Futabu's Futarchy
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User ID: 822
We've run this experiment and it didn't work.
Flophouses were common in the early 20th century and before.
Living conditions were poor, but they worked just fine.
portrayals of gay characters in other media
The average middle-schooler is aware of media portrayals of lesbianism. Actually, the upper half of elementary too provided they have an older male sibling. They won't admit it to you, of course, but they do know.
how they live virtuously despite adversity
The actual issue isn't "muh gayness".
Actually, it isn't even the naked people[1].
It's the fact that, more than anything else, it's oppression pornography. It hopes to show oppression, either real or imagined, as the only virtue you need. Hence, if you can find some oppression (the demand vastly exceeds supply in modern societies), or identify with some oppression, then you have the cheat code to life.
That is the harmful message, why people whose political identity is wrapped up in being as much of a victim as possible love reading and writing these books, and they should be removed because books that are written like this are inherently garbage.
[1] Adult traditionalist men usually call this "pornography", but that refers to media that's supposed to be sexually stimulating, and these books are very far from that. Everyone but them understands this instinctively, though, so that complaint falls on deaf ears.
9: This is rule by dickgirl the "put your money where your mouth is" voting scheme. You buy votes based on what you think will make the polity better, and if it does (by some metric or aggregation of metrics), you get richer. Keep guessing wrong, and you get poorer.
The problems with that are obvious when you think about it for 5 seconds (being that you can just abuse the definition of those metrics and that you can just outright buy laws if you have the cash to do it), but it's an idea.
For your statistics, I...
- Understand: 1, 5, 7, 9, 11, 14, 15, 16, 19.
- Certain I've encountered, but I'd have to look up to be sure: 4, 17
I'd guess you're thinking of Genesis 2:20, and the idea of the woman as a 'helper' or 'support' for the man?
This is still suggesting inferiority on plain reading. It doesn't have to be, of course... but then we read a little further and we see "your desire shall be for your husband, and he will rule over you". Sure, the context is describing a curse, but that doesn't make it any less pre-ordained to occur.
So this is a real viewpoint, it's backed up relatively well by the text (both testaments), and even Jesus himself backs it up (by the way he addresses the woman at the fountain). Which means that the wicked, and wicked men in particular, will latch onto it and abuse it even in societal conditions that don't obey that fundamental curse as strictly as they once did.
The Church has to find a way to deal with those wicked men in a way that won't drive off the wise or damage the life script for the simple (they're running closer to biology, and traditionalist ways are objectively best for those people). Their success is mixed.
but then whither Canadian identity?
What Canadian identity? This is a post-national country.
full social conservatism and progressive economic policy
Of course they wouldn't pivot to this: modern "social conservatism" is progressivism, and the Blue party is their political arm. One only need look at what progressive economic policy is- that being "never develop anything, ever"- to see that.
“Make the rich pay” always comes back into style when the going gets tough
Hence why the Blue party was elected in 2020. Progressivism defines {man, white, straight} as "the rich", and their literal mission statement(s) are about making them pay.
The parent's less likely to notice the one gay book in the normal stack, and even if the parent does notice, it's likelier to be dismissed as a harmless aberration.
They're also more likely to be actually a decent book (since they had to at least try and be convincing). Now, it's just taken for granted that the gayness makes the book good (since the group progressives form their identity around hating takes for granted that the gayness makes the book bad, and they think that reversed stupidity is intelligence), so you just get a bunch of Chick tracts.
What do you think makes this predictable though?
Honestly, maybe I'm reaching a bit outside of the standard reactionary "fuck you men, reeee" (though I definitely think this is a major part of it, and understandably so), since that's the only mechanism of action I can come up with.
There was definitely a problem with sexism towards women, something that Christ explicitly warned against.
The problem with sexism in the Church is that on plain reading the Bible outright justifies it. So, the wicked can point to any number of verses that says "women exist for the benefit of men"- like, say, Genesis 1- and have a solid argument that takes words words words to defeat. "Lean not on your own understanding" is fucking catnip to a traditionalist because it means you can do nothing and call it devotion (which the progressives have their own carbon copies of re: "alternate ways of knowing").
It's like the whole point is to grow together, where the interests of one converge into the interests of the other like some sort of... marriage or something. Not sure why the Church would know anything about that, though.
Yes, yes, and yes. Though I hesitate to call them "the new right" because they don't have anything to conserve yet, no entrenched interests to inflate; they're still on the upswing so that hasn't come out yet.
Traditional conservatives have a problem where 2000+ years of sociobiological truth was upended basically overnight 100 years ago- that men and women are a lot closer in socioeconomic standing than the Bible had anything to say about. So you have a pivot away from a civil religion that had no answer for that to one that could- and predictably, the one that won out almost immediately was "women good man bad".
Christianity has had no productive answer to that ever since. It's not something they're equipped to handle proceeding forward as they have been, and since these are traditionalists we're talking about they're going to be even slower on the uptake.
and will collapse back into progressivism
The liberal position is fundamentally unstable because the type of people it privileges cannot be entrenched in the same way a religious or identarian movement can. "Correct" is not an identity, though genetics have a non-trivial role to play in who is more often to be correct, and who is less- hence the movement's emphasis on making sure people who have genes that predict correctness are pushed so that they are correct more often and more productively.
And yes, this means that if there are differences here between subpopulations, they're going to get magnified. This will offend progressives, who are statistically more likely to be on the losing end of this (as part of why they're progressives). But if you can at least create and keep that cultural standard you'll at least be back at the point where you have enough seed corn that eating it becomes a possibility again.
Ah, so that's why they call government agents G-Men!
you err in assuming that a propensity for child abuse is primarily an aberrant genetic mutation that affects desire, as opposed to a willful choice to perform a transgressive evil for the sake of it.
I don't actually think [the former], and as such should have chosen my words more carefully; this is all molestation, not pedophilia, since the details are (as you mentioned) completely incidental and [from the supplemental videos linked in other comments] it's all about who presents the easiest target of opportunity. Though, I will point out that of all the things you could get up to, "fucking a willing 16 year old of the opposite sex" is probably the least actually destructive one (and the stupidest "transgression", since the social opprobrium over it is fake and gay anyway) you could ask for in a shadowy elite.
You have to be on the record participating in the sadistic torture and execution of a few innocent people before they let you into the big leagues, and you need to seem to enjoy it, too.
They generally have established patterns of that behavior beforehand so I'm not sure "being willing to do that, except with a slightly cuter human being" is really helping them. It wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility, but these are already bad dudes.
much as with homosexuality
Is there a transformation going on in the right?
Yes- the people who drove "the right" are being transformed into corpses daily at a rate far in excess of people converting to progressivism. If their subsociety's memes are going to be allowed to survive (because the progressives will stamp them out given the opportunity, and to a large degree already have), they would be wise to throw their support behind the people who are going to treat them as a relatively benign curiosity rather than an existential threat.
Naturally he wants a reassertion of the traditional worldview.
Yes, but the problem is that there's only room for one traditional-type worldview, and the one that now fills that niche is dead-set on the destruction of the traditionalist worldview. Narcissism of small differences, and all that.
So now his side's only hope are the liberals. Because while the liberals of old did contribute to the rise of progressivism (in the sense that liberal mockery weakened traditionalism- which is why religious countries have anti-blasphemy laws), they're also by definition more likely to tolerate/get along with/not try to actively destroy less-orthodox family configurations, of which traditionalism now finds itself.
and a newer set, which regards parental behaviour as largely unimportant, and instead prioritises genetic predisposition.
Yes, this has been a traditionalist/progressive vs. liberals tension for a long, long time. Traditionalists argue that good behavior and virtue (i.e. cultural aesthetics) are terminal values, liberals argue the only terminal value are results, and the world turns.
But why does man-made beauty need to be something normies hate?
Well, there was that one study where architects actually are psychologically incapable of seeing beauty like a normal person. (I know it was linked on here, but I can't find it).
But really, it's all about how the general public perceives the designer's intentions. Dropping an intentionally-ugly structure in the middle of the city is basically a giant fuck you to its residents, whether the designers meant it that way or not (and given the demeanor and... political persuasion of the average artist, I think this happens more than anyone wants to admit).
We already know government buildings are designed with brutalist architecture in mind simply to make them seem more imposing, powerful, and official, so it's not exactly far-fetched that rich patrons (or groups of patrons) commission [modern] art for that purpose as well.
if the intelligence agencies are covering up for huge pedophilia rings
I mean, they generally don't have to; they had a few running in Afghanistan and that was relatively public knowledge at the time.
Of course, because in that case they were foreign brown boys, and in this case they're domestic white women at peak female insecurity age, so the difference in the public's level of care is trivially predictable- one is routine/character-building, the other is a sacrilege/high blasphemy.
My null hypothesis is that the intelligence agencies aren't covering for huge pedophilia rings (and by that I mean "actual little kids", not physically mature teenagers) because there aren't enough sufficiently powerful [male] pedophiles for them to be viable in the first place. The traits that predict 'obligate' pedophilia are likely statistically underrepresented in that group anyway given the most prominent examples are researchers and other academic-types.
The 50s began on August 15, 1945, and ended on October 6, 1973. They got an extra 20 years out of that especially good period, and it was not merely "especially good" but exceptional, because the Americans were the only real winner in a major global-but-off-continent conflict (the Second European Civil War).
this was upended and for the first time conservatives were in the uncomfortable and bewildering position of being censured for failing to adhere to liberal values rather than vice versa
Or rather, what "conservatism" was started to cut over at that time. This is a consequence of the Boomers taking over as the primary political power bloc in the US from the generations before them (enough of them had died off at that time to make this possible).
Progressives (which you both do and don't call liberals, and hints at part of the problem for the real liberals and one they've been grappling with for some time) are conservatives, because they act like everything they complain about conservatives for doing. They attempt to enshrine a self-enriching lie that makes them feel better. There is no difference between a Moral Majoritarian of the 1980s and a Moral Majoritarian of the 2020s outside of the fact that the 2020s one no longer feels the need to pretend to be Christian (the '80s Moral Majority wasn't either, of course)- they're both majority-female-led movements, too.
the latter were already acculturated to a certain amount of social opprobrium and often took pride in it.
This is what the modern liberal movement, typified by Musk/Trump and those who voted for them, is starting to rediscover. It's going to be really destructive for a while because the only lever any liberal-minded individual knows how to pull is the one that flushes conservatives (and any good they did) right down the toilet, and so you're going to get people who are more hardened than usual against conservative caterwauling to the point they enjoy it, at the expense of more stable reforms.
there's the issue of malicious ambiguity and suggestion.
I believe the Roman word for this behavior was 'insidias'. Female-type anti-social behavior is generally difficult to punish on an individual level; that's why the average human society seeks to punish it pre-emptively.
Suggestion isn't coercion. It's not like these people are forcing you to commit sexual acts of any orientation
Yeah, that's what the priests, teachers, and scoutmasters of years gone by said too, arguably even accurately. How'd that work out for them?
as it mostly occurs in adult groups, for one
It's all over the schools. The "conservatives" have the right of it- it is a destructive thing- they just don't have the tools to describe it properly (which is why the tendency of its proponents to intentionally play stupid evolved in the first place).
Perhaps it's just a "personal expression" thread pulled too far. Maybe light-grade fetishism? Sexualize virtue signaling on the part of practitioners?
It's just the distaff counterpart to that ass-slapping and casual harassment the '70s (and before) were famous for [which is what your counterexamples pattern match to]. Either both of them are OK, or neither are.
In many cities it is as fast if not faster.
Not in any Canadian city, unless you happen to live right next to the trunk. A commute that would take 15 minutes by car ultimately ballooned to an hour by a combination of bus, train, and being on foot.
I would rather commute an hour by car. I can buy a car that is nice (I could even get one where the roof comes off), I don't have to worry about belligerent drunk people, schedules being offset so that the bus departs right before the train arrives for whatever reason, or worry about being stuck out late once the transit system has shut down for the night.
I can see that people rich enough to be allowed to own planes certainly prefer them to airlines.
If I could buy and maintain an obsolete MiG for a few thousand rather than a few million I'd consider living out in the middle of nowhere just to justify it. Jets are beautiful machines even though for whatever reason people prefer ugly prop planes and radial engines and I've yet to figure out why- maybe they all look the same?
young men that look a bit gay have not been smothered by concern trolls who insinuate they're actually gay and do it so cleverly that they can't be rebuked
This is generally how ex-women are created (tomboy erasure). Some ex-men are created this way as well (there's a reason guys with long hair tend to be either effeminate or real tough with little in between)- the symptoms can take a while to show up, but they eventually do.
Those are the benefits of a culture that promotes accepting people as who they say they are.
What do you think this is, the '70s? And that was only because the culture had no choice.
the motivation for a lot of retro-homo-spotters is more often a fervent desire to see men kiss
These are generally all women. Men are attractive to the average woman, so 2 of them kissing is even more attractive.
than homophobic revulsion at same
These are generally all men. Men are not attractive to the average man, so 2 of them kissing is even less attractive.
Compare/contrast the generally-positive male reaction to lesbianism, though it's overall tilted a bit towards positive on lesbianism and negative on gayness because women are (correctly) perceived by both genders to be, on average, more aesthetically pleasing than men.
This is, I believe, a part of why races of people that are less sexually dimorphic than the average have a better cultural relationship with gayness.
due to the repressive society in which they resided.
Women love to claim this because reasons, but we know from the pornography available and popular at that time that this is... uh, not exactly true.
that particular actress are... kind of ugly
Everyone in that movie was ugly. Ramona, in particular, looks like a man (and even looking at her actress after the fact gives me that impression- it's not just for the movie).
Seafood pasta dishes are actually more traditional.
To be fair, that's also true in Japan- instant noodles (just add water and boil for a while) are convergent evolution.
I’m guessing when the Boomers hit Social Security full-tilt while their kids and grandkids don’t have replacement payees.
Who else did you think that mass of immigration was supposed to prop up?
So like 95% of Canada by land mass is already, then. Nothing would change for most of the country if this occurred.
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