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User ID: 3097



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User ID: 3097

Have western elites ever been able to formulate a war plan?

I think Dwight D Eisenhower and Golda Myer would both like a word.

Thats kind of the point though isnt it? It doesnt mater how manny talks the US brokers if niether HAMAS nor the IDF are going to take them seriously.

Its not about whether the "the west" will accept it its about whether Ukraine will accept it.

Indeed. The slope was always slippery.

"Less effective" at what? would seem to be the key question here.

Who is this person to you that you not only care enough to hate them, but care enough about what they think of you that you need them them to know that you hate them?

If @netstack's advice to "love thy nieghbor" curdles in your throat, instead ask yourself what would Don Draper say?

I wonder if we aren't observing some sort of split between students, hobbiests, web-devs and the like, and applications requiring genuine rigor. My own experience with AI generated code is largely summed up in this short here.

Recently started the open society and its enemies by Karl Popper

Jeffery Epstien might disagree were he around to do so.

I don't think its "over" so much as the hype has run it's course leaving only sober analysis in it's wake.

There are definite use cases for LLMs and Star Trek-style universal translators are a genuinely revolutionary "killer app" but LLMs are not "reasoning engines" nor were they ever a likely path to true AGI, and this was fairly clear early on to those in the know, but sober analysis along the lines of "this is signifigant but now where near the major breakthrough it has been portrayed as" doesn't drive social media engagement and attract VC dollars the way "I Created an AI Scientist" does, so naturally its the latter that got signal boosted.

I feel like this is one of those things that will vary a great deal by position and industry. My impression is that in industries with hard outputs the importance of degrees has declined precipitously in the last decade or so.

Anecdotally, it's pretty accurate, but this probably varries by industry. I work for a big name engineering firm and outside of very specific schools and programs nobody gives a shit. In fact there is an ongoing discussion about waiving the degree requirement for entry-level technical positions entirely.

The argument being why pay college graduate wages to somone whos probably picked up a lot of bad habits when you can use internship opportunities with local high-schools and community colleges as "free" labor + attitude and aptitude screening and then train-up the ones you want to keep.

Right wing militias as popularly conceived/portrayed in the media are mostly fictition.

This does not mean that there are no "right wing militias".

Indeed it is.

...and that is why it's always the democrats who are pushing to disarm the populace.

No there is not because "crime" is a purely social construct.

The NSDAP were a socialist revolutionary vanguard party. To the degree that there is no "coherent way to pass the Nazis off as left-wing" it is even less coherent to pass them of as "right wing". Sure they were vaguely center-right with in the specific context of the Wiemar Rebulic but that's more an indication of how much of a basket-case German interwar period politics were rather than a commentary on the Nazis themselves.

Outside of the Wiemar Republic the various NSDAP-aligned bund groups tended to code as far left and would often caucus with and recruit from thier more explicity socialist/marx-inspired brethren.

That scans.

Well put.

Out of curiosity are you familiar with the villian known as Lorem Epsom

Debatable, Abott is arguably the GOPs best canditate but part of what makes him the best candidate is being smart enough to keep his head down and keep building up connections and parallel institutions.

Por que no los dos?

Indeed, and as I've touched upon in previous posts, there is a degree to which I actually trust the military, political and economic interests more than I trust MIRI and the rest of the folks who just want to "publish exciting science" because at least they have specific win conditions in mind.

First you'd have to define the difference between "orthodox" and "ultra-orthodox" and which denominations count as which.

Rubin drops the classic 'Nazis were actually from the left because socialist' argument, too

Is he necessarily wrong?

Zvi is very Jewish;

Being a Jew is not an excuse to ignore the required reading, if anything it's the opposite.

Zvi has used essentially every frontier AI system and uses many of them on a daily basis.

Using is not the same as understanding. There is no number of hours spent flying hither and thither in business class that is going to qualify someone to pilot or maintain an A320.

To more directly respond to this sentence: almost everyone will give LLMs goals, via RLHF or RLAIF or whatever, because that makes them useful - that's why this team gave their LLM a goal.

Yes, absolutely correct.

Those goals are then almost invariably, with sufficient intelligence, subject to instrumental convergence.

...and this is this is where everything starts to go off the rails.

I find it telling that the people most taken with the "Yuddist" view always seem to have backgrounds in medicine or philosophy rather than engineering or computer science as one of the more prominent failure modes of that view is projecting psychology into places where it really doesn't belong. "Play" in the algorithmic sense that people are talking about when they describe itterative training is not equatable with "play" in the sense that humans and lesser animals (cats, dogs, dolphins, et al) are typically decribed as playing.

Even setting that aside it's seems reasonably clear upon further reading that the process being described is not "convergence" as much as it is a combination of recursion and regression to the mean/contents of the training corpus.

One of the big giveaways being this bit here...

To evaluate the generated papers, we design and validate an automated reviewer, which we show achieves near-human performance in evaluating paper scores. The AI Scientist can produce papers that exceed the acceptance threshold at a top machine learning conference as judged by our automated reviewer.

...surely you can see the problem here. Specially that this is not a true independent test. In other words, we investigated ourselves and found ourselves without fault. Which in turn brings us to another common failure mode of the "yuddist" faction which is taking the the statements of people who are very clearly fishing for academic kudos and venture capital dollars at face value rather than reading them with a critical eye.

Yes diffusion models work for text too. The difference between a collated set of pixels (ie an image) and a collated set of letters (ie a word or sentence) is purely conceptual. From an algorithmic perspective it's all just "tokens". However, this overlap in operation doesn't mean that they are not very different beasts under the proverbial hood.

By way of analogy, a conventional piston engine, a turbine engine, and an electric motor attached to a battery may all accomplish the base task of "make the vehicle go" but they have different trade-offs, use cases, and operating principles. Point being that similar output does not equal similar function.

As someone who has actually spent some time "in the trenches" as it were, designing algorithms and writing code to execute them, I am in broad agreement with @Corvos's take. The opening of Mowshowitz's essay comes across as ignorant, lazy, and plainly self-serving and nothing that follows really challenges that first impression of him.

The link from Hinton is better but seems make a lot of similar mistakes. It seems clear to me that both are far more interested in driving engagement through hyperbole than really exploring or helping others understand the underlying questions and theories.

I dont think so, if "wokeness" is anything its an attempt by the marxist vangaurd to adapt thier ideology to a nation with an unusually low background level of class resentment.

The attempts to sow division based on⁸ class failed due to every american imagining himself to be a temporarily embarrassed millionaire and thus they were forced to resort to more primitive "asiatic" rhetoric about blood and soil that Americans weren't already on guard against