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joined 2022 September 04 19:49:03 UTC

Anarcho Capitalist on moral grounds

Libertarian Minarchist on economic grounds

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User ID: 124



10 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 04 19:49:03 UTC


Anarcho Capitalist on moral grounds

Libertarian Minarchist on economic grounds


User ID: 124

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I was just at the African American history museum recently. My mother recently published a paper on the graves, names, and locations of slaves that our ancestors owned.

I bring those both up just to say that in my observation there is a large amount of myth and uncertainty even in things that feel like recent history.

Even internet history is convoluted and difficult to untangle. And we often have all the logs and evidence available!

Harriet Tubman's general exploits seem plausible. There were almost certainly former slaves that worked in semi clandestine roles to ferry other escaped slaves up north. There were almost certainly stories of harrowing close calls. We know for certain there was an "underground railroad" for those escaped slaves, or at least as certain as we can be about these things (maybe a bunch of people all lied convincingly in a similar way).

It also seems like she isn't a very trustworthy narrator. She probably lied about her personal role or took on the stories of others she had heard from. Or maybe she under embellished and the truth is crazier than the stories we got. History sometimes has some off the wall weird shit happening.

I'm not entirely sure how much it matters. Even prominent placement in a video game seems underwhelming. Those leader portraits can and are replaced by game mods. I'm almost certain there are mods that switch out the German leader for Hitler.

Most importantly of all, stick with Civ 4. It's the best in the series, and the peak of the genre. We need more autists like the dwarf fortress guys making video games. Work on the same thing for twenty years and retain all creative control within a family sized social unit. If it was them making the civ game they would have just encoded a whole leadership class that represented Tubman and stuck a random name generator on top of it. We wouldn't have this silly controversy, and more importantly no one without an extreme interest in the game would even be able to articulate a culture war critique of how it was handled.

This isn't the kind of thing we are looking for as a top level post in the culture war thread.

Things to keep in mind:

  1. This is not a group circle jerk "not anything we didn't already know". It is a discussion board and you should make some effort at discussing something.
  2. This is mostly just a hearsay boo out group post. While you should and are encouraged to bring your own perspective to things, bringing your own evidence and assuming the perspective of the audience gives almost nothing to be discussed.

I was going to leave just a warning, but you've been warned over five times in the past about this. There are rules here, we need to enforce them and we have few tools to do so. Our lightest touch tool is just written warnings. That isn't working here, so I'm moving to a one week ban, I know that seems like a harsh jump, but we've done you a disservice in the past by only sticking to warnings, and not escalating to a one day ban after your third warning.

This doesn't happen. Bans are almost always approved by more than one moderator. We always let each other know when we have carried out a ban and for what reasons.

Amadan in particular is diligent about recusing himself when he thinks there might even be a hint of bias.

He is still the most active mod on the team. I'd consider him a pillar of the community and essential to keeping this place running.

You on the other hand are on the opposite end of the spectrum. You've been on thin ice for about the entire 8 months that you have had this account active. 7 warnings, 3 tempbans, and no quality posts.

Your pattern of behavior follows many such permabans in the past. You are a dick to everyone to start. Then as your warnings and bans increase you mostly just direct the trolling towards the mods in particular, so it starts looking like any punishment of you is just retalliation for your "speaking truth to power".

I'd rather not go through the whole rigamarole where we pretend you are going to in some way reform. But we have the process in place so these accusations can be seen as false every time they inevitably get trotted out by every bad faith actor we have on this forum.

If I see you making more unfounded accusations against a moderator like this, then I'll be in favor of a permaban, regardless of how it "looks" because at some point its just not worth dealing with this crap again and again.

Ah, that makes some sense. People here like an injection of personal perspective. Not just what the book says, but what you think of the claims and whether they resonate with you. If you go through quality contributions many of them are often only writeable by the specific commenter because they are bringing something unique to the discussion.

If you just aren't getting hard in the first place. Try the ole Netflix and chill. Just snuggle up and watch a show or movie together. Ease into things. Lots of foreplay while still watching the TV. Hands all over each other. Enjoy your partner's body without the prospect of immediate sex.

If you get rock hard and and switch to sex, victory. If not then you did a fun activity together, still a win.

You might have to explain the game to your partner before starting. Just so they don't go rushing you.

I've not had ED issues before, but this is what I've done after the sex has ended and the feeling of closeness and sexual attraction is still there. Sometimes it leads to round two or three even if I get soft between sessions.

I had a somewhat similar experience with my Hispanic day care provider. Where the shift in politics became more real. It was after the election and she innocuously asked me who I voted for, I blurted out Trump before remembering who I was talking with, but she lit up in happiness and said "oh good!" And then went on to praise Trump, trash the media, complain about the economy under Biden, and talk about the crazyness of trans stuff in schools. She also mentioned she voted for him in 2016. The conversation took place with her Hispanic accent peaking through the whole time. I live in Virginia in an area that went about 60% for Harris. The conversation left me stunned.

This reads a bit like AI. I can't know for sure that is what it is, but it's very different from your other comments here. Longer sentences, no usage of your personal perspective, etc.

If this is AI please do not do that, it is absolutely as against the rules. We are here to discuss with humans, everyone here knows how to go open an AI chat and start talking with it.

If this is not AI sorry for the underhanded writing critique.

You are new here, but this isn't really what we look for in a top level post in the culture war thread. It's a little too boo out group. Just a warning for now.

I like this front row vs back row metaphor. It matches my experience much better. And school is a great place where most people have seen all types of people. I don't think the situation is hopeless for the back row, and I think there is actually a straight forward and easy solution to making their lives better through government:

Stop having the government do so much shit in people's private lives.

Imagine you have backrow students in an actual school. They are not paying attention. They are not getting worksheets done. The principle comes up with a solution: we will offer tutors to all the students who need additional help. Everyone claps and they go about their day. The vice principle is stick having to implement this policy. He comes up with the idea of just creating a worksheet questionnaire for students to fill out if they need help.

This is the same kind of problem with so many government solutions. "Oh you can't handle the bureaucracy and regimented life of white collar work and corporate America? We will help you out, all you need to do is navigate a white collar bureaucracy that makes corporate America look streamlined."

The normal methods of government can only make this problem worse, not better. The actual solutions are out there, and have been out there. Private charity orgs and mutual aid societies used to handle some of the people falling through the cracks. Apprenticeships where people learn by doing were far more common than schooling. Churches provided help to people.

And this is ultimately a market problem, that I think silicon valley companies have begun solving (when they are allowed to). How do you take some of these people and make them productive? The gig economy is much derided, but its basically been the main lifeline for so many of these people. Rideshare, food delivery, etc. It is pretty friction-less to signup to be a part of these services, they make it as easy as they can. And then you choose when to do them, presumably when you want some more cash. Buying and selling on various online marketplaces is another way I've seen various "back-row" students make money. Running a small business is the other way these people become successful. So the more barriers in the way of small businesses, the harder you make their lives.

Wrong thread, this is Friday fun thread.

I get the sense that in 2010 self driving cars were 50% ready. They had the easy cases down. Highway driving in good conditions with clear signage.

By 2020 they have more of the edge cases down, its like they are at 90%. City or neighborhood driving, sometimes unclear signage. Unexpected obstacles like pedestrians. Weather, very unclear signage or strange roads, and the disconnect between written vs actual rules of the road.

They are over 95% ready, maybe even 99% but their remains basically impossible use cases. Times when human drivers literally just muddle along and guess at what the correct behavior is, or make it up as they go. This works fine at an individual level. The times when you have to do something truly strange and out of the ordinary are not that common. A construction crew is out early without their signage guys and I'm expected to just carefully drive around them. Or take a totally different route through the neighborhood. Or I'm doing christmas shopping and a bunch of shoppers treat the parking lot like an extra wide sidewalk, and I just need to weave in and out of them slowly to make any progress. Or a pedestrian waiting at a crosswalk looking like they are about to cross, but they wave me through, because they are waiting for someone to catch up with them further back on the sidewalk.

Its minor stuff and easy for a thinking and reasoning adult to figure out many of the situations. But you can't exactly codify it as rules of the road. No one writes laws about it. Accidents related to it are rare for an individual, but probably become guaranteed with enough mileage.

I've said for a long time that American roads are easy mode for self driving cars. If they start testing things in a place like India with its insane traffic then you should start paying close attention.

The game spoils a lot about the progression just through in game research trees. Best of luck in avoiding the spoilers.

I've beaten the game at this point and my one suggestion is to just go for it. The major progression points in space age felt big and daunting, but when I was in the moment overcoming them it was just fun and less worrying than I thought it would be.

Yay! Factorio Friday thread again!

Love the game, and love the expansion even more.

A few secrets to enjoying the game and avoiding optimizing away the fun:

  1. Try to avoid deleting old stuff that worked. Let it stay there as an example of how far you've come. You'll also have a minimum output even if your latest build breaks for some reason.
  2. Avoid saving complicated blueprints, and absolutely avoid using other people's blueprints. Copy and paste is fine in the moment.
  3. Embrace the restrictions, treat them as harder limits than they actually are. For example avoid logistics drones on aquilo. Keep belts moving and other things moving on space platforms.
  4. Build in the moment. Let the needs of the factory dictate your build. Let spaghetti happen. Only you will understand your spaghetti. Embrace the simple challenge of weaving belts in and out of the existing factory.
  5. Build to last. Paradoxical with the last point, I know. Don't allow a breakdown in one part of your factory to clogg up the rest of it. This is important on Gleba. As long as inputs are available and output are needed each part of the factory should work. Make it a habit and you won't need to delete stuff.
  6. Switch it up. Go kill some enemies sometimes. Go build mining outposts. Go build factories planetside. Go build space platforms. This will help avoid the relentless optimization that will otherwise take hold. You don't need an insane ammo output factory, just a small one that will cover you and fill up a chest that you can occasionally empty out for cathartic bug killing.

I thought the worst thing he did was take money out of people's accounts that were on the exchanges. "invest at your own risk" makes sense, but it seemed like this was more akin to "put money in a bank at your own risk".

I still mostly agree that 25 years might be too long for that (or even the 18 years he is likely to actually serve). But 5 feels a little too encouraging towards moral hazard problems. I think SBF himself would say he'd gladly take the same risks again if the downside was only 5 years in prison.

He rode to central park. Good place to dump clothes and weapon in a lake to destroy DNA evidence, and switch into new clothes.

Breaking news happens like once a week. And then we would have to enforce the line of what is major breaking news. The effort to write about a paragraph of text including what happened, the context of the situation, and a personal thought on it is very low. The fixes OP made are more than enough.

This happens like once a week. And then we would have to enforce the line of what is major breaking news. The effort to write about a paragraph of text including what happened, the context of the situation, and a personal thought on it is very low. The fixes OP made are more than enough.

Still needs to be included. We aren't trying to break news here, this is a discussion site. So start a discussion.

As it is this isn't enough for a top level post.

Some more context and your own opinion would improve the post.

Edit: the additions to the post look good.

I would suspect that these gentlemen are more likely to end up sipping Mai Thais on the beach in the seedier parts of southeast Asia than end up on Mars haha.

Maybe for the criminals, but I think the world will be shrinking in the future. Fewer places to hide and disappear.

Could you cobble up a few thousand disaffected but reasonably wealthy men if you tried hard enough? Eh, probably, but you'd have to be quite lax in terms of screening. I'm not sure Musk wants his colonies to have that particular make, but I suppose he's going to have to compromise somewhere.

Beyond a thousand participants its unlikely musk will be personally interviewing anyone for the project. To some extent I'm assuming organization success for him. That this project actually gets off the ground and there is a reproductive and successful group of humans on Mars. If it is successful at all, then at some point it will turn into something that not one single human can manage.

My contention is that the number of people who are driven enough to want to settle Mars at a quality of life reasonable in the next few decades of colonial tech are very few, at least if they're paying for the privilege. Larger if you pay them, but then the question arises, what are you paying them for? They're unlikely to be financial positive, but of course, we must account for the fact that the biggest backer here is distinctly uninterested in an ROI (my Twitter has been bombarded with people arguing that point, but it seems clear to me money is far from Musk's primary motivator for Mars).

I like your contentions. But you are stopping at a few thousand. And I don't think the OP is stopping at a few thousand. Break ten thousand and I feel that things change significantly. Above ten thousand you go from some chance of managed by a single person to zero chance.

I do believe Musk in what he says he wants. Which is a multi planet species. And I think he is working as hard as he can to get there. I do think there is a limitation of wealth and resources at our current level. Right now he can support a few people on mars. In a decade when he makes things cheaper it might be up to 100 people. In two decades when he continues making things cheaper and maybe grows his wealth a bunch its 1000 people.

I don't think this project can solely rely on Musk to break 10k people on Mars. And when that limitation strikes, I think the groups I have outlined are the colonists available.

Also @self_made_human - some more ellaboration on what I meant:

I was imagining white collar criminals, fraudsters, or illicit business men. They would have the cash, but be in danger of losing it if they remained on Earth. They'd be willing to tolerate the risks, and have specific reasons for getting off of Earth. The criminals.

There are people with engineering and technical talent that don't fit in well on Earth, I've worked with plenty of engineers like this. They might get it in their heads that being on a different planet would somehow change their social skills. The anti-social.

There are people that are for various reasons largely unattached. Maybe their families have died or they've cut each other off. They aren't interested or good at dating, so they avoid it. They can still work and make money, but without family or social connection they simple accrue the money without much way to spend it. The misfits.

There are people that dun goofed. Had a good family, and a great life, but they got caught cheating with their secretary. Now they are divorced, hated by their family, fired from their job, and generally a pariah to all their former friends. Maybe they embezzled from their business, did a brief stint in Jail, but the family and money are all gone. They went big and lost it all, but they still have a bit stashed away. The failures.

Agree with you on all points. But I'd also add that the original premise is probably wrong, I'm guessing the main selection effect for moving to Mars will be a willingness to leave Earth entirely behind.

The first few hundred or few thousand might be WHIMs, but the first million will merely be those who are willing to leave Earth behind. And the individual reasons why people are willing to do that won't always be good or even neutral. The anti-social, the misfits, the failures, and the criminals will all end up in the mix at some point.

I think both perspectives might be accurate. I lived in a conservative area and then a liberal area. The first was pretty pro-cop the second was not.

The cops coming from the pro cop area seemed universally better than the candidates coming from the anti cop area.

And talking to cops, they also tend to know who the shitbags on the force are.

"Keeping up with the zeitgeist"?

Political beliefs are a bit like this. So is sports team support.

Maybe it's Tribal affiliation, or "mood affiliation" as Tyler Cowen calls it.