Nihil Concierge
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User ID: 691

Being a sailor myself, it pains me to admit that the most plausible explanation is that the skipper of the Newnew Polar Bear did, surely, understand something was wrong--but hoped it was no big deal, and no one would notice. In fact, finding an anchor that was dragged for nearly 200 klicks on the floor, just "a few meters" from the damaged cables and gas lines makes it just to easy for me to know exactly what a Newnew Polar Bear sailor felt like after two or three hours on the deck crew trying to get the anchor hauled up when the XO shouts over the 1MC, "Fuck the anchor, we're about to hit an seabed pipeline--cut the chain NOW!"
They almost made it.
So much for the Skipper's dream of commanding the more prestigious ship, Oldold Polar Bear.
Justin Bieber and Busta Rhymes? That isn't a lot if things
I'd like to second this from @roystgnr :
Comic strip collections ... let young readers who aren't 100% solid manage to grasp more context from the drawings.
I got started with reading on "Calvin & Hobbs," one of the all time greats. I'm not sure if Spaceman Spiff is still relevant, but I know the stuff about ethical philosophy and girls being gross is timeless.
Who hasn't? It's a very compelling yearn.
I expected that second link to take me to a movie about the Gulf War starring George Cloney and Ice Cube, but instead it was one of Markey Mark's old songs.
Still, not bad for a boy band.
I am in deep, passionate, unrelenting agreement with your indifference.
Yeah, but it's the only part of the subcontinent I've personally visited, and I'm not comfortable with just sending medical supplies to some place I haven't seen.
If you insist on India, I did visit the museum of the Cellular Jail on the Andaman Islands—I could try and find out if there's a hospital there, even though all I saw was the museum, a lumber mill, and a cricket pitch.
I'd just like to take a moment here to plug the most important part of my view on Trump, which comes from Andrew Sullivan's interview of the author Michael Wolff. I won't drop too many spoilers, but Wolff, for all his factual errors, seems very correct to me when he talks about the language most journalists use being inadequate to describe Donald J. Trump.
Here is the interview:
also Apple Podcasts:
and PodBay:
and how do I format links using markdown? Also, I'm just starting the book it's based on and I'll write it up a little as a top-level post when I'm done.
Don't apologize--I was trying to be clever, which is always a hit-or-miss endeavor.
Anyway, my question is: how do you count what percentage of women in, say, America have the sort of relationship you describe? How does OP? Because both of you describe things that do happen, but how often they happen is very, very difficult to count. The only place I can even think to look is the GSS, and I can't find any questions on there that really seem germane.
Wait, really? When did Biden shit his pants?
I will send a laxative to anyone, anywhere in the world, who can convince me this happened.
Okay, look, I'm not saying you're posting in the wrong place; however, if you weren't a staff writer on "The Good Wife," that's Julianna Margolis's loss.
But how do you get from a compelling (even Emmy-winning) story that describes an extremely plausible series of events to being able to present evidence that what you describe is more or less confidence to what OP described, or any other type of interpersonal relationship?
Well, we don't have to permanently disavow the Israel meatheads or anything--I think @narabuns is right that these are a good home for the topic when there's not enough discussion to justify a top-level post, but there's still going to be a week-by-week judgment call to be made about "how crazy are things in the Greater Jerusalem Area this week?"
Man, the one about keeping an eye on CPA was a huge part of my life for about three and a half years. We had a really thin standing orders binder, but the night orders always included the line about CPA and surface contacts.
One of the best things the Onion ever did
Now I can understand that a resurrected vampire might find it novel or even contentious to think that increasing the incidence of psychopathic traits across the population might be undesirable.
But can you turn that one-sentence pitch into a 12-page treatment in time for lunch next Tuesday with Mr. Penn? (And Wednesday with Mr. Cage, the safety school of Hollywood Productions.)
Calling all artists on the Motte! I am currently looking for someone to ink some scripts I have written for a one-panel newspaper comic called Rosa Luxemburg Thought..., where every gag is based on a tiny little Robber-Baron-Era American Communist is asleep in one corner and the cartoon is a dream balloon of what Rosa is dreaming about.
Then in the dream-balloon, you cut out old circa-1980s Family Circus strips and paste them down.
Then I get 50 percent of the money and credit as "writer," but when people accuse us of plagiarism, I pin it all on you.
Any takers?
Were I that dude in the black sweater
Do we have the compute to run an experiment like that on AI babies?
Are we in a simulation hypothesis computer as a control group for an experiment like that?
Will becoming aware of that be an error that whatever is running the experiment writes "tainted - discard from study" on the universe and throws it in a biohazard bag?
deep crumple sound of something just 1/4th inch wider than the universe being skooshed
Can someone explain to me why teabagging this particular outgroup is a bad thing?
I mean, this particular group may well deserve tea-bagging*--just remember not to do that here, because we have the very specific rule about outgroups here; and it doesn't matter how good or bad a group is or isn't, that rule has everything to do with us and what kind of website we want to be.
I've put a hold on this at my local library and am looking forward to it! It turns out my father is more into the futbol these days, so we're not talking as much about the world series as I expected, but I think he'll appreciate this book. Thanks for the suggestion! I would say that when you recommended it ... it was not an error.
slide-whistle sound effect
I love uBlock Origin. Learning how that extension work made my web-browsing so many times easier!
The only sites on my whitelist are my bank, Substack and the Motte.
Lawyers actually have to ask permission from the judge to do that. If I'm recalling Ken White's podcast, that's really an area that has more to do with drug dealers or gangsters as clients--or if a lawyer is absolutely broke and leaving the profession or something.
"My client is stupid" isn't really something that American lawyers abandon clients for, or get surprised by--it's on the rare occasion a smart person needs representation that something is up
Because that's what someone with much more well-adjusted family relationships and emotional communication skills than either of us would do.
My family was about...other things. Like reading at a 11th grade level before you turned 9, or not talking about your feelings, or winning state debate tournaments, or not talking about your feelings. Sometimes, for a break, we didn't talk about our feelings.
Up or on?
Because Claudia Juana Rodríguez de Guevara heard from Dmitry Medvedev that fake president comes with a great health plan? I bet fake presidents get platinum plans with zero deductible on like five dollar a month premiums.
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