Anarcho Capitalist on moral grounds
Libertarian Minarchist on economic grounds
User ID: 124
Trolling can target anyone. I've certainly trolled people id call friends.
Ya that's a thing too. I just know what that trolling instinct feels like, and I know what insecurity feels like. And Elon just pattern matches with trolling much better right now.
I'm not sure there is an easy way to distinguish. I'm not 100% wedded to the trolling narrative. It just seems way more likely for Elon than the "insecure" narrative.
I've known quite a few and briefly been a guy that sleeps around. I've been a teenager pumped full of testosterone (naturally via puberty).
There is a confidence that these things grant you that is sort of the polar opposite of insecurity. These people and myself were way more likely to be obnoxious overconfident assholes for no good reason than they were to think "do people not like me?"
We kinda select against this personality type/mood here on themotte. We don't tolerate the trolling, and then these types are also likely to get in dick measuring contests with the mods once we demonstrate the tiniest amount of power over them.
Not all trolling attempts are going to land. Just like a lack of people laughing doesn't mean something was not intended as a joke.
Lastly people seem to be interpreting this as me defending him or giving him credit. I don't think very highly of testosterone addled aggressive males. I think they are high variance individuals. They are going to jail for violence, or they are going to have lots of sex and possibly get lots of money in risky ventures.
As I mentioned this was almost sort of me. I was having sex with different women, I was doing drugs, and I was blowing off my boring job. But going down that road meant screwing over some of my real friends, hurting many or most of the women I was sleeping with, and generally disregarding the people around me.
These are not good people. They never make for good friends, just for good stories.
I don't see why it's not trolling. And to your second paragraph, yes. I'm not an Elon fanboy, he seems like a clearly flawed individual. The take I've seen that best explains him is that he has been taking lots of testosterone.
Since when was trolling supposed to have a punchline? The point of trolling is to make people upset.
Faking social cred is an easy way to make people upset.
Imagine a famous person claiming to know a language really well. They then "prove" it by clearly reading a script and making some basic pronunciation errors. They deny any attempts for native speakers to have a conversation with them. The community of those language speakers would probably end up really upset with that famous person. Other people would mostly just feel confused "seemed like they were speaking the language fine, why would they fake it?"
People seem to forget that Elon is sometimes entertained by people being pissed off at him.
If you have never felt the desire to troll on the Internet then you are a better person than me. He just takes it to a new level with a billionaire's regard for cash and reputation.
Yeah this never seemed like anything other than trolling on Musk's part. I didn't read the original tweets where he showed off his gaming level, but it seemed obviously ridiculous. Of course he is not one of the best players in a world at a game that takes dozens or hundreds of hours of play to reach that level.
Ah no, sadly I removed some of the standard spam posts yesterday.
For those who don't know, what is it?
I think there is some sort of functionality for that. But switching IPs is relatively easy in this day and age.
3 more posts, all on separate accounts. We really can't figure out how this is supposed to work.
Reading glasses? If yes, then the prescriptions are easy enough to find cheaply and in bulk. My parents typically order like a 5 pack of them and just sprinkle them around the house.
If lasik is at all an option do it. I only wish there were more thousand dollar procedures out there that could enhance my body.
Separate but closely related question, does anyone have ideas for dealing with a persistent spam account?
They are usually blindfolded I think. But firing squad is also how I'd choose to go. Bullet to the brain seems like a quick and painless way to go. Most rifle ammunition is also supersonic, so you wouldn't even hear the shot. It also seems more dignified in a weird way. Its not laying down to go to sleep, its not sitting in a fancy looking chair. Instead it is standing until you are dead and then crumpling into a lifeless heap.
Depends on when you think Trump knew about what was happening.
- He pre-planned it. Then ya doesn't stop him, but you've also already assumed his guilt. So who even cares if he called it off.
- He knew it immediately. Not sure what mechanism you propose for him knowing. It wasn't seeable, and if he is in the middle of a speech no one is seen actively interrupting him to tell him.
- He found out later. This seems to be the actual case. What and when he found out could easily impact his outgoing message.
Castro probably has 5th cousins or something in Florida. Genetic testing can pick up on relatives that close
He was in the middle of a speech at the time?
Two other options:
Artillery and rockets.
I can't tell if you are being sarcastic, but yes tens of billions is cheap when carbon emissions reductions are measured in tens of trillions of dollars
Edit: rereading, it doesn't seem like sarcasm. I do think the estimates are fair. The cost of carbon supression and sequestration is also an estimate. And we are ultimately comparing different climate change proposals.
The costs of global warming have been much debated over, but IPCC estimates of damages overlap with solutions like "do nothing and let economic growth solve the problem".
Everything is in orders of magnitude for these comparisons.
I really enjoyed listening to the elder scrolls lore podcast
It's not as much of a watching thing.
For truly mindless I go for wood spinning and epoxy pours.
Wikipedia article on the topic seems fine. A while back there was a big back and forth between Bryan Caplan and some others on this topic. I've rarely seen anyone question that this is one of the cheapest methods. Usually the complaints are along the lines of "side effects"
This is not twitter/X, we are not looking for quick hot takes that dunk on the people you don't like. This is not a good top level post.
Add more context and add more of your personal interpretation.
I think you meant this down lower, and not as a top level comment.
There is some magic that occurs in debt collection. You can go through more and more layers additional sketchiness and eventually they just call it taxation.
A debt that is owed to "society" because you were born here. Services were sometimes rendered before you were born, and the debt is still being paid off. You get voice in what services are offered via voting, but if you don't vote you still owe money. And a candidate can lie about what they'll charge you to get your vote and suffer no consequences.
Any attempt to make these comparisons through a metaphor just make it sound like you are talking about a criminal syndicate.
And in case you didn't feel like you were taking crazy pills a majority of people think that this is a better and more fair way to pay for medicine.
Not sure how much you read or watched in terms of advice, but some of the things I picked up online definitely helped my enjoyment of the game. I was also playing with another mottizen and it helped that we had some different preferences and playstyles.
- Vulcanus - this was also my favorite planet. It's where I ended doing a lot of the quality stuff. It was easy enough to just make giant quality recyclers for getting legendary base metals. I love the ability to sprawl.
- Fulgora - this is the drone planet. Whatever kovarex previously said about drones, someone else clearly got to him and convinced him to make a planet that is perfect for drones. Drone malls are the way to go here. Or just dumping things into the logistics network. By end game we had gone through something like 20 million scrap (before counting productivity mining bonuses).
- Gleba - the secret here is that you just don't need many buildings period. All the recipes are so damn efficient and productive. I ended up building self sufficient tile blueprints, they'd take in just a few inputs and then produce what was needed and burn all excess biowaste. I thought I'd then need to replicate these tiles a bunch, but when I was done I realized I only needed like three of the tiles for base resources. This is also a planet that benefits from drones, and power is basically free once you unlock the burners.
- Aquilo was tough. Tiling builds that connected was the right approach here. Efficiency and productivity modules were very useful. There are some recipes on aquilo that you can burn the end results, it's important to just have them on a loop and things will run themselves. I never needed a ton of space or output on this planet. I was almost done with the game when I tapped a second oil field.
- Space - was actually the second most fun for me. I just had to embrace tossing excess crap overboard as a way to balance things. Getting used to the way space logistics worked was a little annoying, but once I had it figured out it was pretty smooth.
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My kids are now picking up some Australian slang thanks to bluey. "Stuffy" for stuffed animal sticks out the most to me. I now can't remember what I called them as a kid, but it wasn't stuffy.
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