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User ID: 2910



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User ID: 2910


@The_Nybbler also

Misses the point so hard as to nearly suggest you're doing so on purpose. The assertion is so perfectly subverted from the truth that it's almost enjoyable to encounter such chutzpah.

There was not a single missionary to a single country that brought along thousands of his closest friends and demanded the existing institutions provide for them.

They by and large sailed from shockingly modern countries to people who had fundamentally not changed since the pre-historic era because they were still in it before the arrival of the Europeans!

Christian missionaries have, if anything, a reputation for trying to save souls by otherwise withholding necessary aid to the natives

Funny that some people here claim that being Jewish clearly provides a nepotistic admissions advantage over being gentile white and others claim that Jews are deliberately hiding their identity for admissions.

'Funny that some people claim x while others claim y?'

There must be something about this argument that is highly effective because you see it virtually everywhere

'Funny that some people claim immigrants are stealing jobs while others claim they're getting taxpayer benefits'

Ad nauseum

It's all enough for me to say "voting was very obviously a mistake." Not women voting, not freedmen voting, not unpropertied men voting - the franchise itself was a mistake.

This argument should have been over after the invention of language because it's not even an argument: People can reach similar conclusions for different, even seemingly opposite reasons. And, more than one thing can be true at the same time.

As an aside because your original thing was so absurd, the only Jewish person in public life that didn't gentile-up their name was Neil Diamond - and that's because they'd already changed it in the old country!!

The world is always like this, it isn't worse now or something. The can will be kicked forever

This assertion is a perfect representation of the type of thinking I suggested I found cargo cultish.

The Romans had somewhere in the realm of 1,000,000 men in the field at any given time. Recruiting, training, equipping, paying, housing, feeding, dealing with waste, disciplining, etc. From Scotland to Syria. For centuries.

The next time a European power could field a million men for any amount of time was the French Revolution at the end of the 18th century

The next time the state capacity existed to successfully garrison a million men across the continent for an extended period of time was the American/Soviet involvement in WWII/Cold War in the middle of the 20th century

If it were real I would have heard of it.

Just my unsolicited advice, but 'if it were real I would have heard of it' doesn't seem to me like a sensible way to approach a world where the number of things that might be 'real' are limitless and the number of things you 'have heard' isn't

Gonna gingerly put my hand up and say I think many (most?) people who still choose to contribute to the 'national conversation' these days are in a cargo cult, pretending that because we're still going through the motions it's all business as usual. My explanation for this is because for many (most?) it would be psychologically devastating to acknowledge we might be headed toward a thousand or so years of unthinkable-yet-predictable decline like the Mediterranean civilization of the 3rd century AD.

Can't decide between these two jokes:

That's the reason they call it long covid


I was taught to round up if it's more than 50

Sardonically, I think the Israeli government is answering that question for us right now

You just explained it to yourself my dude, a baseless assertion deserves a baseless response. Mockery is a powerful tool, and sometimes (as in this case) more appropriate than intervention from authority

This is an absurd assertion. There's a notice you're blocking me so I wont go on ad nauseum as you won't see it anyway but for my own sanity I'll say my piece that it's farcical to pretend to forget that the Palestinians living there TODAY are the descendants of people who were living there during the TIME OF CHRIST and that hundreds of thousands of Jews invaded their country AT GUNPOINT in the 1930's and 40's

As someone who plays paradox games the map gore of the modern eastern Mediterranean has always bothered me - thanks I guess, monkey's paw

But what about β€˜white dudes for trump’

Leaps and bounds my man

Ah yeah - glad I asked since that's what I thought you meant (the awkward kiss on the cheek)

In my experience when a woman gives you that particular juke it's because she doesn't want you to mess up her make up. I'd imagine that applies 100x if you're a literal super model and 1000x if you're in front of the entire country

Thanks man, appreciate it

( @NewCharlesInCharge I shared some dem fundraising messages and attempted to tag you in the post to which @ToaKraka is replying)


I haven't been a democrat for a decade but was in deep enough in back in the day I cannot 'unsubscribe' from everything, ever. Here are a few of the ones from the last few days:

Kamala Harris just SOUNDED THE ALARM: "We need to fight." 700% MATCH your Dem donation to flip the House:

PLEASE! Kamala Harris CAN defeat Trump. Top Dems are so confident they've unlocked a 700% MATCH!

URGENT: Will you sign our card THANKING President Biden for his incredible career of public service?

I have never signed up for GOP stuff (because I don't want the same thing happening lol) but first thought is that this seems much better? More for 'normal people,' at the very least

Those are for our older relatives who love getting emails because they're retired and might say 'well shit, I guess I can send another 20 bucks"

Most of the time you hear politicians touting how their average contribution is 20 bucks, that's from the same handful of people donating over and over again. There's something quite tragic about it all

What was it about their body language that gave you that impression

The more outrageous a lie you can get your followers to believe, the deeper you buy them into your team

France could have been the masters of the universe if they hadn't gone into a frenzy and changed the week to 10 days, etc and killed the king. Don't kill the king - bad move - you have no authority with which to replace him.

Leading to people begging Napoleon toward the authority to restore order who then inadvertently established modern Germany by destroying the HRE. Leading to a century long conflict for continental dominance that Germany certainly lost (twice), but France certainly didn't win.

They were the Lingua Franca masters of the earth right up until they weren't. Jesus Himself must've wept

(All just my opinion - blowing smoke)

Someone smarter than me pointed out on twitter that it's heads they win, tails we lose

If we tune in to satanic mass, we're participating in and tacitly accepting their blasphemy (or just incredibly bad coverage, if you prefer)

If we tune out, we're taking the wind out of the sails of an ancient western tradition celebrating achievements of excellence. Which is about the most 'trad' or 'based' or whatever the kids are saying these days thing you can do

Did anyone make much of it when 'white girls for Kamala' showed up on the scene a few days ago? I certainly didn't.

And I certainly didn't see the logical next step: 'white dudes for Kamala'


This is the first time in my lifetime (not that old, but...) that any group of white guys publicly organized themselves politically around their shared identity.

Could be nothing - could be a watershed moment. I have been wrong about many things but was at least right about the bud light thing.

Anyway, more interested in hearing your thoughts

boring, incompetent, commodified art.

To me these three things signal something like 'a water color landscape on a European streetcorner'

Not men with beards in sequin dresses dancing provocatively or the-inversion-of the last supper

We are basically different species at this point.

If you're already familiar with this quote and find it overused - please try not to hold it against me for sharing -

β€œIt is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

-Teddy Roosevelt-

No thanks, the cure for assertions without evidence is to point out they're baseless, not for teacher to scold.

Kind of, yes? Unlike in Europe, UK, or ANZAC nothing in America is stopping any of us from incorporating "Party with Exactly my Views" except for the fact we're 99.9% sure it'd go exactly nowhere against the brick wall of Duverger's Law