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Axolotl Tank Class of '24

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joined 2022 September 08 09:59:22 UTC


User ID: 1012


Axolotl Tank Class of '24

1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 08 09:59:22 UTC


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User ID: 1012

Just started Starship Troopers. I wanted to read something fun, and I'm enjoy it so far.

You're right, I'm mostly just shaking my cane and telling AAA games to get off my lawn.

Dang, I was trying to think of a spin on Trample. Nice.

I've been nearsighted for a decade and have and allergies in 2 of 4 seasons as well.

I recommend having both contacts and glasses so that you can switch depending on the situation. I wear contacts when I want to look nicer (glasses don't suit me well), when I want to work out, or when it would be inconvenient for my glasses to fall off or for a small child to grab them. I wear glasses when I'm sick, traveling long distances, or having a lazy day at home. It's really nice to be able to switch.

I'm not sure what over the counter allergy meds there are in Germany, but have you tried all the available ones for at least a few weeks? I took fexofenadine and found it didn't work well, then I took loratidine and it worked, but my eyes, nose, and throat were constantly dry, so I was chugging water and peeing all the time, which was annoying, and my contacts would hurt my eyes due to the dryness. I eventually switched to ceterizine and have had no problems, it Just Works™ for me.

Also, regarding contacts, IMO you should just spring for the 1-day contacts. I used 2 week contacts for years -- fiddling with the disinfectant, having the contacts get less comfortable toward the end, the stress of trying not to drop one because they're expensive, all of that sucked. 1-day contacts are pricier per day, but if you drop one you can just shrug, and you're putting something new and sterile in your eye each time.

Every game today has a skill tree, a detailed crafting system that requires you to gather rocks and twigs, a room/house/town/level design system, cosmetic DLC, online multiplayer with a parallel PvP meta, a perk system, premium currency, an achievement system, an unskippable 45 minute tutorial with forced cutscenes, and more. I wish more games picked one or two things and did them very well. I try out maybe a dozen new games each year now, and I turn them off in the first 5 minutes if any of the above crap is shoved into my face to distract me from doing whatever the game's box/title said I would be doing.

My flag is firmly planted on Care-uh-mel hill. Death to all Car-mull-ites (excluding the Discalced and their brethren).

If you're a fellow burgerclap you probably called them "stuffed animals" or else just [name of animal/character]. I don't know of any other generic name. Some time in the early 2000s(?) I started hearing people say "plushie" but that always sounded like some cutesy/marketing bullshit to me, not a normal word you'd use when l, say, talking to your parents.

I can't wait for the new mechanics.

Bluewalk -- creature is unblockable as long as defending player controls a blue state
"Viva la Raza!"

Teflon -- when this creature is the target of a spell or ability, nullify its effect and place a +0/+1 on this creature
"He can't keep getting away with it!"

Deep Statesmanship -- during your turn, when this creature would be destroyed, instead tap it, remove it from combat, and heal all damage to it
"They know. Shut it down."

In the age of custom card sites, proxy printers, and stable diffusion, we're long overdue for a spiritual successor to the Illuminati card game.

Obligatory E.B.White quote for whenever this comes up:

To foreigners, a Yankee is an American. To Americans, a Yankee is a Northerner. To Northerners, a Yankee is a New Englander. To New Englanders, a Yankee is a Vermonter. And in Vermont, a Yankee is somebody who eats pie for breakfast.

What's up with "pie for breakfast?" Lazy googling reveals this possible reason:

Like most jokes, that one’s based on a kernel of truth. UVM history professor Dona Brown has written about how the tourists who came to spend the summer on Vermont farms during the late nineteenth century were upset about the pies and doughnuts that farm wives served for breakfast. Didn’t Vermont farm families eat fresh fruit and cream and vegetables? The visitors thought so, and so farm families adjusted their menus to accommodate their guests.

When back-to-the-land advocates Helen and Scott Nearing moved to Vermont during the 1930s, they found their own vegetarian, largely raw diet at odds with the local foodways. According to the Nearings, their Vermont neighbors ate pie, doughnuts, and cake “for two if not three meals a day” while they didn’t bake a single pie the entire twenty years they lived in Vermont.

Based on the above, I'm guessing "eats pie for breakfast" translates to Southern culture as something like "eats fried bologna and mayo sandwiches for breakfast," connoting "backward and low class."

Street Fighter and DBZ were for normies or quasi-normies, though. DBZ was heavily advertised on Cartoon Network, I used to watch it after school when flipping through channels. Hardcore nerds were probably playing (or making) obscure PC games and torrenting/watching subtitled niche anime.

The perfect mix of religiosity and stone cold pragmatism. So Chinese, I love it.

"little red book"

What did they mean by this?

I don't think that's what the rule means. When there's nothing you could say to someone that will change their mind, it's better not to engage. It would be as unwise as wasting time trying to prove the Holocaust really happened to certain Motteposters. They believe that it didn't, they know that it didn't, and they have a humongous army of soldier-arguments they're willing to throw at you. They will never believe it happened. Does this mean we should never have discussions that start with the assumption that the Holocaust happened?

I was that guy. I liked to make my gnome warlock spam cool spells and send my pet to attack things because it was fun. I think I understood some of the basics of how skills worked together, but I definitely hadn't optimized my DPS. I was pretty good at not standing in fire, though. Thanks for being nice to us normies.

Nice, thanks for the rec!

I saw comments saying the same thing and was embarrassed that I hadn't done my due diligence.

Yeah, I'm fudging details a bit on here because I'm paranoid. We're planning a move back to the U.S.

I hadn't heard the specific term, but that is exactly the sort of cohesive group I was hoping to find. Thanks for the tip!

Since it seems like you've thought about this quite a bit as well -- any particular sports you'd recommend for building camaraderie? Any specific recommendations for boys or girls? I assume that team sports that require cooperation and some leadership (soccer, football, etc) are better for boys than individual(?) sports (tennis, martial arts, rock climbing). I have no idea what would be beneficial for girls.

Thanks for sharing and for the encouragement.

I don't want to quit forever, but I do want to reach complete self-mastery over my drinking decisions. I hate the feeling of compulsion, I hated looking at my liquor cabinet and thinking "Man, I don't want another restless night, I don't want more reflux and heartburn, I don't want to wake up tired" as I still reached for the bottle. And I'm right there with you on workout consistency. I have a no excuses approach to exercise, and feeling weak and slow the following day is a great reminder that what I ingested the previous day was literal poison. Still trying to build up my water drinking habit. I need to get a Nalgene bottle and carry it around the house.

Every time I see this post, I think "most Hanania posts should be Tweets."

I wasn't, but I think I might have liked it. Probably like a lot of people on here, I enjoyed reading almost anything as a kid, from children's fiction to reference books and encyclopedias, and I always wished I had more time for that (well, that and PC gaming). I also used to write and draw for fun, but my enthusiasm fizzled by the time I finished middle school. I think I would kept them up had I learned how to properly draw or had a chance to write about the things I was interested in (history, fantasy, adventure) instead of analyzing e e cummings poetry or whatever.

I'm still a bit worried about their ability to make and maintain friendships without school, though. Friendships happen when you have forced repeated contact and shared experiences, and I've heard that some homeschooling circles have a constant flow of people coming in and out (but I guess some schools do too). We will have a good family friendly neighborhood and a nearby church, so that might help. Sports will probably be important for this as well.

This is the absolute last thing you should worry about. Don't bother even thinking about this at all.

Thanks, this is encouraging.

How do the kids feel about the change?

They are excited about it because they'll get to focus more on the things that they enjoy, but as young children they probably don't fully grasp it. Do you have any advice how to make the transition smooth? It will likely be accompanied by a move.

Thanks. I'm especially interested in the textbook series, it looks more interesting and serious than others I've seen, like the Minimus series.

if you are going to home school you'll need to dig out chances for your kid(s) to socialize adequately

Yes, this is key. We're hoping to have them out of the house doing something with other kids their age at least 3-4 times per week, plus playdates, playing in the park, etc. One of the two is very outgoing, so we're already thinking about how we're going to handle this and looking for homeschooling groups and activities that are not tied to schools. We very much want to avoid the "house arrest" model of homeschooling.