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BANNED USER: ban evasion, trolling, general jerkassitude




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joined 2025 January 08 03:26:45 UTC


User ID: 3469

Banned by: @Amadan

BANNED USER: ban evasion, trolling, general jerkassitude



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2025 January 08 03:26:45 UTC


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User ID: 3469

Banned by: @Amadan

You're a real sweetheart, you know that?

  • -18

It should be permissible to use it to say "this movement will lead to a totalitarian state being imposed in which minorities are exterminated in camps."

Here's a discussion question for you: how is it that the people here were so resistant to the idea that Trumpism was fascist?

  • -14

Alternatively, a simpler explanation is that Trump/MAGA doesn't care about the reality of the election and attempted to take power on January 6th anyway.

  • -14

The American right broadly and Trumpists more narrowly are just not very violent at all.


  • -16

Of course he's an ultra-nationalist. Don't be a moron.

Of course he's a 'revolutionary' the whole point is that his supporters want him to rebirth the federal government.

You're a moron and it should be permissible to say so or we're wasting the gift of honest discussion on the Internet under assumed names.

  • -16

This kind of context swapping is done by bad faith people who might actually be fascists.

no I just had another thought obviously

so your correction is that because some leftists were total psychopaths that makes it better that you failed to notice the fascism and were rude to leftists? wow

  • -17

He's already had four years to be in power, and none of the calamities that your crowd promised were on the way ever actually showed up.

this is factually incorrect, but more importantly, it's stupid

But on top of that, if you're actually serious about opposing people using the military to expand their borders and impose second-class citizen status on a bunch of poor people of the wrong ethnicity, why aren't you talking about Israel?

this is obviously a deflection

you're afraid, aren't you? you're afraid that you missed the fascism

  • -31

it will always be surprising to me that the people on the Internet who experienced the New Atheism movement, which is to say, they had firsthand experience with the dangers of authoritarian religion, were so consistently and persistently blind to the fascism.

I think there was something in their genes that made them unable to perceive social cues.

and they distrusted the people who warned of the fascism because those people were rude

and they didn't like hearing the things they said because they were weak

they retreated to holes online where they could ignore the rude people and perform their own rudeness

truly, a tragedy

  • -46

a country with a fundamentalist religious tradition experiences a mass movement around a figure

fear of immigrants and immigration

contempt for journalists and journalism


but when the people said: this is fascism

there were always those who said, no it isn't!

if it were fascism, he would be glorifying war!

he's the anti-war candidate!


he's been elected to deploy the military domestically

and he indicates he will expand the borders using the military

this is fascism

... duh.

  • -75