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Brown-skinned Fascist MAGA boot-licker

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joined 2024 June 08 03:50:33 UTC


User ID: 3097


Brown-skinned Fascist MAGA boot-licker

0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2024 June 08 03:50:33 UTC


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User ID: 3097

No, and don't call me Shirley.

As a parent your kids are ultimately your responsibility, your investment in the future of humanity. No one else can be expected to care more about thier future/individual well-being than you.

I'm not sure what Hanania is after here...

Hanania is basically a Gen Z David French. His ecological niche is writing things that flatter progressive sensibilities while ostensibly writing from the outside. In this case "look at how stupid and out-of-touch the Tea-Party/MAGA right is. Elon Musk does not trust 'the experts' do not be like Elon."

Have the Democrats ever seriously opposed war and foriegn intervention? Sure there was that short stint between October 2001 and January 2009 but that seems to have been driven more by personal opposition to George W Bush than sincere principle.

The whole "we need a left wing Joe Rogan" is especially rich when you recall that Rogan was a big Sanders supporter back in 2016 and the term "Bernie bro" was originally coined as a term of derision aimed at him and his listeners.

Falsely and with intent to decieve being the the key components of said sin.

Saying things that the other party does not want said, is not the same as speaking falsly.

If it were to come out tomorrow that Trudeau had been bought off by the CCP, or that the Sigiloa Cartel had infiltrated the highest levels of the Mexican government would anyone be surprised?

Both are far more plausible than Trump being a Russian plant if you ask me.

I'm not sure either, but "woman who could be relied upon when it came to social issues" (ie abortion, gender stuff, religious freedom, etc...) was my interpretation of her nomination as well.

I know I keep getting down voted for pointing it out but it is the plain truth that democrats are the real racists and always have been.

Contra the priestly caste's narrative of the "Southern Strategy" the Democrats and Republicans never really "switched sides" on the bigotry versus meritocracy debate, so much as the incentives of FPTP voting forced Democrats to switch tactics in the wake of the Civil Rights Movement.

I also agree that its been fascinating and amusing to watch the id-pol left (and right) be hoist by its own petard.

Grill-pilled normie: so you believe that a person's racial background is the most important thing to consider when evaluating thier past behavior and future prospects, and you want to abrogate portions of the US Constitution and civic canon to enable a system of racial preferences/spoils.

Id-pol Leftist: i might quibble with some of the wording but yes.

Grill-pilled normie: Isn't that kind of racist?

Id-pol Leftist: No, it is Woke. The so-called "colorblind" meritocracy must be destroyed if justice is to prevail.

Grill-pilled normie: so judging people by the color of thier skin instead of the content of thier character is "woke".

Id-pol Leftist: now you're getting it. The concept of "character" is just some bullshit invented by old dead white men as a means of oppressing women, free thinkers, and members of the LGTBQ+ community where as race is based in SCIENCE.

Here's the problem: Jews are a very small minority.

Is that really a "problem"? Even if it is, at 2-5% of the US population (depending on who you ask and how you slice it) Jews are a larger minority than say Muslims or Trans people.

I won’t defend this administration, though I voted for Trump

Arent you a wealthy Jew from Morocco currently living in the UK? Do I have you confused with a different "rafa" from the LessWrong days? Or have you since emigrated and gotten your US citizenship?

Truthfully? Yes.

Observe, Trump is a real-estate developer in one of the most crooked cities in the Union, a successful developer at that. An army of Democrat and US government-aligned lawers spent 9 years and millions of dollars trying to build a case against him and were unable to find anything beyond ticky-tacky 3 felonies a day type shit.

This presents us with two possibilities. Trump is corrupt, but also very good at covering his ass, crossing ts, dotting is, etc... or he is both clean and successful in a famously shady industry in a famously shady city.

Both of these options require him to posses substantial reserves of patience and subtlty

I think you have to be pretty credulous and/or clueless to take this talk of Trump being a Russian asset remotely seriously.

However, If I was a US President who was also secretly rooting for/in the pocket of Vladimir Putin here are some of the things i would be doing.

  • I would pursue a policy of rapprochement with Russia and its allies such as Iran, and instruct the State Department and US government-aligned NGOs to find excuses to ship them pallets of money and materiel.
  • I would work to curtail energy production and export by the US and other western powers to increase Russian revenue and negotiating leverage.
  • If Russia were to suddenly invade or annex the territory of one of its nieghbors I would be hesitant to condemn them and if possible avoid taking any action until it was clear which way the wind was blowing.
  • If pressured by congress and allies to provide support for the invaded I would slow-walk the deliveries, and put onerous restrictions on when/where US/NATO aid is allowed to be used, and against what targets.

In short, I would be following the example set by Barack Obama in 2014

Not the OP, but I see it as benefitting Europe in the same way that "hitting bottom" might benefit an addict if it convinces them of the need to get clean.



They're not imaginary frenchmen living in our heads they are English and German elected officials on TV, I've also seen similar sentiments posted by several of our European users here. You can claim that these are not representative of the typical European's view, but they are not imaginary.

As @Dean observed last week there seems to be a refusal amongst the European powers to grapple with the reality of US-EU relations post Cold War. They seem to want the US to continue playing the role of world police and serve as thier mercenaries, but also seem to resent the idea that mercenaries have to get paid.

The position of the US military today feels somewhat analogous to that of a Cop in a blue city where the DA refuses to prosecute shoplifting and the local "elite" take pride in running interference for rioters. At some point the question becomes why would any sane, competent, moral person want that job?

The mass immigration is a symptom not the cause.

I don't understand where this sentiment comes from. When you look at actual effects on policy rather than rhetoric, Biden (or more accurately his handlers) seems to have been far more in Russia's pocket than Trump ever was.

See efforts to drive up energy prices (thus increasing russian revenue from ng exports), the DNC's much heralded policy of rapprochement (in contrast to Trump) prior to Feb 2022, and the onerous restrictions placed on the use of US supplied weapons in the first 2 years of the war.

And some rogue element or double agent running the CIA's own playbook on the US strikes me as something the Government would find immensely embarrassing and be motivated to cover up.

No, the rational thing to do is exactly what DOGE appears to be doing. Axe anything and everything associated with DEI, and then let people resubmit thier grant proposals under the new paradigm.

Those with scientific merit will get reapproved and those whithout merit will get to spend even more time complaining about "right-wing anti-intellectualism" than they already do.

And i disagree that it doesn't.

Each and every one of these people wanted to be seen aligning themselves with the DEI crowd. DOGE is merely respecting thier wishes by placing them in the set of "people aligned with the DEI crowd" and treating them accordingly.

If you believe in forgiveness, allow them to resubmit thier proposal without the DEI language, and have thier work considered on its merits.

To me the post just reinforces/highlights Scott's increasing provincialism. The whole "what's the matter with Kansas" call and response has been done to death but here comes scott to take another whack at the horse's carcass.

I find it mighty white of Scott to just presume that he understands people's interests better than they do and to presume that material interests/conflicts are the only legitimate ones worth examining.

He clearly couldn't be bothered to acknowledge much less engage with anyone outside his affluent blue/grey tribe academic bubble because if he did premises like poor people believing that socialism is good (regardless of whether that belief is as Scott alleges "correct") would fall apart. Eg ask a typical working class guy what he thinks of specific socialist policies, or ask an immigrant from a socialist country why they moved to the US, and then try to square thier answers with Scott's model of Conflict vs Mistake theory without flipping a bunch of +/- signs and tying the model in knots.

I think you'll find that a lot of your other examples, gambling, weed, "de-policing" etc... follow the same pattern. As do Scott's, the SALT cap and Vaccines aren't nearly the "Own" he seems to think they are if you're remotely familiar with the background.

Ironically however, this was the result of limited and over-competitive NSF funding causing a race to the bottom

It's not "irony", it's "justice".

The idea that principles (be they scientific or moral) are a relative luxury to be discarded or forgone with the moment they become politically inconvenient is cretinous rat-bastard thinking that should be punished.

These people chose to be political operatives first and academics second. Now they get to reap the rewards of that choice.

Conversely I find it more difficult to fault a sincere "true believer" for acting on their belief, than to excoriate the academic those who hollowed out thier professional principles for the sake of going along with the zeitgeist, for thier moral and intellectual bankruptcy.

You're probably right.

I figure that Oswald likely did pull the trigger, but did so as part of a wider conspiracy/plot for which Jack Ruby was tying up loose ends.

No, they entered the war because they had signed a mutual defence pact with Poland.

A mutual defense pact that was motivated in large part by Britian's long-standing policy (since the 1600s) of "containing" any continental power they felt was getting too big/powerful too quickly.

If Hitler didn’t want a war with Britain he could have simply Abided by the terms of Munich, not repudiated the Anglo German Naval Agreement, and most importantly not invaded Poland.