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joined 2024 December 09 15:34:21 UTC


User ID: 3374



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2024 December 09 15:34:21 UTC


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User ID: 3374

I have a friend who personally knew the United Healthcare CEO's killer a few years ago. I asked the motte for some questions to ask him, and what I learned from them was surprising enough that I think the Motte will appreciate the inside scoop as a top-level post.

I am merely relaying the opinion of a high-achieving, apolitical normie.

Q: Was he popular with the ladies already, or was it literally the murder that did it? A: No, as my friend put it: He had no "rizz."

Q: Was he outspoken politically? In what way? A: He did not like that my friend was a bit of a tech bro "capitalist."

Q: Did he have any chronic health conditions? A: Not that my friend knew of.

Q: Did any friends of his have chronic health conditions? A: It did not come up.

Q: Was he social, or a loner? A: Not very social but he tried to be.

Here's where it got interesting:

Q: Was he 'weird' in any way?

A: Yes. My friend and others found his behavior awkward and forced. He "tried to be macho" but couldn't pull it off. He also used a position of authority he had over my friend (who is pretty unassuming and unconfrontational) to make life hard for him due to the supposed political differences.

The last one surprises me a lot; his social media did not paint that picture. This made me update a lot on what kind of person he was back then(1-5 years ago).

Overall i do not care for the politics analysis discourse when it comes to this guy, but the personality profile of a "rational" killer is a lot more fascinating imo. (There were a lot more details but my friend insisted on anonimity. He also strongly condems the killers actions)

Hope the Motte appreciates a bit of original Journalism ;)

"He did not have rizz"

AMA My best friend was University coursemates with this guy. Im hopping on a call with my him later, write if you want me to ask something. (Its probably going to be disappointing). Il make a separate post if theres something interesting.

Same experience i had at an expensive private school in a western german city