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Streamlined derailments and counteridea reeducation


User ID: 1118



1 follower   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 10 21:39:37 UTC


Streamlined derailments and counteridea reeducation


User ID: 1118

But it does. If we send X dollars to Ukraine to fight Russians, and only 0.1X actually gets to the goal, it's fundamentally different situation than if the whole X were used as intended. Note I am not claiming this exact number is correct, but the question of corruption is highly relevant - moreover, I have a suspicion the corruption contributed a lot to the reasons why Ukraine lost so much territory already in this war and why it's losing more. Not the only factor, but a contributing one.

That sounds a bit like "talking about free speech means you're a Nazi". You can worry about corruption in Ukraine without wishing Russia to win. In fact, I think people wishing Ukraine to win should definitely worry about corruption in Ukraine because it's a drain on their resources going to somebody's pocket instead of going to get weapons and supplies. Of course one could dishonestly pretend to carry about corruption while having a true aim of cutting off all aid to Ukraine and thus make them lose, that happens, but that's not the only possible option at all. Just as being a Nazi is not the only reason to want free speech, being a Russian propagandist is not the only reason for talking about Ukrainian corruption.

wasn’t it a bit unwise in his position to bank on the Democrats winning both the presidency and the senate in 2024

Yes, it was. He should have started making peace with Trump (including sucking up to him, yes, if necessary) months ago, preferably before the elections, when it was clear he has a good chance to win. As I said, there was a lot of chances for that - Trump's government is full of ex-Democrats that switched sides, and he has absolutely no problem with them, if anything, he's proud of accepting people who previously opposed him. Instead, Zelensky chose to bet on antagonizing Trump and relying on anti-Trump forces in US and Europe, likely hoping they would support him out of pure spite if not anything else. I think it is extremely unwise strategically. Maybe it stems from the same attitude, but one has to change when circumstances change.

Exactly, it says "Mr. President, you have $300M to help Ukraine". So, the President can't just take these $300M and use it for other things. But it never says "you must spend it all of it to the last cent" and it never says what it has to be spent on. So the President can just ignore it and pretty much nothing can make them spend it on sending weapons to Ukraine if he doesn't want to, based on that bill.

I thought that was mostly a Congress thing.

That depends a lot on what Congress actually authorized. If they said "X dollars must be spent on Y" then there may be claims that if the president refuses to spend on Y, he's going too far. Even then it's not entirely clear how to make him do that, given that he owns the executive branch and is effectively immune to any court decisions while in executive capacity, but there might be ways, maybe. However, in fact the Congress rarely says anything but "up to X dollars are allocated to spend on Y", and then it's up to the executive to decide how much is spent and what exactly is bought. The reverse is easier - if the Congress doesn't give money, the President can't spend it, so it's relatively easy for the Congress to defund. But if the Congress authorized the President to spend money, they usually can't really do much to actually spend it if the President doesn't want to. And, as correctly noted in other comments, most of Ukraine aid is not even money per se - it's military equipment that already exists somewhere in storage and then being sent to Ukraine, and the Congress just controls how much of this can be done. If the President wants none of that, Congress can'd do much here I think. And especially when we're talking about foreign country, I'm not sure Congress would even want to get in fight with Trump over this.

Talking to Trump is not a problem per se. He's a dealmaker, he is used to negotiations and bridging disagreements. A lot of people talked shit about him and then made peace with him (Vance himself is one of the many examples) and Trump has no problem forgiving such things. All his latest boasting and grandstanding is just establishing a position for negotiation, he clearly wasn't hung up on any details or specific numbers. His ego, while indeed massive, can be dealt with, behind closed doors, and he is known to go back on things he promised many times, if he's convinced later it's for his advantage. But challenging him in the Oval Office, publicly, right in front of the cameras and essentially saying that all his efforts are worthless and he doesn't know what he's talking about, right at his seat of power - that's some otherworldly arrogance right there. I mean what did he think would happen - Trump would say "oh sorry, thank you for educating me, I was totally wrong and stupid, please teach me your ways?" Of course he'd blow up when challenged like that. Vance actually told Zelensky a couple of times to take it offline but he just kept pushing. Mind-boggling failure of awareness. Or, alternatively, a calculated play to blow up the whole thing - betting on Congress to go around Trump and keeping Ukraine financing despite his wishes. Which looks like an extremely dangerous and stupid gamble, IMHO.

Looks like nothing is being signed now. The biggest public political fuckup I can remember in my lifetime. I sympathize with Ukrainians a lot, but it looks like they are up for some very tough times now. Utter disaster.

A "bear" is centrally an animal, but if I call a bear-shaped toy or a fictional bear character a "bear", I'm stretching and skewing the word in a way that is immediately intuitively understandable to an English speaker,

Sure, but when you start pretending the teddy bear toy is exactly the same as a live bear animal, and demand everybody must treat them exactly the same or face exile from the society, people are entitled to push back. There might be niche meanings and specific contexts where word meanings are stretched, but that's not what the controversy is about. The controversy is about applying that stretched niche maybe-sometimes-acceptable-if-you-squint-hard-enough meaning to all contexts and using cultural and legal and governmental coercion to suppress those who point out it makes no sense, or even just dare to discuss it instead of worshipping it. When we get rid of this - and we are in no way there right now - then we can go back to discussing which exactly rare and niche contexts we can recognize and how much stretching and squinting is appropriate.

Maintaining relationship is work. Do it diligently. Don't be afraid to remind your partner you appreciate them (may be too early, but still never hurts), find a form of doing it that's compatible with their temperament.

Accept that you're both humans, eventually you'll screw up and have to ask for forgiveness, and your partner will screw up and need forgiveness from you. Accept that sometimes you'll piss each other off (maybe not, if you're super lucky but usually at least sometimes) and that's just life, and remind yourself why you are together. Communicate, even if sometimes it may take an effort and be hard to do.

Learn to give each other space when you need it. Some people need to be alone sometimes (yes, even alone from their loving partner) and that doesn't mean the love is gone. Many people need to have their own things in addition to "our things" - that's ok too. Supporting your partner in being them is much better than trying to change them.

Yes, agree with not keeping score - if you're in for the long run, keeping score is only going to make trouble. The only fair thing is what you both feel is fair, and that's something you need to find out by communicating. Don't feel you need to conform to any outside notions of what you relationship should look like.

"yes" is not an answer to the question "Where does that definition come from?" If you believe there are some objective "country goals", you should explain who is entitled to set them and how. I mean, "country" can't speak to us and tell us what the goals are. So what is the mechanism by which we know what are the objective "country goals"? How would one make sure, for example, that investigating corruption by somebody named "Donald Trump" aligns with "country goals", but investigating corruption by somebody named "Hunter Biden" contradicts them? Please describe the decision chain here that allows to make an objective decision not reducible to political power balance between competing partisan fractions.

I think Rasputin's role in the demise of Russian monarchy is greatly exaggerated. Russian monarchs have been entrenched in the idea that any change or modernization in Russia are extremely dangerous and should not be attempted in any form, and yet that Russia must play a prominent role in the world affairs. This led to both internal opposition that grew more and more violent as they grew convinced nothing is going to change unless extremely drastic measures are taken, and to the series of humiliating defeats abroad. It pretty much painted itself into a corner, and Rasputin episode, while colorful, was just a footnote to much greater and more fundamental problems which led to Russian monarchy collapsing. It still could go the less bloody road if the following democratic government could govern efficiently and not being eaten by the Leftists, but they been proved incapable, the Left took over, then the Bolsheviks massacred all the rest of the left fractions, and the rest you can read in any textbook. Nothing of it has much to do with hemophilia, though the general atmosphere of everything going wrong and nothing being able to stop the collapse, probably, contributed to being open to weird stuff, out of desperation. But it was the symptom rather than the cause.

Without spoiling too much, Watts' aliens not just don't like us, they are nothing us, which is rather terrifying and very Lovecraftian - an entity who is entirely incapable of caring for humanity's existence at all, and possessing powers well beyond humanity's understanding.

Maybe not, but Trump is easy to flatter

If it's that easy why Trump didn't pardon every other guy convicted for corruption? I mean, it's easy to say "I support Trump", especially if you are down on your luck, have no political prospects whatsoever and there's absolutely zero downside to saying that. It's not like you're going to be electable anymore. So if it only took that, I'd expect a lot more people doing it and being pardoned by Trump, but that's not what I am seeing. There's something different in Blago's case, but what?

Surely the question is whether those political goals are aligned with the country's

Are you implying there's some objective definition of "the country's goals", distinct from its democratically elected leadership? Where does that definition come from?

The claim is that Biden was furthering the US's political goals while Trump was furthering Trump's political goals.

Of course, the partisans always claim they are just worrying for the country and the other guy is only worrying for himself. This is regular political rhetoric and there's no reason to attribute any substance to it.

but that distinction is essential to determining whether an act is corrupt.

Sure, but where that distinction would come from? There's no some magical divine oracle that you can go and ask for "what are the interests of the US" outside of existing democratic procedures, i.e. electing the representatives that would represent those interests. Some people claiming they have exclusive right to represent these interests, outside of the usual processes, are just some people lying.

Blago took the fall for Obama

Took the fall for Obama for what? He was accused in bribery, do you imply it was Obama that took the actual bribes? If so, why then wouldn't Trump explore this direction more? I heard literally nothing about it.

There was also the first impeachment of Trump himself. If wikipedia is to be believed, Trump tried to exchange military aid for political favors from Ukraine.

This is literally what politics is. I mean, the whole justification of why US is giving out aid to other countries is to reach certain political goals, isn't it? Given that Biden literally bragged about using the same aid to the same Ukraine for reaching his political goals, it can't be taken as anything but purely political powerplay.

I'm sure there are a lot of people who got railroaded for one reason or another. In the environment like Chicago politics, there's a lot of mutual back scratching happening, and with certain prosecutorial creativity it's probably not hard to convert it into a criminal case. Trump is not going to pardon all of them, is he? And despite what Blago says now about Trump - which he has a lot of motive to say, as it profits him - he seems to be a pretty run of the mill Democrat, and one with zero power as it seems currently. Is that really just personal sentiment on Trump's side? I didn't place him as an overly sentimental person.

Selling the performance of official acts to private interests for money or other services

Could you mention more examples of this? I am not sure what to think of Blago case, because bribery cases may be very subjective if there's no hard evidence, and it's easy to abuse it, especially given how politics work - people always work with people that align with their interests, and often profit from that, at which point does it turn to bribery? Of course, "I'll pay you $1M and you appoint me the senator" is bribery, but is that what happened in Blago case? A lot of people say it's not so I'm not so sure anymore, I didn't dig deeper into it. But is Trump really OK with bribery, excepting this case - what other cases support this?

Blocking means you don't see their comments, just "You are blocking @blocked_dude" instead. It's useful if somebody regularly writes something that you'd rather not read. AFAIR it used to be that the blocked party is notified about the block, but I'm not sure it's still the case.

Can somebody explain Blagojevich pardon to me? Like, why Trump feels the need to pardon him and what justification is for that? Frankly, I didn't bother to look into the matter back when he was arrested because I assumed it's pretty usual stuff for Chicago, he's just one of corrupt politicians that Chicago is full of - was I wrong? Is he somehow useful for Trump? How?

US Mint is part of Treasury, so the President would be in control of it. I think the difference is between stopping making new pennies (easy) and taking the penny out of circulation as a legal tender (complicated, but also ultimately not necessary since it doesn't cost much to keep it as legal tender).

CFPB is a weird thing. It's basically a power of it's own, which is supposed to be independent from all the executive and controlling a lot of aspects in US financial system. I'm not sure how it is supposed to work in the republican (not Republican) form of government in the US. I mean, if there's an agency that can order banks around, and the President and the Congress have absolutely no control over it, how the President and the Congress can execute their policies that the People elected them to do?

Moreover, aren't there other bank regulators already? I mean there's OCC, the Fed, FTC, FDIC, FinCEN, SEC, CFTC, HUD, Treasury, and that's just on federal level, each state probably has their own stuff. Couldn't all those guys do their job without creating yet another agency?

What's up with the Epstein client list? I thought it was supposed to be released? Is there any impediment to that, did everybody just forgot it in midst of the whole international payola scandals? Is there such a document at all, or it's just a fantasy?

Say thanks to the DIE crowd for slaughtering that cow. Being openly racist has been OK with them for a while now. I hated that. Your crowd didn't, they encouraged it. So, now it's a bit late to pretend it's alive again. If you want to establish a new one, you'd have to prove you are serious about it, and to be honest, I have no idea how the Left could do that, at least not until the current DIE-worshipping generation is out of the picture.

I don't have to do even that. Musk or Trump have to do that. So far they are doing a spectacular job as far as draining the swamp is concerned. That's precisely what I have voted for, and I want them to continue that for the following 4 years. If on the way they hire a couple of guys that said some stupid shit, maybe I won't be 100% happy with that, but provided that they deliver on the rest of the deal, I don't really care.