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Per Aspera ad Astra

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joined 2022 September 05 16:04:17 UTC


User ID: 616


Per Aspera ad Astra

4 followers   follows 12 users   joined 2022 September 05 16:04:17 UTC


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User ID: 616

I can understand people on the left being worried about Trump based on how speech has changed. Personally I don't think it's because Trump is censoring speech, in fact I think it's the opposite.

The progressive left heavily censored speech in the U.S. for the better part of a decade, ramping up especially in the last few years. We have the receipts, it's common knowledge at this point that the FBI and other government organizations colluded with social media sites, news outlets, et cetera to push a pro-progressive message, and sideline or outright ban even relatively centrist people with dissenting views.

If there is a lot of genuine concern, I think it comes from people on the left getting a distorted view of what the information landscape looked like, via their censorship. As things bounce back towards a more representative information environment, of course people will feel shocked.

Just got Meditations on the Tarot which is a book on tarot from a Christian hermeticism point of view. Apparently Pope John Paul II kept one on his desk.


Ahaha thank you for this comment, has me dying laughing. lol.

Oh dang I got suckered in by fake apologetics. Man it's so hard to trust anything today. Sigh.

Interesting! I genuinely didn’t know that. Huh.

Counterpoint: could Trump not keep Putin's dick out of his mouth for a few hours?

This type of rhetoric is adding far more heat than light.

with “what kind of diplomacy, JD, are you speaking about? What, what do you mean?” I find it hard to interpret this as anything but extremely insulting. Wars in history have been fought against nations for less insulting behavior

Thank you for actually marking the time... Zelenskyy is BEYOND insulting here! After Vance chides him mildly, Zelenskyy says "Have you ever been to Ukraine, huh? Count once?" with his arms folded and backing up with an extremely condescending air. I can't believe it! How could a leader who desperately needs this stronger ally act with such immense disrespect?

I have been kind of ambivalent so far but wow... I am disappointed with Zelenskyy here. I know Trump and Vance aren't exactly polite but come on. The course of world history could've been far different if he was willing to play nice.

Right so scientists and scientific progress at at best acceptable collateral damage

Scientists and scientific progress shouldn't have played politics so hard. At this point it is nigh-impossible to sort the wheat from the chaff given the insane ideological bent of the universities, and the fact that they are leveraging their large amount of cultural and fiscal capital against one side of the political aisle.

"But scientists vote XX% democrat! They have to be the evil woke!"---well it shouldn't be that surprising that scientists overwhelmingly vote against the party of creationism and appointing anti-vaxxers as HHS secretary even if they might have had serious concerns with woke overreach. If you don't believe me, you can listen to Richard Hanania.

This is a straw man of the right that currently exists. Fundamentalist Christianity has been gutted in the U.S. and definitely does not hold much power in the current right wing administration. Do you think Musk is a Creationist?

The response is predictably shock, outrage and literal weeping.

The weeping was from the man talking about retiring, not about Vance's speech, FYI.

If I was China or an adversary, this would be child's play. Do they just not want to reveal themselves? I just don't get it. Every company I have gone to would be so easy to get admin creds. This makes me think there are two options. Either there aren't enough hackers to take advantage, or they are holding back. Which one is it? Because like I said, it would be trivially easy to hack these companies.

I wonder if most of the people with the skills and means to become hackers are just far more motivated by political ends than pure profit. I'd imagine if you could become a hacker, getting money would be relatively easy (although still entail a lot of hard work) by just getting a job in red teaming.

Or perhaps it's just a blind spot to the hacker mindset? Hardcore programmers do tend to kind of forget the blue collar world exists, after all.

Already bookmarked. Hah.

Feels like the government is just dismantling the world I’ve spent my life working to become a part of, and I can’t say that I quite understand why.

The academy allowed itself to be hollowed out and started playing politics instead of searching for truth. Yes, hard sciences included.

No, just wanting to keep your head down and “do the science” is not an excuse. I’m sorry for you personally, but academia made its bed and now it will have to lie in it.

Trump can stop being putin's little bitch for more then a minute?

This is... a little intense. Trump is trying to end the war and protect American interests, at least allegedly.

My first response to Russia escalating into a full fledged invasion in 2022 is that the US shouldn’t nuked Moscow - an option that is now too late.

Do you mean we should have nuked them? In 2022 or beforehand?

Lmao yeah already been through the feel good - feel bad arc of drugs.

I want to feel good!

aww yeee baby

I am darkly amused when I find that different insurers are categorizing race and ethnicity, a data point that has mushroomed in the last decade or so, differently than the agreed-upon state standard as well as differently than each other. But wait! There's more! We are now required to do service specific provider intakes, meaning that if a client is enrolled in multiple services, each service must have its own intake and each intake is supposed to be performed by a Licensed Mental Health Professional (LMHP) type, which requires a graduate degree, significant amounts of time as a supervised resident providing services, and the passing of a test. This is a large and unwelcome change as we already have significant issues with hiring and keeping licensed professionals and even residents, as they largely leave for greener and easier to navigate pastures as soon as possible.

ahaha this was a great writeup but wow this part killed me. so wild!!!

$New_Boss recently said to me, "you know, when I first got here I thought there was no way it could be this bad and that you were just being a cynical asshole. Now I see that you were really just telling me the truth."

lol. lmao even.

I can't believe this is your life man I'm sorry you dealt with all this, wowza. Makes me look at mental health data in entirely different ways....

Even @cjet79 is pretty cool.

I identify with American political values and ideals far more than I do with British ones. Not in every case, but more often than not. I want to shoot full-auto AR-15s when I can dawg.

You should visit sometime and come hang out. We'll have some fun dawg.


Not yet we aren't!

Companies will also be able to buy them to bring in talent from other countries easily. I'd imagine a good chunk would be bought by them.