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joined 2024 November 27 13:48:13 UTC


User ID: 3357



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User ID: 3357

From all the discussion going around there were a lot of bad things in that first bill that aren't in the second one. Elon Musk is happier, Vivek Ramaswamy is happier, that must count for something?

Does it though? If they were unhappy but knew that they couldn't win, isn't their obvious play to claim victory?

Are you maybe thinking state government? The feds don't have any holidays Dec 26 - Dec 32st.

It's a violation of the anti deficiency act to work while forloughed. You risk being fired when everyone else comes back, for violating a very clear red line.

I don't get the sense that, as someone thoroughly impressed by a change in page count, you'll care, but in the interest of facts...

still continue the all-important business of ... paying bureaucrats

Most bureaucrats do not get paid during shutdowns.

Not that you should shed a tear for then; current law requires that they receive backpay for the shutdown.

So with that correction, please feel free to continue cheering for giving delayed-pay vacations to the bureaucrats.

Anyway as I was browsing I decided to look (and this is on my TV app) at the various genres thinking maybe there would be one called holiday. There wasn't. What there was, well. That's why I decided to post this.

There is. It's called "Happy Holidays". It's immediately after GLOW, so I 'm surprised you missed it.