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joined 2024 September 11 15:35:50 UTC


User ID: 3252



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User ID: 3252

One of the most common insults I saw thrown at Kamala this election was that she was a drunk and fit the "wine aunt" stereotype. Obviously certain stereotypes of alcoholics code one way or the other, but the insult of "drunk" seems pretty universal.

Is there something bad or wrong about the fact she could marry a normal guy?

Of course there is. In essence she would be cheating the social contract. She would be tricking some poor sap into bailing her out of the socially agreed upon consequences of her actions. It benefits everyone to enforce harsh social penalties on promiscuous women and this would be undermining that valuable rule.

No one here subs to onlyfans

Actually true. This is why the Cathedral and PMC would do anything to shut us down. This is the last refuge of Western Men that Refuse to be Broken.

Edit: Also a good idea for a question for my Motte user survey

Are Christians morally obligated to forgive someone if God has forgiven them? Like, let's say this woman appears to convert to Christianity and repent meaningfully and by all appearances it seems 100% genuine. Am I supposed to treat her like she's a completely fresh, clean bowl of cheerios? Would it be wrong of me to refuse to marry/date her because of her past?

I have noticed this pattern as well and I'm going to apply it to two further areas to explain social phenomena of interest.

Religion. In the past Christianity was one of these "broadly necessary" $[skill]s. To get on in life, form social connections, get jobs and generally be regarded as a trustworthy, upstanding member of society it was necessary to be seen at church every week and be vaguely conversant in Christian concepts, terminology and so forth. I think of it kind of like a general education requirement at University, everybody has to take a math class to graduate. As a result a number of "math classes for humanities majors" arise to fulfill demand from students that hate math but are obligated to take math courses, things like "Mathematics of Shakespearean Sonnets" that sort of thing. If the university were to drop the requirement a lot of the attendance at these classes would crater overnight.

I see a similar phenomenon with religion. In essence our society dropped the "general education requirement" of Christianity, and we discovered that many Christian denominations more or less only existed to fulfill the requirement for people that really were not religion enthusiasts and would drop out given the choice. To bring it back to your point above, now the only people attending church (at least those below a certain age) are those that are essentially the Christianity hobbyists or enthusiasts who do it for the sheer love of the thing and are therefore attracted to more 'intense' denominations like Pentecostalism while the more moderate and boring Protestant denominations like Anglicans die off. We have the phenomenon you described here:

a large portion of the population has mostly abandoned it, while those who remained devoted to maintaining $[skill] became much more proficient.

Another example of the phenomenon I've noticed would be what I've observed with General Trivia Knowledge. Every other week I play trivia games with my coworkers who are all decently well educated people, but many of them 5 years younger than me or so. I'm continuously been surprised by how little general knowledge they have despite being quite intelligent. I mean general trivia knowledge like "What is the Hindenburg Disaster?" "Can you recognize the major European languages when written?" "What was Watergate?" "Who wrote the Canterbury Tales?" "Who said the line 'Dr. Livingston I presume?' and why?", things of that nature.

Of course there are many reasons for this, but I've come to attribute a lot of this to youtube and the internet giving people too much control over what they watch. I feel like I learned a lot of the random trivia I know I learned when flipping through random TV channels as a kid and watching something on PBS or the History Channel or an old movie (often with a historical subject like Lawrence of Arabia or Zulu) on TCM with my dad. Now people have much more freedom to become enthusiasts on any subject they choose. If they want to watch League of Legends content, there is enough of that on YT/Twitch/etc to keep them occupied for their entire lives without ever needing to branch out from sheer boredom and lack of alternatives.

My coworkers are intelligent but their knowledge is silo'd and inaccessible, all spent on some random hobby that I will never talk to them about while the cultural common ground of references, trivia and anecdotes has been completely destroyed and it honestly makes them seem completely retarded when we are doing trivia.

I'm currently dating a women who's family is the typical Fishtown resident Murray describes (She herself is a lovely girl). Her family behaves poorly. Her sisters constantly engage in borderline prostitution. They have no work.

Just some life advice, this is a very bad idea.

I wouldn't mind hearing more about gender dynamics in India, particularly as it relates to your personal experiences if you have anything more to share. It's admittedly pretty amusing to scroll through the twitter of 6FeetChadAryan and see beta vs. chad dynamics, gynocracy and boomers mentioned in between references to Hindu mythology like this. I'm curious about the references to Dowry Act. Are dowries still common, even in urban areas among upwardly mobile/educated people like the engineer in question?

You always link the most based articles

I think that pushes the average size preference up, not down, for 'she looks like a little girl that means ur a pedo hahah also die' reasons.

In my experience I only really feel this dynamic online. IRL I wouldn't feel embarrassed to introduce my parents to a gf with A cups, introducing my parents to my H cup gf would feel shameful.

The left construes violence incredibly broadly and intentionally eliminates distinctions between different types of "violence". The mere existence of socioeconomic inequality is a form of violence/genocide to them. I imagine that if Bezos was killed the reaction would be even more positive just due to him being wealthier and infinitely better known.

This immediately jumped out at me:


Is it common in India to use this kind of terminology?

Also the basis of the murder charge against him was humorous to me:

Me and my family murdered her father by asking for dowry of Rs 10 lakhs and her father got a heart attack. This is some poor bollywood plot.

Is this actually treated as a legally plausible claim in India?

Really? My friend (now a Republican state senator lol) and I were joking about "jewbs" all the time in high school in 2006. Granted about half the girls in our school were Jewish so we may have been in an usual situation...

Has there ever been a Motte meetup? I imagine we’re too few for it

Exactly as I would have said just much more intelligent and coherent. Thank you for elucidating my point!

But do lower class men actually like larger breasts more than upper class men, or are upper class men just more sensitive to appearing vulgar and crass and temper/moderate their responses? What do you think of the boobs vs butts phenomenon where the map of global preferences looks suspiciously like an IQ map? And Jewish women being known for their breasts?

His saved quotes just read as like something I'll call "self-improvement bro". A mix of pretty standard quotes from Marcus Aurelius, Bruce Lee, Albert Einstein and Aldous Huxley etc. It is truly odd that not even one jumps out at me as explicitly leftist or mentioning corporations. It seems more likely to me based on this that he listened to Joe Rogan than Chapo Traphouse.

you either need to present them with a better (by their light, not yours) alternative...The reason why people like Tate have an audience is that both mainstream red-tribe Christianity and mainstream blue-tribe feminism are lying about what women want. The rest of the culture need to find a non-toxic way of sharing the truth if they don't want to be outcompeted.

I agree with these bits, that essentially you need to offer a more persuasive product. I think for parents that are intelligent and informed it is not so difficult to do this. For example my father always gave me a sort of "redpilled" view on HBD, and being a geneticist it wasn't hard for him to make a more convincing case than netflix and my grade school teachers. For parents that are stupid and don't lead exemplary lives (as arguments can be made by words or by examples) I think unfortunately for them their children are at the mercy of the broader culture.

I believe this same dynamic applies to "harm reduction" policies more broadly, like safe injection sites where they give drug users free clean needles and promise not to arrest them for drug usage. People only accept "harm reduction" when it's something they really don't have a problem with to begin with, so the whole framing is dishonest. Would they accept "harm reduction" centers for domestic violence? Perhaps we could offer boxing gloves and have doctors on hand so you could bring your wife and beat her up in a safe way that didn't cause any serious or permanent damage. I don't need to poll leftists to know they would be opposed to this no matter how many studies I had.

I have no idea who Michael Vasser is and you allude to “local Vasserite” without ever explaining the situation in a coherent way. It sounds like you are trying to describe fights within your local friend group.

Let's apply this to architecture, and McMansions in particular. What makes a Mansion Mc is its tackiness. It is the effort to signal wealth, while cheating out on some details which render the whole display tacky

Yes I believe this is the essence of McMansions. It is a house that is too large and too grandiose for their budget and setting. Construction and materials are cheap, lot is too small, interior often features empty rooms or areas too sparsely furnished, has features like a grand staircase in the entryway that is too large for the house. The key is that for the same budget they could have had a smaller house, well constructed with quality and attention to detail, but they chose to opt for superficial grandiosity above all else. It is this surface level artifice and superficiality that reveals the tasteless mindset one focused on appearances rather than more important qualities. A tasteful person is supposed to recognize that a what qualities are more important, but furthermore they are supposed to recognize that others will perceive this in them.

It's also very possible there was a fourth bullet in the gun labeled "Delay" that jammed or otherwise wasn't fired.

To be honest I have had similar thoughts from time to time. My conclusion is that I cannot be that dishonest with myself or the people around me and I could never justify it with pride to my children. I have talked to enough Mormon missionaries to know that I am not like them. They are not saying to themselves "well this is totally untrue but it's kind of based so I'll play along." If I joined them on those grounds it would be an insult to everyone involved and they wouldn't want me if I said that to them honestly. I have to believe there is a way forward that I can follow with intellectual honesty and I encourage you to do the same.

Mark David Chapman killed John Lennon in very similar fashion in New York City and was undeniably insane with incoherent and deeply personal motives. Alternatively at times he has described the motives as due to Lennon's blasphemous statements, Lennon's hypocritical lifestyle, or to promote the book Catcher in the Rye. He had attempted suicide on numerous occasions. Despite his insanity he had planned the murder over a month in advance and flew all the way from Hawaii to do it, located John Lennon and waited outside his home until the opportunity presented itself.

Exactly. Even without considering the possibility that the murder is non-ideological, assassins often have incoherent worldviews that do not cleanly map to tribal politics as normally understood by the non-insane. Perhaps he believed the insurance company to be responsible for implanting a mind-control device in his brain or some other similarly schizo reason. Time will tell presumably

we have two right-wing parties of varying extremity

I hate it when anyone says this and it is a dead giveaway they are a completely dishonest extremist. You could equally accurately say we have two left-wing parties of varying extremity because neither party supports slavery.