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Axolotl Tank Class of '24

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joined 2022 September 08 09:59:22 UTC


User ID: 1012


Axolotl Tank Class of '24

1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 08 09:59:22 UTC


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User ID: 1012

I can't do your thoughtful comment justice with a reply, but I'll say that your points are well noted and that I can't disagree with the main thrust. I suppose I was subconsciously reacting to both a (perceived by me) recent meta-contrarian pooh-poohing of Japan (although the Place, Japan meme is not completely wrong either) and (IMO astroturfed or trolling) posts fawning over heckin' based glorious cyberpunk AI dragon-shaped drone swarm China!! (sorry for all the parentheses)()()

It's probably time to log off for a while. (なんてね~)

I don't think this is really mysterious. The average Place, China is a dump. It's filled with ugly buildings, dirty streets and ramshackle infrastructure, and weathered, third world people with rotting teeth wearing tacky clothes. If you see a beautiful photo, it's either a place where nobody lives, a tourist destination kept clean by the government, an enclave for the very rich, or some combination. The "OMG cyberpunk!!" posts of China are mostly new construction covered in LED lights or monitors that, because TIC, will mostly be nonfunctional and/or falling apart in <5 years.

The average Place, Japan is mostly clean and recognizably first world. Its inhabitants dress in a minimal, classic style that is seen as sophisticated and somewhat retro by westerners (well, except the yanki, who dress like gopniks). The temples and shrines are real, living religious institutions. The buildings are small, quaint, but well-maintained, clearly cherished by the inhabitants. Photos of Place, Japan are of course posted selectively, there are ugly places in Japan, but the worst squalor in Japan is not even in the same league as average squalor in China.

As a kid I fell in love with Chinese history and culture. As a young adult, I moved to China only to find that Chinese culture had been killed in 1949 and some bleak, lower form of civilization which aped the worst impulses of the West was wearing "China" as a skinsuit. I found more of what I was looking for in Taiwan and HK (before the takeover), but by then I had made other life plans.

I always wish I could have visited China and seen it at its height. I can't imagine being proud of what the PRC has made of one of the richest, greatest civilizations humanity has produced.

j/q/x and zh/ch/sh are different though. Any of those two pairs sound at least as different as say, "k" and "g" in English, and actually probably moreso.

I watched it for the first time last year and found the second half way too unbelievable. Some wag on 4chan summarized the movie's message as

>be based race realist
>go to jail
>get gang raped by a bunch of dudes
>turn into an effeminate libtard
What did they mean by this?

which, while clearly trolling and uncharitable, is a framing that I just can't unsee. I know that the director was trying to show that racist WNs are evil, violent, manipulative hypocrites and losers and that Norton's character learned his lesson after meeting "real" WNs in prison, but like with Starship Troopers, an alternate, unintended interpretation just seems to fit the movie better IMO.

My wife and I walked to a nearby seafood izakaya and were marveling at how good the food was and what a diamond in the rough the place was. After a few plates, I took out my phone and opened my photos to reminisce about what we did last year, only to discover that we had spent Valentine's Day 2024 at the very same restaurant last year. We had completely forgotten, likely due to our most recent baby arriving only about a month later and bringing the usual flood of joy, exhaustion, and amnesia. So I suppose what I'm saying is -- whatever y'all do this year, take pictures, lol. And congrats on the baby!

Hmm, this sounds fallacious.

rapier/cloak. Seriously, give me more cloak fighting.

Thanks, I didn't know I needed this. Gonna steal this for character designs.

I hope I'm splitting firewood when I'm 90. Based dad.

When my they started to let stuff go instead of putting their foot down.
When they lost track of politics and kept repeating and arguing against 10+ year old talking points.
When they quit competing with me physically (running, lifting).
And gray hairs, of course.

But you have to own up to it, not say "how dare you throw away those precious fifty bucks, we need them at home!"

Sure, but you could imagine a vindictive, manipulative wife who says, "Oh, so you hate the homeless and what them to die??" and then spreads that exaggeration around their shared friend circle so that everyone thinks the husband is a jerk and shuns him. The analogy breaks down a bit because marital and small-scale social dynamics are different than those between citizens of a nation, but you can see why the husband might obscure his true thoughts to avoid opening himself up to an attack that would ruin his social standing.

It's a lot like calling someone cowardly for not openly stating their thoughts on HBD, or UBI, or Marxist economics. In a society where, for normies at least , "free market" and "tolerance" and rounded up to "good," and "communism" and "racism" are rounded down to "pure evil," inviting your opponents to be frank about these beliefs is really just a disingenuous invitation to step into a trap.

I can only pitty the fools that still do preorders, can someone explain to me what consumers get out of them?

I've been too afraid to ask lest I out myself as completely out of touch. I remember preordering at Gamestop so I could get a copy of $LATEST_THING before it sold out, and then later because it has exclusives posters or trinkets. But these days, the Nintendo Switch store pressures me to digitally(!) preorder the latest Mario slop, and I have no idea why they expect I would do that rather than waiting until three days past the release date when I've read reviews.

Thanks. Using EOs as trial balloons for future legislation make sense to me.

Do you have a dumb question that you're kind of embarrassed to ask in the main thread?

Yes. Why is Trump going all out on executive orders despite Republicans controlling congress? Next time a Dem wins it can all be undone, and if Dems win the midterms, there will be zero chance of passing legislation. Are there too many Never Trump Republicans? Does all the important legislation require a 60% majority? Is the Trump admin working on legislation that I've missed? What's up?

I wonder if it's an age thing. When I returned from overseas as an American citizen in my early 20s, my credit score was ~650 despite me never having had a loan or credit card.

I'm against using LLMs in this place, but to be fair this criticism

This is the same like 3 points repeated a half dozen times and should have be edited down substantially.

applies equally to many Motteposts written by human(?) hands, IMHO.

nakedly extortive behavior

According to what standard?

Softboiled is the true master race. Easily digestible protein with delicious, vitamin rich raw yolk.

Heh, I'm not alone.

I think your suspicion is reasonable, and I can't speak to how common my aunt's case was. But AFAIK he simply ate the child support costs and straight up handed over the kids to my aunt. I think they had a relatively amicable divorce because he gave my aunt most of their assets (house, car, etc). He had already knocked up his new girlfriend and has since started a second family. I admit I don't know how alimony works, but my aunt is middle class and white collar, while he comes from a working class background and, I suspect, made considerably less money than she did (during the time of the divorce -- I don't think it was so when they got married).

This is how I've feel. I've decided I'm going to start worrying about society collapsing when people stop talking about society collapsing and start buying barbed wire and approaching their neighbors to discuss informal neighborhood defense pacts.

While there certainly is fear porn, I think there really is more risk in some ways for modern women simply because being a deadbeat dad carries way less stigma than it used to, and everyone is highly mobile.

You can get married and have a kid with a guy who seems great. Then 5 years into the marriage he gets bored and cheats, there's some mild tut-tutting but in current year there is no shared, deeply-rooted community that you both belong to, and neither of you are particularly religious, so he has no reputation to preserve and suffers little to no personal, professional, or moral consequence. And what few consequences he does suffer simply evaporate when he moves two states away to live with his new wife and family. This is in fact exactly what happened to aunt of mine who was an all around decent middle class person. Her husband simply got bored and left, and that was it.

I've come to the conclusion that this isn't really a problem from my POV since I and my coreligionists are already living the carpenter lifestyle (despite being white collar). So I actually am against top down policy changes that make it easier for the status-obsessed, those ideologically opposed to me, and those who are too weak to self-sacrifice to have children. I want more children for those who share my worldview and who have the proper disposition to raise a family. I don't want to pay more taxes for a cultural reeducation campaign that doesn't address the core reasons why the PMC are ill-suited to reproduce (ideology and personality).

Hey, that sounds like a good idea. We should try it in America.

The motte is "peace and stability" while the bailey is a smothering, devouring-mother managerial state where nothing happens too fast or slow and all the sharp corners have been sanded off of every political decision. There's a spectrum between the smothering hospice-care managerial state and biker gang anarchism, and just because someone would like to move a little further away from the former does not mean that they want to bring about the latter.

There are tons of us. In fact, our only rivals for Motte hegemony are the Subcontinentals, and we have the better space program. Once our victory here is complete, we will use this place as a bastion from which to evangelize the wider internet on the sublime delicacy of white barbecue sauce.