Axolotl Tank Class of '24
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User ID: 1012
Heh, I'm not alone.
I think your suspicion is reasonable, and I can't speak to how common my aunt's case was. But AFAIK he simply ate the child support costs and straight up handed over the kids to my aunt. I think they had a relatively amicable divorce because he gave my aunt most of their assets (house, car, etc). He had already knocked up his new girlfriend and has since started a second family. I admit I don't know how alimony works, but my aunt is middle class and white collar, while he comes from a working class background and, I suspect, made considerably less money than she did (during the time of the divorce -- I don't think it was so when they got married).
This is how I've feel. I've decided I'm going to start worrying about society collapsing when people stop talking about society collapsing and start buying barbed wire and approaching their neighbors to discuss informal neighborhood defense pacts.
While there certainly is fear porn, I think there really is more risk in some ways for modern women simply because being a deadbeat dad carries way less stigma than it used to, and everyone is highly mobile.
You can get married and have a kid with a guy who seems great. Then 5 years into the marriage he gets bored and cheats, there's some mild tut-tutting but in current year there is no shared, deeply-rooted community that you both belong to, and neither of you are particularly religious, so he has no reputation to preserve and suffers little to no personal, professional, or moral consequence. And what few consequences he does suffer simply evaporate when he moves two states away to live with his new wife and family. This is in fact exactly what happened to aunt of mine who was an all around decent middle class person. Her husband simply got bored and left, and that was it.
I've come to the conclusion that this isn't really a problem from my POV since I and my coreligionists are already living the carpenter lifestyle (despite being white collar). So I actually am against top down policy changes that make it easier for the status-obsessed, those ideologically opposed to me, and those who are too weak to self-sacrifice to have children. I want more children for those who share my worldview and who have the proper disposition to raise a family. I don't want to pay more taxes for a cultural reeducation campaign that doesn't address the core reasons why the PMC are ill-suited to reproduce (ideology and personality).
Hey, that sounds like a good idea. We should try it in America.
The motte is "peace and stability" while the bailey is a smothering, devouring-mother managerial state where nothing happens too fast or slow and all the sharp corners have been sanded off of every political decision. There's a spectrum between the smothering hospice-care managerial state and biker gang anarchism, and just because someone would like to move a little further away from the former does not mean that they want to bring about the latter.
There are tons of us. In fact, our only rivals for Motte hegemony are the Subcontinentals, and we have the better space program. Once our victory here is complete, we will use this place as a bastion from which to evangelize the wider internet on the sublime delicacy of white barbecue sauce.
I played LoL against bots almost exclusively. I found PvP stressful and other players rude/aggressive which wasn't what I was going for when I wanted to chill after work. The people who played against bots were always way more laid back. I recognize that PvP is supposed to be the main appeal of the game, just thought I'd share a different perspective.
Academic Agent always comes across to me as a meta-grifter whose grift is to claim that everyone else on the right is dumb and/or grifting (see also that skinwalker Hanania). A grifter for hobbits with a slightly higher IQ. Okay, cool story bro. Don't worry, I'll remember to like and subscribe to your Substack so that I can read your exclusive paywalled articles about how everyone else is a money grubbing shill. On what grounds does this guy expect me to take him more seriously than the rest of the online political commentators?
Also @TheOneWhoFarts, do you have an opinion about this article? Your post is just a summary.
Some reasons I can think of
- check how consistent respondents are
- capture people who are attracted to both extremes
- capture people who are neutral towards one but attracted towards the other
I understand where you're coming from, but I don't think the combination is as rare as you think. Middle and upper middle class "alphas" or "chads" tend to be masculine leaders while also dressing well and requiring their girlfriends/spouses to do the same. Think of the top salesmen in a sales department or C-suite executives. I suppose the key is that they are probably not interested in women's fashion for its own sake, but only insofar as their woman's raiment can be used to reflect her man's high status and good taste (if I'm honest, this is also partially why I do it, I guess).
I'm just a single data point, but I definitely
- ask my wife to change when she wears clashing/unseasonal patterns or colors
- encourage my wife to go to the gym and take time of out of my work schedule so she can go
- avoid buying too much junk food so we can both stay relatively thin
because I'm not attracted to fat, frumpy, flabby women, but maybe your point was about guys looking for a quick hookup?
Posts like this are why I keep coming back to The Motte. Very sporting, respect.
Just started Starship Troopers. I wanted to read something fun, and I'm enjoy it so far.
You're right, I'm mostly just shaking my cane and telling AAA games to get off my lawn.
Dang, I was trying to think of a spin on Trample. Nice.
I've been nearsighted for a decade and have and allergies in 2 of 4 seasons as well.
I recommend having both contacts and glasses so that you can switch depending on the situation. I wear contacts when I want to look nicer (glasses don't suit me well), when I want to work out, or when it would be inconvenient for my glasses to fall off or for a small child to grab them. I wear glasses when I'm sick, traveling long distances, or having a lazy day at home. It's really nice to be able to switch.
I'm not sure what over the counter allergy meds there are in Germany, but have you tried all the available ones for at least a few weeks? I took fexofenadine and found it didn't work well, then I took loratidine and it worked, but my eyes, nose, and throat were constantly dry, so I was chugging water and peeing all the time, which was annoying, and my contacts would hurt my eyes due to the dryness. I eventually switched to ceterizine and have had no problems, it Just Works™ for me.
Also, regarding contacts, IMO you should just spring for the 1-day contacts. I used 2 week contacts for years -- fiddling with the disinfectant, having the contacts get less comfortable toward the end, the stress of trying not to drop one because they're expensive, all of that sucked. 1-day contacts are pricier per day, but if you drop one you can just shrug, and you're putting something new and sterile in your eye each time.
Every game today has a skill tree, a detailed crafting system that requires you to gather rocks and twigs, a room/house/town/level design system, cosmetic DLC, online multiplayer with a parallel PvP meta, a perk system, premium currency, an achievement system, an unskippable 45 minute tutorial with forced cutscenes, and more. I wish more games picked one or two things and did them very well. I try out maybe a dozen new games each year now, and I turn them off in the first 5 minutes if any of the above crap is shoved into my face to distract me from doing whatever the game's box/title said I would be doing.
My flag is firmly planted on Care-uh-mel hill. Death to all Car-mull-ites (excluding the Discalced and their brethren).
If you're a fellow burgerclap you probably called them "stuffed animals" or else just [name of animal/character]. I don't know of any other generic name. Some time in the early 2000s(?) I started hearing people say "plushie" but that always sounded like some cutesy/marketing bullshit to me, not a normal word you'd use when l, say, talking to your parents.
I can't wait for the new mechanics.
Bluewalk -- creature is unblockable as long as defending player controls a blue state
"Viva la Raza!"
Teflon -- when this creature is the target of a spell or ability, nullify its effect and place a +0/+1 on this creature
"He can't keep getting away with it!"
Deep Statesmanship -- during your turn, when this creature would be destroyed, instead tap it, remove it from combat, and heal all damage to it
"They know. Shut it down."
In the age of custom card sites, proxy printers, and stable diffusion, we're long overdue for a spiritual successor to the Illuminati card game.
Obligatory E.B.White quote for whenever this comes up:
To foreigners, a Yankee is an American. To Americans, a Yankee is a Northerner. To Northerners, a Yankee is a New Englander. To New Englanders, a Yankee is a Vermonter. And in Vermont, a Yankee is somebody who eats pie for breakfast.
What's up with "pie for breakfast?" Lazy googling reveals this possible reason:
Like most jokes, that one’s based on a kernel of truth. UVM history professor Dona Brown has written about how the tourists who came to spend the summer on Vermont farms during the late nineteenth century were upset about the pies and doughnuts that farm wives served for breakfast. Didn’t Vermont farm families eat fresh fruit and cream and vegetables? The visitors thought so, and so farm families adjusted their menus to accommodate their guests.
When back-to-the-land advocates Helen and Scott Nearing moved to Vermont during the 1930s, they found their own vegetarian, largely raw diet at odds with the local foodways. According to the Nearings, their Vermont neighbors ate pie, doughnuts, and cake “for two if not three meals a day” while they didn’t bake a single pie the entire twenty years they lived in Vermont.
Based on the above, I'm guessing "eats pie for breakfast" translates to Southern culture as something like "eats fried bologna and mayo sandwiches for breakfast," connoting "backward and low class."
Street Fighter and DBZ were for normies or quasi-normies, though. DBZ was heavily advertised on Cartoon Network, I used to watch it after school when flipping through channels. Hardcore nerds were probably playing (or making) obscure PC games and torrenting/watching subtitled niche anime.
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