Brown-skinned Fascist MAGA boot-licker
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User ID: 3097
Within twenty five years the house of Bourbon had been restored to the French throne.
What of it?
You do realize that the last Monarch of France (and the guy who effectively codified the current french model of government) was a Boneparte rather than a Bourbon don't you?
So it is some Sanskrit nonsense then. Why do you beleive that I (as a non-Indian) should give a damn?
An artifact of the audience, to live in a clean well ordered suburb in a southern or midwestern city is considered "shitty" by most of of the users here because it is naturally "lower status" than living in a condo in New York or LA. That the latter is far more likely encounter litteral shit/feces on the sidewalk than the former is just a fun bit of irony.
The difference between a "shitty" nieghborhood, and a shit nieghborhood.
A dose of reality is never "impotent".
You just said that "the word Aryan denotes men of high culture" now you're claiming that it's just some Sanskrit nonsense, which is it?
You're not "running out of workers" though, you just don't want to pay them. Labor force participation for people under 65 has been trending downwards for decades.
Sanitation is far from frivolous, if anything it is one of the more essential jobs out there. I am prepared to wager that janitors and dishwashers are far more critical to the day-to-day survival of civilization than whatever it is that you're doing.
With that sort of attitude I am confident that you aren't working in food or energy production.
No one is arguing that the differences between capitalist and communist countries are biological in origin.
They are though, or rather they are arguing that people become capitalist or communist due to biology. Which then begs the question, what is it about the 35th parallel or the border between East and West Germany that causes genes to express themselves one way on one side and a different way on the other?
I agree, and the only way I am able to really explain it is that there is the strain of, what is in America, very low class behavior, by ostensibly white collar PMCs.
I think i know what you mean, while no means universal there is definitely an attitude particular to upper sec indians where they seem to think that they are somehow "above" common courtesy or having to clean up afterthemselves. There seems this attitude that using "pleases and thank-yous" when speaking to serving staff lowers ones own status through the implication of equality. Ditto picking up your own trash instead of having a servant do it for you.
Of course the result is that when Brahmins find themselves in a more courtesy oriented environment such as Japan, Korea, or portions of the US, behavior like being rude to servers and leaving a mess for others to clean up immediately codes as "low class" and no amount of appeals to your Brahman ancestry is going to change that. If anything the Shudras and Dalits come across as more desireable neighbors because unlike the thier "high caste" bretheren they are at least polite.
It is truly dark days we are living in if the average American (or Jihadi for that matter) doesn't know how to build a proper IED. The quality of education has clearly fallen off a cliff. What are we even teaching kids these days? 😉
It's not an "absurd strawman" it's the logical consequence of the claim being made by multiple users in this thread (including the one i was responding to) that "bioleninism" will always trump policy and culture.
My point is that unless these people are prepared to argue that the observed disparities in quality of life between North and South Korea, East and West Germany, Red States and Blue States, etc... are all biological in origin I am going to argue that thier hypothesis has been falsified via experimentation, and that the best thing the "policy and culture don't matter" crowd could do for thier cause is to stop attracting attention.
Pay us enough money and sure, you can get an American to work in a chicken processing plant or wherever
Yes, that's the smoking gun that proves beyond any reasonable doubt that anyone claiming that "there is no evidence that immigration has a negative effect on wages" is either an idiot or a liar.
This is the crux of the issue. The left claims that they want people to be paid a living wage while doing everything in thier power to undermine and sabotage said wages.
As I said in last weeks discussion of this topic, i have yet to be convince that the exchange of labor is somehow exempt from the ordinary rules of supply and demand.
The word Aryan denotes men of high culture...
Are you arguing that Clarence Thomas is not a man of high culture?
How do you distinguish between being "learned" and "cultured", or between " highly cultured and low?
so now there's no one available to build houses, process poultry, nanny babies, or basically do any of the other low-wage jobs that no sane person wants to do.
I think i speak for a lot of the American right when i say "fuck no".
The left claims without evidence that immigration is neccesary because immigrants do the jobs Americans don't want to do. The Right responds that necessity has nothing to do with it and that the truth is that they're doing the jobs that the left is unwilling to pay an American to do because the left are a bunch of moral degenerates who value cheap access to avocado toast over the health of thier community, and would rather have a serf than an employee.
It is the attitude of people like you that has made this an issue of contention in the first place because like it or not, proles vote.
Reality is far harsher, bio capital here kept getting worse, elites kept getting outbred by proles,
I think that the truth may be even harsher than that. The Indian elite were never "elite" to begin with. They never learned responsibility, they were never housebroken, and that is why the moment anyone with actual agency and an entrepreneurial streak showed up, they were able to run the table on them.
I suspect that the obsession with sanskrit is a variant of the same woke mind virus that is currently turning blue-tribe professionals into mental invalids something about the preoccupation with symbols and structural "isms" at the expense of real world competence seems eerily familiar.
In the meantime I would argue that "bioleninism" has only slightly more basis in reality than marxist-leninism which is to say slightly more than none at all. Clarence Thomas is arguably more "white" or "aryan" than you (or your internet crush David Fuentes) will ever be, because he has at least taken up the burden.
Yes were talking about Slaves, freed-men, and Native Americans. Were they responsible for the founding? Not really. The American revolution was a predominantly upper class yankee white-boy game. But the founding culture, food, early breeding stock, etc... absolutely.
I didn't claim there was a causal relationship only a correlation.
Its common because it it is observably true. Whatever effect "biocapital" might have is small when compared to the effects of culture and policy.
The million dollar question that everybody here seems to be dancing around is that IF all this nonsense about "bioleninism" and "elite human capital" are true, why are the "best" in India struggling with issues that the "middle" in states like Mississippi and Alabama solved 100 years ago when said states are supposed to be degenerate backwaters only barely removed from the third-world?
Less flippantly i don't know whether its a cause or an effect but there does seem to be a corelation between the professional managerial class' hostility to the basic practices of quality control and the outsourcing of work to India.
Just to be clear.
You are asking me to believe that it is impossible for changes in the supply of labor to the effect the price of labor.
It would seem to me that history is rife with counter-examples.
Complaining about the football quarterback that goes home to fuck the prom queen outs you as a particular kind of nerd.
I don't think being "a particular kind of nerd" has anything to do with it. It all comes down to the "sneering at the natives". IE, if you're going to approach the natives with derision and hostility what reasons have you've given them not to respond in kind?
The biodeterministic hypothesis effectively asks us to believe that there is some magical property of the 35th parallel that causes Koreans born above it to be genetically predisposed towards Communism and Koreans born below it to be genetically predisposed towards Capitalism. Ditto the border between the former East and West Germany.
Do you believe in magic?
The whole point of my comment is that overseas labor does not lower wages overall.
And i don't buy it. Especially when one of the core arguments in favor of importing foriegn labor is that it's cheaper/more cost effective than hiring Americans. I have yet to encounter a compelling argument for why the rules of supply and demand shouldn't apply to labor.
For some reason, this fact doesn’t get brought up in ‘founding stock’ discussion.
I know right? It's almost as if there is an agenda being pushed.
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No you did not, you made a specific claim and then backed down/tried to re-frame it as something else when challenged on the details.
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