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joined 2024 May 23 15:33:49 UTC


User ID: 3070



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User ID: 3070

It was not quoting those two comments, somebody was posting them as one and under their own name. Very weird. You can head to https://old.reddit.com/r/BlockedAndReported/comments/1cw6mpn/weekly_random_discussion_thread_for_52024_52624/l5bwmui/ and see that the replies line up with the contents of the posts by @WhiningCoil and @SecureSignals. Maybe one of Iconochasm, JTarrou, professorgerm, SerialStateLineXer, or somebody else who I don't know, caught it, but it stayed up for such a brief period that I doubt it. One could take these two comments and ask people in that thread if they recognize the result.

I'm tired of this matter, back to lurking for months. Peace.

Did you not get that I was joking, really? Teaches me to try to do right by a person whose posts I've consistently liked for my years of lurking. If I wanted to cause drama, I could have brought up his previous identity and what forced him to create a new account, not do this weird who-knows-what-this-is that just happened.

And because my comment wasn't yet visible to common users by the time of deletion, the culprit must be one of the motte mods, dun-dun-dun! But seriously, good luck, man, I remember the shitstorm with your previous account.

You should know that somebody took your comment, combined it with the comment of @SecureSignals below, and posted in the /r/BlockedAndReported weekly discussion thread. I first assumed it was you yourself, but then I saw it's two different comments glued together.

ETA and it's gone. You can find the traces, a few replies of the "are you okay?" kind. It wasn't me, and I'm very curious what was the purpose of it all.