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User ID: 3097



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User ID: 3097

Post-hoc rationalizations are just that, post-hoc. It certainly isn’t irrelevant when studying World War II that the holocaust happened, but that isn’t part of the causal chain of events the way many seem to believe.

It been wanting to write something in reply to the world war one discussion down thread but was having difficulty organizing my thoughts.

That said you cant talk about the causal chain of WWII without looking at WWI. From the british perspective WWI starts with the invasion of Belgium. Germany went full "might makes right" and "no laws but man's" and it devastated a generation. Then instead of learning thier lesson the german people doubled down.

The German government made it clear that they would never respect agreements only might, and thus they rendered thier destruction necessary for the survival of the wider west.

If current year wignats had an ounce of intellectual honesty they would recognize that its not the Anglos who were "race traitors" or starting "brother wars" it was the Germans it was always the Germans.

This is the correct answer.

Seem to me that you need to clarify what your requirements are.

So matrix advertises itself as "eventually consistent" but is that an actual design goal or is it just words words words courtesy of some MBA? "Consistant" is a very different requirement from "secure" or "fault tolerant" with very different trade-offs. From your description it sounds like the designers have priorized fault tolerance and portability over other concerns, that doesn't necessarily mean it's "broken".

This has been the exact opposite of my experience, and as @ArjinFerman observes such adjustment can be read as professional weakness in thier position.

the protocol is fundamentally broken.

The only Matrices im familiar with are the mathematical constructs and that Keanu Reeves movie, but i am pretty familiar with communication protocols so i would like to know what you mean by "broken" in this context.

As @Primaprimaprima observed, once they stripped away the bullshit, all that was left was old-fashioned "spirit of '89" style revolutionary leftism. Turns out that the ideas that make Marxism distinct and for lack of a better word "marxist" are all bullshit.

Thinking of it like a Git repo, they returned thier ideological branch to an earlier liberal state by reverting Marx's committs. But the master branch being run by [current year] progressives still includes them.

Because Marxism was always bullshit.

Age will have that effect, dude is 78.

That was half a century ago. We now have Biden, Trump and Kamala.

Who are marxists in all but name.

Even Newsweek has acknowledged that republicans are more attractive

Indeed, even in the US it has been my experience that it's not "the normies" that need convincing.

They got eaten by the actual Marxists.

The best answers are the oldest and simplest.

  • Collective/Social justice by it's nature demands individual injustice.

  • "From each according to thier ability to each according to thier needs" is little more than a thin veneer over robbing Peter to pay Paul.

  • Labor is not meaningful indicator of value. In fact labor can easily destroy/have negative value. See the classic example of the spoiled cake. Or (if you want to get spicey) go the full "Albrecht Macht Frie".

TLDR Marx's core axioms are simply wrong.

What are "the masses" properly understood if not a large collection of individuals?

And yet the masses in aggregate are often smarter than any expert.

You chose the grafitti example not I and HAMAS is not exactly a unbiased source.

without considering if parties other than US citizens are seeing and/or being emboldened by the ambivalence.

I think there a lot of mid-wits in think-tanks who view the US managerial class as the only people in the world capable of exercising agency.

Meanwhile a cynic might suggest that emboldening certain parties is the intent.

To be clear, you are complaining about spitting and anti-Christian graffiti in Isreal while ignoring the priests getting imprisoned in Iran, assasinated in Pakistan, and the lynching of non-muslims in Syria and Lebanon.

The elites are completely bought by Israel and are far more zionist that the populations.

If our elites are bought and paid for by isreal why is the US government spending so much money and materiel to keep HAMAS in the fight, while pleading with the IDF to pull thier punches? Why are the most vocal supporters of HAMAS the staff and student bodies of Yale, Columbia, Et Al?

Israel has driven a large portion of the christians out of the country

I dont think you have any idea what you're talking about. The state of Isreal has been accepting Christian refugees from across the middle east for decades now, that many of these Christians do not stay in Isreal and instead use it as a stepping-off point to Europe and elsewhere is not the same as Christians being "driven out" of Isreal.

Western elites are split/ukraine is complicated but i do think that the Clinton/Kerry/Obama wing of the Democratic party in particular are much much more concerned with keeping both the Ukrainians and the Russians in the game than they are the security of the US.

See the hilarious half measures like arming the Ukes with aircraft and artillary but then prohibiting thier use against russian military targets in russian held territory. Its obvious that our so called elites dont want either side to win. Given that, whats the real objective if not to deplete western stockpiles?

Israel isn't a western ally, it is nothing but a giant burden...

Israel is only "a burden" and "causing headaches" in so far as our current so-called "elites" are more aligned with the interests of Iran and HAMAS than they are those of thier own nations.

Iran is an indoeuropean nation that is stable and exports oil.

There is nothing "European" or "Western" about Iran and "stable" is releative. Thier current tegime relies far more heavily on foreign support to maintain thier grip on power than the current Isreali government does.

What about European women's right not to be raped by the migrants

Our so-called elites argue for "nuance" there to. Hence thier support for anti-western and anti-enlightenment policies like a two-tiered justice system for migrants vs non-migrants under the guise of "decolonization", "social justice", and various other flavors of socialist nonsense.

What about the christians in the middle east that are being destroyed by the hostile nation of Israel?

Christians aren't getting discriminated against or killed by the state of Isreal, they're getting killed by the people the state of Isreal are currently waging a war against.

Frankly I can’t understand why any westerner thinks this is a good deal - unless they don’t actually know the details of the deal and just assume it’s some form of reasonable. The Biden admin is continually proving itself to be a terrible ally, and I just wish we could get off the American tit and make our own ordinance again.

I was reminded of some of the discourse surrounding @BurdensomeCount's post here reading this recent Maureen Dowd peice on Palantir.

Long story short there is a strong class-based bifurcation here where a lot of if not a majority of the West's so called "elite" are like EC in that they deeply resent western values. They want to dissolve the people. They want to see Isreal as a western ally weakened just as they want to see Iran/HAMAS and Russia as western opponents strengthened.

“If you go into any elite circle, pushing back against Russia is obvious, and Israel is complicated. If you go outside elite circles, it’s exactly the opposite.”

...because it really is that simple. Democrats in the US and Labor in the UK are all about a woman's right to choose right until it comes to a Isreali woman's right to choose not to be raped or taken hostage which point we're supposed to pretend that there is some sort of nuanced position to be had. I say "screw that".

And what is the basis of this alleged debt?

It is rarely anything the claimant themselves have done, its all "you owe me because somone who looked vaguely like you wronged someone who looked vaguely like me 100 years ago" or "i deserve to have my choices validated because of [insert group membership here]".

It seems to me that "treat people as individuals rather than members of groups" is the sine qua non of classical liberalism.

Some would argue that it goes even further than that. If anything this is the sine qua non of enlightenment values and post modernism (of which Marxism is a sub school) is by its nature post/anti-enlightenment.

I do think there's something to the argument that Jews are more prone to fall for the more excessive varieties of left-wing bullshit because they're much more culturally predisposed towards notions of collective (familial, racial, class) based consciousness, guilt, virtue, etc. than the wider West.


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