracharya from an Indian pov.

Given that the left has won since the 1500s, I'm less inclined to believe that. You turn the other cheek but you do fight back once that's no longer an option

Why should someone care if they are masking technical shortcomings?

To avoid injuring yourself and your partner when you grapple. Grappling is very risky and there is a reason why they teach you proper technique. You make exponentially more progress and it allows you to do bjj for a lifetime.

It seems impossible to not use any athletic traits.

Yeah but you risk getting injured even with proper technique and going moderately hard, if you are purely focused on being the technical guy, you will be able to do more of what you like as a recreational hobby. So nerfing your strength makes sense, it lets you enjoy the sport as a leisure activity where you have no ego involved and you dont end up getting a bad injury.

i really recommend everyone try grappling at some point in their life, quite fun at the right gym.

Tantra illuminated is a good portal for meditation, I personally am there, there are plenty good resources for it. Shenzen Young is the first guy many recommend.

This is an anon forum, if you feel alright do share updates. I had temporary ED issues because I was in a terrible headspace and continuously thought about a girl I was into.

I wish to revisit this matter again in a few days. Who's Freddie btw?

This incident did make me sad, my perspective is skewed towards wanting to believe in the goodness of people, especially women despite having been on the Pua redpill side of things.

Philips ultimately isn't a victim, her choosing to have sex for 8 hours straight for attention isn't because of society forcing her to do it. Thanks for the article though, I had no clue who mary was.