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joined 2022 September 04 21:42:16 UTC


User ID: 174


Does not have a yacht

9 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 21:42:16 UTC


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User ID: 174

I'm pretty sure they use a Makarov, not a Trojka.

Then they're extending credit. Which they certainly do not want to do.

Can the President annul a previously-issued pardon?

No. Not a prior President's nor even his own.

Insufficient; clever prosecutors would get them for conspiracy, committed on the date they decided to go to DC.

It's a tad hard for me to believe that Hunter will just go completely straight after this.

He'll still be into hookers and blow, but he won't be making any corrupt deals, because he no longer has the quo that others would provide the quid for.

It's not even going to become an issue unless Hunter committed a crime in the interim and is charged with it, which seems unlikely. SCOTUS isn't going to entertain the theory that the pardon is wholly invalid because it included a period for which a pardon was not effective.

"Accuse your enemy of what you are doing" apparently equates, in the Biden administration, to "do what you plan to later accuse your enemy of doing."

Trump isn't the enemy to Joe Biden, not any more. Trump is fargroup; the part of the Democratic party that ousted him is outgroup and his enemy. Not that this pardon is about them, it's about protecting Hunter, and I join the multitudes who say "well, of course".

Same place; the system is a farce.

The Waltons (of course)

Mama's Family (very dysfunctional, but happy families make bad sitcoms)

You've denied the perp the right to a lawyer, instead turning his case over to someone who gets his paychecks from the same place the prosecutor (and the judge and the jailers) get them.

It's "well known", certainly, but is it true?

The US, circa 1900.

and a lot of cops get into law enforcement because they get to exercise power over others.

I'd argue this is 100% culture war. Has there been any study that replicates that can point to a major motivating factor of police recruits being authoritarian impulses?

What difference would it make? If there were, you would (quite possibly rightly) accuse the researchers of bias. But have you ever met any cops? Did you know people in school who grew up to become cops?

Suffice it to say; the Culture War isn't great for cops. So, if one of the best solutions to crime is to have lots more cops, and we assume some sort of political minor miracle wherein we all agree on this and fund it, I worry about our ability to fill the ranks

It isn't just the Culture War; the left isn't 100% wrong. We actually don't have angels in the form of police officers, and a lot of cops get into law enforcement because they get to exercise power over others. We also have a lot of laws which would allow them to do so legitimately. Greatly increase the number of cops, and even if you avoid the anarcho-tyranny trap and do reduce crime, you also make the place more of a stifling police state for people you wouldn't normally consider 'criminals'.

Uh, it pays off not in some long-term, ineffable, spiritual joy but in a baby.

It's mostly incentives. Nobody cares what happens to prisoners, especially at the hand of other prisoners, so if there are benefits to allowing it, it won't be stopped. And there are major benefits to the government for allowing it in general, in addition to all the specific benefits to parts of the system. The prospect of prison rape keeps quite a few Joe Schmos on the straight and narrow.

One reason we get unchecked crime is the excuse that criminals don't have agency when committing crimes, but must be treated as if they have agency otherwise. As long as that and similar thought patterns are ascendant, any attempt to fix the problem systemically will fail

This is a point which our dear departed permabanned follower of Hobbes liked to make: The government is not there to protect the honest people from the criminals. It is there to protect the criminals from the honest people.

Sorry, Gen X said the same thing about English majors.

Same thing adults have been telling boys for millennia: "Insufficient".

This isn't really well-roundedness, then, it's humanities-supremacy.

This but unironically. When STEM students take humanities distribution classes, they take the same lower-level classes students of the humanities take themselves. When humanities students take distribution classes, they take dumbed-down "math for English majors" classes which the STEM majors can't take for degree progression. We should eliminate that and until it's eliminated, ignore all calls for well-roundedness of STEM majors.

He didn't escape impeachment, he was impeached twice.

Proposal: Had Brandon Eich been CTO, CFO, EIEIO, etc when he got the boot, and been just as famous, the content of your comment above would be basically identical except the substitution of his counterfactural position for "CEO" and some slightly different rationalization in item 2.

Why? There are no loud, visible anti-wokes?

They tend to be fired if they don't shut up. If they get into a dispute with the visible minorities, management can't fire the visible minorities so they fire the anti-wokes who rile them up.