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joined 2022 September 04 21:54:59 UTC


User ID: 191

Banned by: @Amadan




1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 21:54:59 UTC


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User ID: 191

Banned by: @Amadan

Please go back to reddit.

broadly the same kind of state they already live in?

The Free State of Texas is going to have MORE gun freedoms, more free speech, no abortions, no homos, no blacks, no woman votes, and no troons. It will be paradise.

Words words words

Yep. Literally in my yard in fact.

Cry about it wannabe janny

The only way this will be solved is timestamped id verification, then sites can make it so you need to be a non-Indian adult to be allowed to talk on social media. Unfortunately trusting some third party id verification API is a huge privacy risk, but it'd be worth it for some sites.

This can already be done "manually" by requiring timestamped ids sent to mods but if there was a way to do it with a third party system I'd be more willing

we live in a world of birth control and equal rights.

For now. The only nations to survive will be ones that give up on the failed experiment of granting women equal rights

No, being a housewife is the only rational option.

American males

Uh huh... so what kind of American males?

Jesus man why would you want your son to be molested?

Foucault is an exemplary critical theorist with the gay pedophilia and all.

People in some areas of the US have regular encounters with black bears, who are in fact pretty harmless.

it's not really acceptable but there's little that could be done.

Repeal the 19th

It doesn't say anything about her father, is he native Cuban? I would assume so.

Whiteness is not a self-id thing, it's genetics. A drop of poo spoils the milk.

Meghan Markle is black. And don't capitalize it, it's uncouth

  • -15

I probably would think Buck Angel is a dude, it's not about outward appearance it's about what you are. For sex, its chromosomes, for whiteness, it's ancestry

She's a fair skinned Latina, not white. Whiteness is about pure European heritage. Biracial people that pass as white are still not white, for example.

Mitt Romney is white, as far as I know none of his ancestors are non-European or descended from Europeans. Does he have a Mexican grandpa I'm not aware of?

Of course, it guarantees their food and rent without having to work. Women are unsurprisingly over twice as likely to be an unemployed spouse than men. See https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/famee.pdf -> Opposite-sex married-couple families

Plus, fuckup women can still pull non-fuckup men. Not the other way around (as often)

He's still a Hollywood actor/director, and it being a "this is how to roll over and die happy about the Great Replacement" story doesn't make it not an example of the trope

South Americans are heavily mixed with natives, hence most of them are no longer white.

So it's a positively-spun Great Replacement narrative, as was originally claimed.

If I happen to Notice that white people seem to need less help going to college and setting up their life absent intervention than Hispanic people, and so I decide to set up the dynamic in the movie according to how I see it - the white guy helping the Hispanic guys because it'd look weird the other way around, is that "deliberate agenda pushing"?

They don't "happen to notice" that black people are criminals more often, that women can't beat men in fights, and that in fact not every relationship is interracial.

All of that looks weird, yet they persist in pushing their alternate reality. Almost as if being realistic is not their motivation

Fair enough, my point is that I'd feel the same way about a parent catching their kid on, idk, an 8chan discord server being convinced to be more racist. I don't like trans people but my opinion here is based on the action of going behind parents backs to brainwash their kids - not who's doing it. Just making that clear!

I do, seems like common sense. Why do you think they wouldn't take an action that helps them? The action not instantly guaranteeing them a win doesn't mean its not worth taking. It's one action among many

I'm saying it doesn't matter what X a group of people want, if what they want results in convincing children of X behind their parents backs its an issue

You don't have the right to expose other people's kids to any ideas the parents don't want them exposed to. Parents have an absolute veto on any random creeps having physical or digital contact with their kids and doing it behind their back via discord is disgusting.